• Member Since 18th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 14th, 2020


Lecturer by day, pony word peddler by night.

More Blog Posts106

  • 269 weeks
    Words in print

    Recently, I've been asked for permission by Avonder to include Whom The Princesses Would Destroy... in a story anthology he's putting together. I'm not one for hoarding words and I gave it quite, quite gladly.

    You'll find it here.

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    6 comments · 1,944 views
  • 303 weeks
    Ghost Gallivants to Glorious Galacon

    Ghost Gallivants to Glorious Galacon


    A Supposedly Fun Thing I’m Totally Doing Again

    (with apologies to David Foster Wallace)

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    33 comments · 2,512 views
  • 304 weeks
    Now(TM) with Travel Advice

    I'm safely ensconced in my hotel room in Ludwigsburg. Hope to meet at least some of you. To increase the odds of this happening, I offer the following advice:

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  • 305 weeks

    I will be flying to Galacon 2018 in under twelve hours and I expect I will be safely in Ludwigsburg within 24 hours. I will be hard to contact during this period, though I think I've acquired a method of fool-proof Internet access no matter where I am (aside from six miles straight up, of course).

    Hope to see many of you soon!

    16 comments · 868 views
  • 305 weeks
    Happy July 20th!

    ...or July 21st, depending on your timezone.

    49 years ago the first manned Moon landing was accomplished. It is one of my favorite moments in history (To learn about my favorite you may have to wait for December the 9th), and to celebrate I've re-edited Hoofprints to be a little less... ah, draft-y.

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Today was a good day · 9:44pm Jul 10th, 2012

...is what I'd write in my diary if I had the discipline to write one. Which I don't. In my youth my diaries quickly became grammars of invented languages, meticulous catalogues of Interesting Facts About Fractals or whatever bizarre and unlikely thing was on my mind at the time.

But it was a good day. Almost eerily so. I managed to solve a niggling drift problem with the sensor I was working on in lab today[1] which only leaves the wrangling of rotational matrices in order to get the sort of motion tracking I want. Then I got a message from my maths professor that my exam in advanced graph theory is postponed[2] by several glorious months. Then I got a message from my thesis adviser basically saying "Nice work on the research!", followed closely with the notice that my (admittedly minor) promotion is well on track and ought to be finalized by the end of the month. Just before my vacation.

And then, when I got home, a personal dispute that had been causing some measure of distress was resolved brilliantly. Which just may be the best thing of all.

So a very good day. Naturally, this makes me think, paranoid as I am, that to restore karmic balance something hideous will happen to me soon. In fact, if I disappear mysteriously, you may assume that I was struck by lightning. Lightning made of angry bees.

[1] And yea verily did the neurophysiology lab witness the spectacle of a grown (in theory) man doing a happy dance. I also considered the 'yes' dance, but one of my many bosses was right next door and it wouldn't do any good for my career if she thought I was 'round the twist. Which, of course, I am.
[2] And a good thing too. I've had exactly zero time to study, seeing as I almost sleep in the lab these days. But now that the potentially fatal maths exam isn't looming quite as large I may be able to actually get stuff written, provided luck continues to favor me in the lab.

Report GhostOfHeraclitus · 274 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

I find myself torn once again by which point of interest I wish to pursue...

I would find said journals to be a fascinating read, and perhaps we should trade at some-point.[1]

I question what sort of job/school/think-tank you spend your days at, and how I would submit an application.

As to the last point... you need a chain mail version of this:


PS: Alternatively, I could off you the DAGGER KARMATIC BALANCE UNIT[2] for a low low price of $29.99 plus shipping and handling.

[1] Admittedly, mine is mostly filled with various ciphered version of my half baked/finished ideas for projects. I swear, my potato-canon-canon was a great idea.
[2] It's a dire-lynx in a box.

So you're the one who's been stealing my karma! Just you wait. I'm going to go juggle kittens now.

The journals are mostly gone. It's a shame, too, I developed no less than seven entirely fictional languages[1] including one I could actually speak for a while. Potato canon-canon, now, that's a winning idea if I ever saw one. And, hey, I get to use this hoary old joke: Ahem, "Hey Dawgger[2], I heard you like potato canons..." :twilightsmile:

As for my place of employment, well, it's semi-important to me that I maintain some sort of anonymity[3] so let's just say that I am a humble university researcher/grad student/teacher-of-sorts serving, in all things, the glory of my professor/thesis adviser/mentor/overboss. RESEARCH FOR THE RESEARCH GOD, GRANTS FOR THE GRANT THRONE, that sort of thing.

I am considering the purchase of a suitably up-armored Bee-B-Gone suit. Possibly one with some sort of grounding arrangement. Or perhaps I shall travel everywhere in a human-sized hamster ball upgraded with a Faraday cage. This, essentially:


but with a fine copper mesh. Getting WiFi in there is going to be a pain, though.

And lastly, your Feline-Powered Anguish-Based Karmic Balancer intrigues me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Kittens, you say? Well could be worse. There's this moon where the principal form of recreation is juggling geese. Baby geese -- goslings. Juggled. It's a crazy 'verse.

[1] Secondary school was boring.
[2] See what I did there? Clever? Huh? Hu--I should stop? Okay.
[3] Being a brony is...not something that would net me brownie points in my community.

The Wicked Brofist! Lo! It is as the severed head of the Mad Prophet spoke, perched upon its lonely resting place in the midst of the plateau of Leng.

So...much...shame. :raritycry:

Here's hoping the positive streak continues.

Good to hear things are going well!

I am glad to hear that such a staunch supporter is having his own run of fortune!

Wait, not just magical colorful equines, but a brown coat, to? :rainbowderp:
Can I just, like, be you when I grow up? Or even after that, reincarnation works too. Just--HOW ARE YOU SO AWESOME?

How am I so awesome? Well now. Thereby hangs a tale. You see, it all started a long, long time ago, near the beginning of the universe. There was heat in those days and, oh, the light, now, there was real light in those days too: searing, screaming light, the kind of light that makes a blazing sun today look downright dim. The sort of light, in short, that shines right through you, paying no never mind to whether you intended to be transparent that day or not. The glory days, those.


This patch of atoms--we just recently got around to having some atoms, see, and we were quite proud of 'em--was just swirling around and I remember that the Second Presence spoke to me--well not spoke, not with sounds, this was before sounds--it spoke to me and said, "this will be a world."

"A world--what manner of thing is that" asked I. Well it was a new word to me. We hadn't yet gotten around stars at this point, but that's the Second Presence for you. Always with the clever plans.

"Yes. First we shall take these atoms and from a great multitude of them we shall fashion furnaces across the interstices of space. And in their bellies these furnaces shall meld atoms one into another until we have ever new ones. In time the furnaces will die, and spill their rich innards across the winds of space. And this will happen again and again until the dust of these eruptions mixes into vast disks."

"And these will be worlds then? These disc-worlds, if you will?"

"No. That's but a link in the chain. After we have disks, it shall be in the nature of matter to clump together. That which clumps in the centre shall be another furnace, that which clumps around shall either perish or be stable. If it is stable it shall gather more unto itself until it is a vast sphere. Some of these will be icy. Some will be gaseous. Some barren rock. But some, now, some will be worlds with wave and sky and things that grow."

"That grow? Like us?"

"No. We are first. We shall be last. But these things will pass. They will be brief."

"That's terrible!"

"It must be so. So it is written in the Records. So has the First Presence spoken. There is no recourse."


"Still. Those who grow and who speak and who shall live on the world that shall come from these atoms, still young and new, they will require help. Guidance. They'll need... awesome."

"Then it is settled. I will abide here for a while yet, and then as aeons flit by I shall shepherd this patch of atoms until it is a world, until it has wave and sky and things that grow and until those things tell tales and then I shall join them and become as them and bring them the gift of awesome so that they may know of it, and in time join us, beyond the rim."

And so it was. And so, I am here.

Let the awesome commence.


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