• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 10th, 2023

Fallen Prime

An enigma as vexing as life itself.

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  • 46 weeks
    Where I'm at now.

    I couldn't tell you why I still have a FIMFiction tab open on my browser, and I can't even tell you the last time I clicked onto it. I think it's realistic that posting this is the last major activity I'll grant the site.

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  • 123 weeks
    Ten years today.

    According to the info blurb beside my name, this is the ten-year anniversary of this account. And to think, this all started with me doing self-insert riffs on bad MLP fiction. And now I've got two finished stories under my belt, a crossover atrophying in a forgotten corner, and two other projects completely pony-unrelated I've finally put some words down for*. And also the last vestiges of my

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  • 128 weeks

    Last month's riff is complete. Enjoy.

    This month, we're finally, finally finishing that riff of a riff we started god knows how long ago. We've spliced in a tiny Christmas story in there too.

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  • 132 weeks
    F/F/R3K19 11/8: Beginning of the end(-ish).

    Last month's romp has been adequately stomped. Enjoy.

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  • 137 weeks
    F/F/T3K19 10/4: When the pasta is creepy.

    Alright, we didn't exactly intend to slow down quite this much quite yet, but that's how we're gonna roll now. Here's last month's riff.

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Attention Whore Season 2: Whore Harder · 4:56pm May 3rd, 2015

It begins.

I literally just put out the recap for this week's episode, but this is probably a bit more significant to the site. I know you guys remember last summer, when, among other sordid events, RealityCheck spiraled into an anti-gay rant right after Pride Day and TgTf Productions got banned for faking his cancer death. It's the season of boredom, where everyone's getting out of school and needs to fill those time gaps somehow. So, naturally, the first step is to fuck with your followers and friends.

As with last year, this'll be a chronicle of events more than any sort of personalized attack; I'll back everything I say with the observations and data that have led me to include a person or incident on this list. Also, no links will be provided, and I'll mandate that the same courtesy is upheld by everyone in the comments, so the whole thing doesn't spiral into harassment. If anyone catches wind of something else I missed, link me through PM and provide screenshots if deletion's started occurring. The list will, just like last year, expand greatly as more summer faggotry occurs, because it's going to happen and don't even pretend it's not.

- Our inaugural event comes to us much sooner than last year's. The saga of SmileHDFan started around the ass-end of May, if my recollection of the time stamps is right, and I didn't make the blog until June. But this time, with a user named Victoria, we're coming fresh off the release of the first summer blockbusters. (By the way, AGE OF ULTRON. GO. NOW.) Her last few blogs and last several comments on her user page alternate between the "banned forever" and "suicide watch" criteria at an alarmingly, inconsistently rapid rate. The event that put this on my radar was an incredibly retarded argument on the blog of one SweetyBelleluvsu, in which she threatened to hang herself over a Frozen quote. Her most recent blog, from several hours before (her presence on the blog after thus contradicting both her "one hour each day" and "so many cuts, I'll be gone soon" statements), is a scream for the mods to ban her. Because that's how that works. Also, she'd made REPEATED claims that she's used attempted lethal force on others, including stabbing a guy in the kidneys after missing his balls. Those are from a week ago (as of May 3), so she started early.
EDIT: Every blog from about the last month has been deleted, replaced with one intending to "clear the air" and tell how much of her story is actually true. Included is the assertion that she was wrong about killing eleven people. Just two. I still buy none of it. It sounds like the worst edgetastic OC to ever walk the earth. Her attitude towards properly earning attention, though, has improved, so that counts for something.

- I guess that means I'm allowed to dig back a little earlier too. I caught this one user when I noticed a banned name in Victoria's follower list trying to find SweetyBelleluvsu again. It's not as monumental in terms of overall behavior, but it's a more serious offense as far as the site is concerned. A user named Reformed H Emoticia (oh, by the way, I guarantee we'll be seeing good ol' Eris up here at some point) was banned in the last week for plagiarism, word of mod saying the prologue matched almost word-for-word with an official, published Daring Do novel. I see comments on her page saying that she was getting the story through for a friend and that she was suicidal over the ban, which I don't entirely buy, but the sentence is halfway served and she may have her own comments on the matter later. I'll keep some loose tabs on this one.

- HOLY SHIT I FORGOT THE BIG ONE. I actually participated in one of these. Sir Hat's meltdown and ragequit. I got to witness on- AND offsite drama unfold as the parasprite tried to get Hatty to seek phychiatric help for his mental issues, but Hat was too devoted to trying to get para to publicly post an apology from five months ago to do anything that would ACTUALLY benefit him. I have para herself to thank for reminding me of that incident, and I'll add one final PLEASE GET HELP in case Hatty finds this.

- For an overdue update, it gives me some cathartic amount of pleasure to finally induct kudzuhaiku among these ranks. Kudzu's had a nasty history of being a little shit to his critics, which led to a huge fight with the people down at Rage Reviews and the subsequent ban of any new reviews of his work there, barring the continuation of existing ones. The revival of said existing review, of the absolute behemoth known as "The Chase," somehow caught his attention in an instant (it seems to be by someone who USED TO BE an admin of the group before leaving entirely), and he stormed into the thread with feigned hellos and passive-aggressive jabs at "attackers." Because, you know, he wasn't starting jack shit. And he CERTAINLY wasn't told by site moderation to fuck completely off and stop obsessing over a group of fic reviewers that, shock of shocks, don't have it in for him.

- Also in the realm of bigger names, we have the infamous Eris H Discordia, who I KNOW changed his name and abandoned his persona, but this is about discussion of drama, and he caused some. It's a story we hear too many times on this site: a user with a pretty decent standing gets slapped with a temporary ban (sometimes perma for egregious cases) for using alternate accounts to downvote other stories en masse and artificially boost their own. With a user like Eris, though, it falls to the drooling fans to cause the uproar. While there wasn't much of a way to refute the Islamophobic rant that earned him a ban mere weeks before, people got up in arms over the idea that Eris would DARE to use alts like this. In discussion with site moderation, it was revealed that Eris was not only male, in contrast with the female persona, but also using his GIRLFRIEND'S account for these same purposes, as well as uploading stories to it that she didn't recognize or approve of. With the looming threat of a permaban if he ever crossed the line again and the extremes reached by the vocal Discordian cult, Eris decided he'd had enough and is flying under a mostly new name, putting the trend (hopefully) to rest.

- In the "fake your death" camp, we have Babe. Allegedly, the original owner of the account, a sweet young girl by the name of Lucy, was killed tragically in a car accident. This was made known by... a blog and a series of comments from that account, allegedly from her brother. Her brother who had never used that account before and yet somehow had all of Babe's account info to log on after her death. Unless she actively tried to get herself killed in that accident, it doesn't make sense that she'd give this info to a family member just as an accidental death was approaching. The "brother" can't really defend their position anymore, though, since site protocol calls for the banning of accounts from deceased users. Meaning that, even if Babe were faking it, she can't do much about it now without making things look worse.

- I honestly think this mentality is the only reason people still know who Destroyershy96 is. There were some pretty nasty incidents a few months ago regarding stalking, attack threats, alt abuse, and lying constantly about all of the above, which culminated in a pair of bans for this user. Now, that ought to have been the end of it, as he claims to want, but the issue is with his continued need to draw attention to these past events that he supposedly wants to let go and these people who are supposedly "attacking" and "trolling" him for "no reason." The incident that really put him up here, though, was a scuffle between him and a pair of other users (I was one) on a blog he wrote up on basically this exact subject, where he stopped being able to defend his past and present actions and called in a middle-man to stop the fight, which had included him being reported for threatening to send his followers my way to pester me into thinking he was a nice guy. For the record, I wasn't the one who actually SENT that report. Obselescence was the one who answered the call and discovered that, in a staggering display of having learned nothing from past mistakes, the "middle man" was another alternate account. The blog went down not five minutes later because of DS's compulsive need to delete evidence. I really wish I screencapped Obs's comment...

- Most recently (as of June 8), there is the sordid tale of Dream Land, who chose to go the way of TgTfProductions. Coming off a period of lacking activity that included a claim that she was committing suicide to join a brother that was dead of leukemia (which someone so open and talkative about their life probably would have actually chronicled the treatment of), this user decided to kick it up a notch and claim that SHE had cancer. Then, six days later, she posted a blog saying she only had a night left to live, and IMMEDIATELY AFTER, a blog demanding that people still give her those cheap pity comments. Naturally, there were skeptics, and her shit was caught quickly enough that Foal Free Press has already written up an article on it. Hell, they even linked this blog to highlight that this phenomenon is startlingly regular. Like Babe before her, the account was banned, and if she wants to appeal to get unbanned, it'll just prove she lied.
EDIT: No, it looks like she's opting for an alt by the name of Rainbow Nerd. There are a hefty number of coincidences and similarities, from the bios and avatars to the follower roster, that point to this being the same person, in which case there may be a ban evasion case to be made.

- Anyone who's in The Writer's Group or Anti-Depression Ponies will probably recognize the name LightningSword. I can't claim to know what's going on in this guy's life or with his experience on the site, but the way he's handling it makes him a clear contender for this compilation. For the last day or so (probably longer, but now he's doing it in bulk), he's cluttered these groups, as well as the Struggling Authors Group, with NUMEROUS threads that serve no purpose other than to deprecate himself, thinly blame others for everything that's wrong with his experience and even his conduct, and just try to fish for some sort of pity or validation from groups that he's already failed to fish from. Every single post, he comes back to the point of "I'm a fuckup, I keep bringing this on myself," seemingly with no intent to learn from the backlash and stop bringing it on himself. Every attempt to actually cheer him up has elicited a "yeah, but" response that tries to justify his continued wallowing and whoring, and as of midnight on June 20, it's gotten him in trouble with TWG administration. Good work, bucko.
EDIT: He got into a scuffle with Rage Reviews over a blunt and harsh critique of his work, getting extremely defensive and acting like he was being attacked personally (Jesus Christ, dude, that rating you actually got was kinder than most I've seen in there). And lo and behold, he's STILL making those threads in other groups, this time using them as a platform to gripe about how the review hurt him so and how he's too thin-skinned to take criticism and oh my god he won't shut up. His newest venture, as of July 12, is a "support group" for people who can't take criticism but got it anyway, which, if it even gets off the ground, is only going to attract people who have EARNED that criticism and lashed out at the people who gave it. You know, the kind of people that users here don't actually respect?

- Oh, Dash Attack. The gift that, over the last few months, has kept on giving. He has been all over Christian Bronies, American Bronies, and even LGBT for a time, constantly starting woefully misinformed attack threads towards a viewpoint he knows nothing about, be it gay rights, Obama's presidency, or even (most drastically) abortion. Every time, he's been called out on how ignorant and WRONG his stances all are, and he's retaliated by claiming victimization and in turn personally insulting the people he fights with. After every time he's done this, he's posted an apology thread insisting he's learned his lesson, wants to get better, and won't do it again. This is followed a short time later by him learning nothing, getting WORSE, and doing it more. It's a vicious cycle of broken promises that would make Fable developer Peter Molyneux jealous.

This is all I've got so far. If there's anything I've missed from, at most, the last week of April, let me know.

Comments ( 36 )

Someday, I hope to make the list. :rainbowdetermined2:

Wait, what the hell happened with Hat?

Wow... Look at the start of all the buckin' drama... Right here...
Not just attention whoring, but riding the coattails of other whores. :ajbemused:

3040747 The whole thing with him quitting the site? You missed that?

3040761 Yeah, I kind of don't follow him. I mean, I did for about a month, but then I stopped because I realized I really only cared about one of his stories.

Nope I think you got everyone here..
I really need some damn help dont I...

3040838 If you think so, there are plenty of avenues for you to get it. Psych ward's a bit of an extreme, but a helpful one. There are plenty of suicide hotlines as well, the numbers of which are a Google search away if you're heading that direction.

Basically, don't Sir Hat that shit. You're acknowledging it, now take charge.

3040852 What do you think I have been doing the past hour?
Fingering myself?
Nah I have been calling a help center somewhere in Grand Rapids..


What do you think I have been doing the past hour?
Fingering myself?

A. In this fandom, I wouldn't be surprised.
B. Not sure you're old enough to be putting that image in my head.

3040865 Well then dont think about it.


What do you think I have been doing the past hour?
Fingering myself?

You didn't happen to visit a certain recent kudzuhaiku blog post, now have you! :rainbowlaugh:

3041110 Who is he/she?

3041114 A writer. He just happened to post a hilarious video that seemed... relevant to your comment! :twilightsheepish::trollestia::rainbowlaugh:

3041192 oh god....
this video again.

Honestly there is so much Drama on this site it's too much for me to keep track of, I've stopped searching for it because I know it will all eventually find it's way too me. But you keep on truckin man because you are the hero this site needs and deserves, you should get like a medal of honor for sifting through so much crap with your Riffs and things like this.

3040878 Not trying to start anything but generally when you say something like that, or anything really that could invoke a mental image it generally does even if it's only for a split second. Not always a voluntary function of the brain.

Can you not?

I mean really, we don't need this. This is a site for pony fiction.
Put the drama llama back in the pen please, don't antagonize it.

I actually followed some of Hat's meltdown. A shame, too, since I just read his story Headless Not Brainless. I still don't really get why he's upset--something about the moderators--but I fail to see why he would require psychiatric help.

in which she threatened to hang herself over a Frozen quote
you mean the normal reaction to frozen quotes?

I am a horrible pony but I am not sorry.

Also whats the point of no links plz if you mention their user names?

3041609 Because names and descriptions don't lead directly to the relevant pages. If I linked to the pages, knowing some of my followers, it'd draw a ton of extremely bad attention to the pages and get a whole lot of people in trouble.

Huh. Well. For some strange reason I enjoy reading these.

Users like those who appear in this blog never fail to disappoint :rainbowlaugh:

Seeing new dramas i cant help but think to myself 'strap in fuckface, bring on the drama and controvesy'

3046960 I feel like that's the caption to your icon.

you might not be far off there :rainbowlaugh:

3047224 I can just envision that circulating around the Internet with "STRAP IN FUCKFACE" in huge bold letters underneath.


So doing that also can you just slap an image into this or do you do some fancy shit?

What happened with sir hat?

3054443 The section I put on him? That's more or less what happened.

I have some info to give you, regarding the Heartless, but I rather take this into a Skype chat. I sent you a request.

I'm sorry, but Victoria actually tried to kill herself several times this year. She was serious about that. I don't want you to hurt her feelings. :ajsleepy:

3136921 I'm more willing to believe multiple suicide attempts than multiple murders, but her claiming the latter helps the former lose credibility.

It's crying wolf, basically. It's hard to believe a truth told by a liar.

Also, she literally said she was going to hang herself over someone quoting Frozen. That's so petty as to be unbelievable, and if those OTHER attempts were real, that's a really dark thing to joke about in light of it.

Then maybe I should unfollow her if she lied to me and everyone else. I did it with Eris.

3154768 Do what you will.

God. I hate Eris now. He lied to everyone. :twilightangry2:

I unfortunately bring one from the New World New Way group that I honestly would've let fade to obscurity... We're it not for a post the dude just made. Berry Tenebre, now simply known as -X-, has been bouncing back and forth on leaving the fandom. He deleted his story and kept complaining about no one liking it, despite having a 137:10 Like ratio. But just today, he absolutely blew his top Tommy Oliver style. His newest blog post was a giant "Fuck You!" to anyone who read his story. It has to be seen to be believed. It just saddens me to see a promising writer fall so far...

What this list reminds me of:

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