• Member Since 30th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 26th, 2022


More Blog Posts22

  • 456 weeks
    Wednesday Weekly Writing Report #20

    Well, well, well it looks like I finally got off my lazy butt and did another one of these, and what do you know it's the 20th! Sadly that's the only good news in this blog post :c. As some of you may know school has started back up and back to college/university/high school we all go. This being said I literally have zero time to do anything, even now as I'm typing I'm taking a break from

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  • 459 weeks
    Wednesday Weekly Writing Report #19

    "Must... get... to... computer..." I claim as I crawl my way way out of my yellow van and into my house. Yeah, lets just say I had a really hectic week full of hard labor and problem solving. My van broke down twice, first time being a water pump failure which made the rad in my car overheat. The next failure happened a couple days letter just to spite me and that was the starter.

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  • 460 weeks
    Wednesday Weekly Writing Report #18

    Hello once again on another beautiful Wednesday morning, well at least here in southern Ontario it is. While I do prefer stormy weather having a nice summer, clear blue sky, relaxing day is okay in my books as well. Now that we got the intro out of the way lets talk about my tea addiction... erm- I mean progression of my books of course! What else would I talk about here right... heh... heh...

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  • 461 weeks
    Wednesday Weekly Writing Report #17

    Welcome to CCpone's Wednesday Weekly Writing Report night edition! Where awkward and sometimes poorly placed articulation is 100% guaranteed in every single post! So with Luna watching out for our backs at this time of day; lets sit back, relax and read what I have in store for myself this week!

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  • 462 weeks
    Wednesday Weekly Writing Report #16

    I think I've finally broken my bad habit of not doing these reports! Celebrations must take place! Nevertheless I wish I could say the same for my writing, I guess that's the next thing I have to work on and what better way to plan it then in a writing report!

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Wednesday Weekly Writing Report #6 · 3:05am Apr 2nd, 2015

Who would of knew that April first was on a Wednesday! I was going to post a resignation as my April fools joke, but then work hit me. After getting home from work I realized that its to late to pull it off. Nevertheless lets get through this writing report so I can get some sleep and start writing in the morning. That's saying I can get any sleep with this dam fly zipping around my room like its nobodies business.

Okay first off, I have switched trains for a bit and have been working on the next chapter for Ice and Fire. Now this is because I noticed that the last update that the book went through was on 4th Jan 2015. Nonetheless that is not the only reason, the other reason is that I find myself wanting to continue it more and more as the days pass by.

That being said Defying God's next chapter has been temporarily put on pause, but like I said in the last report it is nearing its completion. Not to mention I have high hopes that you guys will like the next arc.

For you guys out there that want to know what I have been doing since my last report here is what I did.

Thursday - worked a bit on living with lyra then moved onto my other books. If you're curious about the other books, let me tell you that I plan to release them by arcs and not by chapters. That way each release will be huge and everyone involved will be happy. Here's me hopping.

Friday - was my day off and I like to use my day off playing my violin or coding. That's right I code; not very good at it but I still get a kick out of it. My current coding project is to make a website that you my readers can use. Not only will it be an easier way to check out my books but you will also be able to see new books that aren't on fimfiction (don't worry their still pone related.).

Saturday & Sunday - These days I worked pretty hard and when I got home I just chilled with my friends on Skype and played some video games. You know, like how the weekend is supposed to be, nice and relaxing.

Monday - Had a craving to write some Defying God so I wrote a big chunk of the chapter out. After that I moved on to my other book called 'Last Hope' and 'Me and My bow' each of which you can check out on my last report. Please note that I only show the cover art and the description of the book. The chapters will be released in arcs like I said before.

Tuesday - Started to read other peoples fimfiction leading to my sudden urge to update Ice and Fire. That urge was also fueled by some P.M's I have been getting about the book's lack of updating.

Wednesday - Worked again took a well needed nap then jumped on my computer just in time to start writing this blog post down!

There you have it my week displayed ever so simply. There is no excuse for me to not be writing more but then again this is my hobby so I write when I feelz like it. The pros of that is that I will never ask for money the negatives of that is that I go at my own pace. This has been said multiple times and no one is really haggling me about it, I just want you guys to not get impatient.

I will say that this week I have stuff planed on the weekend. I'm driving down to visit my family for Easter because free food and internet (not like I go over my plan anyways). This being said don't really expect a chapter to come out, here's me saying probably the exact opposite of whats going to happen. Just watch I will get the urge and I will release a chapter.

Now time to get some well needed z's; IF THESE DAM FLIES WOULD STOP MULTIPLYING AND FLYING INTO MY FACE WHEN I SLEEP! I think tomorrow I will stop by the gas station to by one of those fly traps that hang from your ceiling, their only a dollar so why not! As per usual P.M if you want to chat or have a question on your mind, I'm pretty chill. Lastly thanks for your support!

Why do I continue writing these

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