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Lord Of Dorkness

Deep into that dorkness peering...

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Rise! Rise from your grave, my proudest creation! · 6:43pm Apr 6th, 2015


Gorgeous new cover once more by my friend AppleTank. Link. :raritystarry:

That codex update isn't quite done, but I'm sending this to the editors anyway. Thanks to everybody that's stuck around for this darn long.

It wasn't intentional, but it still warms my heart so many of you considered this strange little story of mine worth waiting this long on. :rainbowkiss:

Report Lord Of Dorkness · 364 views · Story: Sufficiently Advanced ·
Comments ( 21 )

For me it was a very boring time on fimfiction for several days. Everyone drew R34 bar code ponies or something. And then I have an unread chapter or good news every ten minutes!


Yeah... can't blame people for having had a stroke of inspiration, but it just got a bit too much with those 'inspired by the premier' shorts.

Still, glad to hear you're excited. :raritywink:

You mean... You are cheating on your Dark Horse fans with another story!?

You promised you'd be faithful! You said...

All other stories on temporary hold until the end of Dark Horse.

But no... you went behind our backs and wrote 40,000 words of another story, I see how it is now.

Ok, ok, in seriousness now I guess I'll just have to read Sufficiently Advanced. I'd avoided it because of the spectacularly stupid sounding premise... but then again, all your stories sound dumb when summarized. You have practically built you reputation making stupid story ideas awesome. (Much like Jim Butcher did with his Codex Alera series come to think of it.)

I mean my favorite of your stories can be summarized as: Harry Dresden Wizard P.I. gets transformed into Fluttershy for some reason, the Equestrians want her back but they might be evil, or possibly really evil! Drama unfolds.

My second favorite: Some Swedish guy gets turned into Harry Dresden by a mysterious old wizard for some reason, then gets dumped into an unrelated magical world for some reason. Drama unfolds.

So I suppose I have to give it a shot, just please do keep working on Dark Horse. The new Dresden Fillies chapter today was just not enough to sate my unholy thirst.

Editor here.
Actually, more than half of this chapter has been written since September. 7 months ago. Dorky was stuck on the ending for a while, and also some distance issues. While there are plenty of "settings" in space you can choose from, not all of them are reachable without FTL.
He also has the small, tiny issue of writing 100 or so pages of future chapters, and having 6 other stories running.

I'm also his number 1 fan. READ ALL OF DORKY'S FICS.
Excuse his poor spelling, since I don't have the capabilities to take over his account and repair his published stories for him.

Well then, this is certainly good news. I've been looking forward to the older stories revving back up again, especially after that cliff hanger you threw us off of in Horse Feathers. I will admit I was a bit sulky at Dark Horse for bumping the other stories onto the back burner, but from the comments people have posted in it I might end up breaking down and giving it a chance. It's not like I have any complaints about the way you have written the other ones so I doubt I will find Dark Horse wanting.


JUDAS! :flutterrage:

I know, I know... :ajsleepy:

Got a burst of inspiration, and I just couldn't in good conscience make myself shelf those ideas given that the last update went up over a year (!) ago.

Not that I stopped writing it, the chronologically next chapter just refused to crystallize into an actual whole for a rather embarrassing long time.

Ok, ok, in seriousness now I guess I'll just have to read Sufficiently Advanced. I'd avoided it because of the spectacularly stupid sounding premise... but then again, all your stories sound dumb when summarized. You have practically built you reputation making stupid story ideas awesome. (Much like Jim Butcher did with his Codex Alera series come to think of it.)

And the name atop the picture of my vampire potoo is...? :ajsmug:

Seriously though, thanks for the compliment. Butcher is a huge influence of mine, and it always gives me a thrill when I get a comparison like that.

But I'll freely admit that the current description of SA needs... work to put it mildly. It was the second story I ever uploaded, and in details like that it shows. I've been filing away at a new description, but I've simply not have any ideas for a better one.

Still, if you like tech meets magic stories, cyborgs and/or philosophizing about transhumanism with a decently heavy dose of action, I dare say you'd enjoy it.

I do hope to hear what you think about it, though! :raritywink:

I mean my favorite of your stories can be summarized as: Harry Dresden Wizard P.I. gets transformed into Fluttershy for some reason, the Equestrians want her back but they might be evil, or possibly really evil! Drama unfolds.

My second favorite: Some Swedish guy gets turned into Harry Dresden by a mysterious old wizard for some reason, then gets dumped into an unrelated magical world for some reason. Drama unfolds.

And my so far most popular story: Dude ends up in Equestria as a black & red alicorn... and actually gets called on not even being near worthy of that power. Drama ensures. :pinkiecrazy:

In all seriousness, though, that's actually something of a writing philosophy of mine: There are no bad or too dumb ideas, just bad or good writing.

Then again, I grew up on teenagers with attitude fighting Japanese stock-footage, horribly twisted mutant ninja reptiles raised by a rat, Bat-man but with a duck, Dracula but with a duck, Indiana Jones but with a duck, and four strange men desecrating the dead for fun and profit...

So might just be me being slightly damaged by the eighties slash nineties... and I wouldn't have it any other way. :rainbowkiss:

So I suppose I have to give it a shot, just please do keep working on Dark Horse. The new Dresden Fillies chapter today was just not enough to sate my unholy thirst.

Working on it. I've got a really cool idea I'm trying right now, but we'll see how well it pans out. So far it's turning out quite well, though. :raritywink:

I severely doubt it will be quite as bad as the delay that 2953728 talked about, though. I'm really happy with how chapter 4 of SA turned out, but man I swear the darn thing fought me near every step of the way. :applejackconfused:


Sorry to hear that, but still glad you intend to give Dark Horse a chance anyway. :raritywink:

If it makes any difference, though, part of why I was focusing so heavily on DH right now was two fold:

Rather nasty writers block on my other stories, and DH being one of those ideas that just came to me near fully formed.

The former have mostly lifted, and the later is not that far (by my standards, *cough*) from wrapping up; so things should go back to your normally irregularly scheduled programming soon enough. :twilightsheepish:

2954054 It's no problem, if you have the block there isn't much you can do until you get the inspiration again.

Appletank is best apple. Tank. TAPPLENK.

Thus ends your dose of random insanity.

sheesh, this could almost be one of the Long Chapters of the Fandom


Yeah... :twilightsheepish:

Still, I sadly don't think there's a good spot to cut at without ruining the flow of the chapter. The last time I went over 30 k (With Horse Feathers) it was received quite well, though, so I guess we'll just have to see if that was a one-time thing or not.

2956091 You misunderstand, I am happy about this. I have no issue reading a 36k chapter. It just means that I get a huge dose of awesome.


Still, if you like tech meets magic stories, cyborgs and/or philosophizing about transhumanism with a decently heavy dose of action, I dare say you'd enjoy it.

Well I do love all of those things so I decided to give it a shot. My thoughts:

The world building and tech are interesting. I like the phylactery and frames idea, being a step less transhuman than the typical mind uploads. I also like the way forks are handled quite a bit, with the prime still being an organic brain and the later forks being the digital children. I was not particularly sold on the pony bits seen so far, but am willing to accept the explanation that cartoon based phylactery and frames were chosen as a way to sidestep the uncanny valley for the fully artificial bodies in one of the first transhuman groups, which caught on and created a subculture.

I also think the story of the Captain and the Pinkie Fork could become quite interesting given more development. For these reasons I decided to go ahead and give it a like and favorite.

That being said, I have some significant criticism:

The jump to Trixie's perspective, also in first person and with absolutely no warning in chapter three was about as jarring as it is possible for a transition to be. There is a reason that Psychicscubadiver uses the third person perspective in the Dresdenfillies when he cuts to the pony point of view.

The flashback / dream scene was also a bit awkward.

But my biggest pet peeve is the gun knowledge. I make you this offer right now: in the future, any time you include firearms in a story feel free to PM any gun questions to me and I will answer them. (That way you can avoid scenes like the one in Dark Horse where Harry clicks the safety off a revolver that doesn't actually have a safety!)

Worth pointing out from this story: Clips are not the same thing as magazines. When Jim Butcher has Dresden call a magazine a clip, it lets the reader know that Dresden knows very little about semiautomatics. It fits the character quite well. That kind of mistake would never happen with a military man (since they have to do a shitload of pushups if they call a clip a magazine or a magazine a clip.) Jim did make a mistake in Skin Game when he has Murphy call a magazine a clip, but she may have just been enjoying a subtle joke about Dresden not knowing better (or Jim just goofed.)

The following part could potentially misinform a reader so badly as to be dangerous if they ever serve on a jury in any case that involves a firearm:

But somebody on the pirate’s side had half a brain, and about negative two hearts, because the bullets were hollow-points. Perfect—though completely illegal—tools for dealing with a training ship of raw recruits.

First a bit of background on hollow points. While ordinary target ammunition tends to over penetrate and potentially hit an innocent person standing behind the target if it is used on a living target, a hollow point is designed to start expanding after it hits so it is far less likely to go all the way through. All police (at least in the U.S.) are required to use hollow points to minimize civilian casualties. Civilian gun owners are strongly encouraged by every gun expert ever to load their personal defense guns with hollow points for the same reason. Hollow points are only slightly more likely to kill you than target ammunition, but a LOT less likely to kill an innocent bystander.

So now you ask, why don't the militaries use hollow points? Because the calculus of war is that it is better to injure an enemy than kill them. A wounded target needs to be carried away by his friends (and often bleeds to death or succumbs to infection anyway,) tying up multiple enemy soldiers. A dead soldier doesn't need to be carried off, and can't be interrogated. Hollow points are marginally more likely to kill their target quickly, therefore they aren't used even though it increases the chances of killing innocent people, as well as friendly fire.

A society would have to have its priorities very very skewed for hollow points to be treated as the 'super deadly ultra illegal' round you depicted. But that hasn't stopped dishonest prosecutors from trying to villainize gun owners who used hollowpoints to legally defend themselves, by hoping the jury can be convinced that hollowpoints are some kind of exotic super round that only crazy murderers would ever use.

This kind of thing still happens even to this day, which is why I felt the need to write this.

I did like the bit about the shoddily printed guns though.

Woohoo! Time to wait for this sucker to land!




O~k, that's not good. Not good at all.

I'm not sure if it makes it better or worse, but I actually knew that bit about hollow-points being used by present day law-enforcement already.

So... yeah, I did write that part from the perspective of somebody three-hundred years in the future used to a whole arsenal of sub-lethal weaponry, but I guess I really should have pointed that out in the author's notes.

'Oops' doesn't really cover it, but I'll make sure to write a bit about and clarify that in the author's notes for the upcoming chapter.

Thanks SO much for pointing that out, because those unfortunate implications about the present-day use of such bullets were not my intentions with that part.

Clips =/= magazine


I ALWAYS mix those two up.

As you said it normally works to my advantage since most of my characters aren't exactly gun savvy, but you're absolutely right in that Blake should know better.

I'll make sure to go back and fix that. Thanks.

POW change awkwardness.


Sadly I think it's just going to be a bug-bear in the room given the story I want to tell. Keeping things only in Blake's perspective would require a total rewrite and change the tone I want significantly...

And the only other alternative I can think of would be to add 'POW: X' to the scene transitions, and that just seems so... clunky to me.

World-building and the tech.

Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Always frustrated me as a sci-fi fan when a story treats the whole tech, future and space thing as the garnish instead of one of the main courses, and hearing people actually like my try at writing what I'd actually like to read always brings a smile to my face. :raritywink:

But my biggest pet peeve is the gun knowledge. I make you this offer right now: in the future, any time you include firearms in a story feel free to PM any gun questions to me and I will answer them. (That way you can avoid scenes like the one in Dark Horse where Harry clicks the safety off a revolver that doesn't actually have a safety!)

You know, I think I'm going to take you up on that right now.

There's a fictional gun of my own design that's going to pop-up starting next chapter, and hearing the views from somebody used to real guns would be really helpful.

I'll send you a PM with the intro for it.

Still, thanks so much for the feedback! :raritywink:


I'll send you a PM with the intro for it.

There we go, just sent the response, but I haven't used the PM system on this site since the big site update, so if you didn't get it let me know and I'll try sending it again.


Nah, I got it, and looks like really good info at first glance.

Thanks! :twilightsmile:

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