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Bad Dragon

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I've been segregated because of my gender :( · 6:21pm May 7th, 2015

Being born into minority gender was never my choice. But, despite my gender, I’m still a person, just like everyone else is. So, why, I ask you, must I be denied the rights that the majority gender has?

What is this about, you ask? Well, let me explain what happened to me today:

I had a certain biological need and went to the bathroom to take care of it.

The only booth in the bathroom was taken, but it was okay because there was another bathroom just next to this one.

As I was relieving myself,

I heard clopping from the outside. When it got near the lavatory, it stopped. Then the clopping sounds quieted down as the high-heel wearing person gained some distance. It was a foreshadowing for the events that were about to transpire.

I finished up the deed

and departed from the toilet booth.

It was there, just outside the restroom, that I came face to face with the creature. The elderly lady was preying on me.

“You used the ladies' room...” she said with a flat voice.

“The neighboring one was taken,” I explained.

“This is the second time I saw you in here.” Her voice strengthened. “Don’t do this anymore!”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because! There are more restrooms above and below that you can use,” she said.

Her proposed solution was unreasonable, as it involved at least half a minute of commuting to another floor. I concluded that her statement was prompted by female chauvinism.

“Maybe we should also build some extra bathrooms for black people,” I stated a similarly ludicrous proposal to act as a mirror to her hurtful suggestion.

“No, I’m not like that.” She quickly shook her head.

I gave her the look and said, “Aren’t you?”

She gasped, but no words came out of her mouth. She lifted up her palm as if she was putting forth a valid statement. “Don’t you understand?”

No additional information was relayed by her, so there was no reason for a change of my opinion on the matter. She was being unreasonable. “No. I do not understand you,” I told her.

She turned around shaking her head. “Fine then...”

“Fine,” I said in response and departed as well.

Do you think it’s okay to segregate people on the basis of their gender? Let me know in the comments.

This victim is in need of some consolation.

Edit: Related threads:

Comments ( 44 )

Segregation isn't the answer but sadly it is reality. Even if not done by laws, rules or policies we often segregate ourselves into clicks or groups. However, persecution like that would have had me boiling too.

There are a lot of large words I don't understand in this. But I got the gist of it. No, I don't believe you should be segregated for your gender, sex, race, personality, or anything. That will be our downfall...

3052449 3052454 And you know what's sad. There are many countries around the world where minority gender may not use the bathrooms of the majority of the population.

3052458 Indeed and it is saddening to think that these same countries feel the need to resort to killing each other or outsiders who do not conform to their rules.

Happy #5 · May 7th, 2015 · · 2 ·


3052468 What are you confused about? :unsuresweetie:

I do NOT Think that is ok.:twilightangry2::flutterrage:

3052508 What I did or what she did?

3052552 The factor of gender segregation, of course.

All I need to say is that no matter who you are, you should be able to do something everyone else can do.

The reason for male/female bathrooms is so that people don't have sex in public, and so that people don't peep on one another.

At some point in history, this must have been a large enough problem for these laws to be made.

3052892 I doubt that the prospect of public sex was what bothered the lady. She was a tad too old for my tastes.

There are only a few felines on the floor I was in. Maybe she just wanted to have the bathroom mostly to herself and wasn't enthusiastic about sharing it with a minority gender as well.

Just take the 30 seconds and go upstairs/downstairs dude.

I dunno why they bother separating the restrooms, as long as there are private booths for ewryone, it should be fine. Only reason they separate them are creeps masturbating in the cubicle next to you, and stuff. I don't really care, but some people do, and there is a reason for it.


Only reason they separate them are creeps masturbating in the cubicle next to you

Each restroom in the building only has one cubicle, so there wasn't any chance of that.

If there is no reason to do something, then why do it? Why would I waste 30 seconds of my time if there is no reason for it?

I even asked the lady why I shouldn't use the ladies room anymore, and she didn't have an answer for me.

The moment I bend to her will is the moment I start supporting segregation against the minority gender. I become a part of the problem.

I need a solid objective reason to stop, otherwise I'll keep using it.

Well, because we have different anatomies of course. And expected social norms. As well as hygiene reasons. And because knowing the opposite gender can hear you pee is embarrassing. And not to mention the stalkers, creeps, and peeps that would make it uncomfortable.

But I think I do agree that that old lady was being kinda testy.

Anyways, there are always bathrooms for both genders and not too far from each other either, so I think your problem here isn't exactly gender segregation but instead that you were being kinda lazy.


Well, because we have different anatomies of course.

That doesn't bother me. Wherever you can pee, I can pee also.

And expected social norms.

Racism used to be a social norm. I'd like to think that I wouldn't support racism, even if it was a social norm.

As well as hygiene reasons.

I'll have you know that we men do flush the toilet sometimes.

And because knowing the opposite gender can hear you pee is embarrassing.

Why is it okay if a girl to hears you and not if a guy hears you? Either way, it was a one cubicle bathroom, so this was a non issue.

And not to mention the stalkers, creeps, and peeps that would make it uncomfortable.

You can find those among both genders.

But I think I do agree that that old lady was being kinda testy.

If I wasn't a male, she wouldn't have any problem with me at all. Just being male is what ticked her off. She didn't even car if I flushed or not. Just by being male I was the bad one in her eyes. That's sexism! :twilightangry2:

Anyways, there are always bathrooms for both genders and not too far from each other either, so I think your problem here isn't exactly gender segregation but instead that you were being kinda lazy.

Would you mind if we started building bathrooms for black people again? Maybe they could also have their own public transportation? Do you think they would mind? I think they would.

Fair enough justifications. I'm not saying that you're wrong or that I'm right, it's all just opinions in the end.

However, as it stands it is socially accepted in our time that males and females have their own bathrooms. You might just be ahead of the times.

Why is it okay if a girl to hears you and not if a guy hears you?

I dunno, would you be embarrassed if you knew a girl was hearing you peeing?

3068991 Knowing myself, it would probably turn me on.

Is it just me, or does that towel in the second pic looks rather phallic. I just noticed this just now.

Meh most old people are senile. Don't read too much into it.

3919152 You wouldn't scold me if I startled you in the ladies' room, amiright?

3919210 I use the guy's restroom all of the time and I am a girl. So there ya go. :p

One time this old dude called me a slutty bimbo because I have blond hair.

I wouldn't take what old people say very seriously. :/

3919252 We are relatable. :rainbowkiss:

3919258 Yes indeed. XD

It's not REALLY discrimination. Discrimination would be if you were provided bathrooms that were less pristine than gendered bathrooms, or you were provided no bathrooms at all.
Yeah. Sorry. But... Kinda not exactly on your side. :/

5134174 Are you saying that it would be okay to establish separate bathrooms for black people again, as long as they are just as pristine as the ones for the majority population?

Logical fallacy, loaded question.

5134463 It's just a question. Why do you have such a hard time answering it? Is it because you're only sexist but not racist?

Because these two are not the same thing. And honestly, look. I will defend your right to pee, but I will also defend that woman who was uncomfortable.

5134488 I very much doubt that. If I come over to 'your' restroom to pee, you won't defend my right to pee, you'll try to prevent me from peeing, despite it being a public restroom.

Have you ever considered that shooing me away just because you believe I am of the wrong gender might make me feel uncomfortable? You're sacrificing others by trying to get what you want.

Ok but... There were other restrooms available... I don't go in the guys restroom because the girls is all closed up, I either wait, or go to another location. It's a little inconvenience, but it's not the worst.

5134498 I wouldn't mind if you changed your tampon while I'd urinate. If you don't use the other restrooms, it might be a YOU problem again.

Look, we guys really aren't as icky as you make us out to be. The world wouldn't end even if you dropped your sexism. You gain nothing by segregating people based on their gender. Guys are people too, you know?

I'm not saying that I'm sexist against guys. I love guys, I often have a crush on guys. So chill. Bit I respect their modesty and boundaries, I'm expecting them to respect mine.

5134510 Reminds me of:

I'm not racist. My friend is a nigger.

It's not enough to say that you're not sexist. If you want to stop being sexist, you have to stop segregating people based on their gender.

If you can expect your girlfriend to respect your boundaries in the restrooms, why is it so hard to conceive that your boyfriend could respect them just as well or even more so? Or do you believe that all boys are rapists or something of the sort?

Why would you say the N word!?
Also also, it's still not segregation.

5134539 Did you know that the 'N' word (that must not be named...) used to be a completely normal word?

Calling me out on it is like me calling you out for using the word guy. Just because we're a minority gender doesn't mean we aren't people like you! You think that being born into a majority gender gives you the right to segregate against minorities?

And yes, it's segregation by the very definition of the word.

What gender are you, then?

5134546 I'm the minority gender. Male.

i fucking spit my drink man

5698054 Yes, I have this effect on people, but there's a very good explanation for it. You see, I'm the only normal person in the world, everyone else is weird.

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