• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen April 4th


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  • 460 weeks
    What I'm doing now.

    I've officially retired from writing pone, it's just not something I do anymore.

    But that doesn't mean I've given up writing. If you want to see more of my stuff, I write monster girl stories for Touch Fluffy Tail.

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  • 500 weeks
    I done made a song finally

    Funk Rush Freak

    Took me a few hours to make, and it's just shy of 3 minutes, but I was very happy with how it turned out!

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  • 518 weeks
    Herple Snerple

    Whelp, I've graduated high school, and I've started the process of registering for my college classes. I'm going into commercial music, since I'm pretty good with my musical equipment and such.

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  • 568 weeks
    So I just saw Equestria Girls... [SPOILER ALERT]

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    Well, mostly my love for the show was fading. The fandom is still amazing and I will enjoy being a part of it for a while. :3

    So yeah, my favorite part was Trixie. Her appearance, however brief, was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

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Why Brony Haters Don't Fuck with Jexxazrez... · 5:21am Jul 10th, 2012

Alright everypony, here's the set up. Kayla Williams used to be in a Facebook group called the Texas Brony Group, that is, until she left earlier today due to constant harassing by this guy and a few others (who I dealt with accordingly)
Now, I'm a nice guy, I really am. Some people will definitely testify to that. But when my friend's love for a fandom is crushed by a douchebag who is ignorant about what we stand for...I get a little upset. This guy harasses Kayla a lot. He's an Ex of hers that constantly bitches to her about all of her statuses, whether relevant or not (He complained that her moving to Louisiana is a bad idea. Like seriously, who the buck cares?). After his attacks on her made her leave the TBG, and the TBGD (Texas Brony Group Discorded)...my fuse blew. I went all out on this guy with no trace of compassion in my voice whatsoever. Here's the fruit of my labors since he hasn't replied in a long while :3




You know, at first I thought you were a cool guy, but seriously...why in the fuck are you harassing Kayla over such trivial matters?? Why the fuck do you care if she moves to Louisiana, or if she's a brony!? Is there a problem with being a brony? Because if there is, I'd sure has hell like to hear it. She's not doing anything wrong, and you're making her leave the groups she has found many friends in. Are you happy?

Ryan James Cooper:

My little Pony is for little kids. If you can't see that, then you're seriously really far back in your age area. And yes there's a completely messed up thing about being a brony. AT THIS AGE. It's embarrassing to her and any friends that sees it. When I have a friend over and they see that, it looks bad on me because we've had many relationships together. I'm watching out for her public appeal. You should as well. Number one, by caring about what happens and how people look at her. Which rubs off on you as well, with your "brony" crap. And who cares if she moves to Louisiana? I would hope you would, since she's your friend that wants to move to LOUISIANA. Start helping your friend and giving her the adivce she needs for her age, and your age as well.


I give her the advice she needs, and you must understand...I have comforted her in many moments of her emotional stress. I haven't dated her, and I don't plan on it, but I have done more for her than the vast majority of boyfriends she's had.

Oh, you close-minded motherfucker! Who do you think you are, telling people what they can and can't like just because it isn't 'normal' to like a show about ponies. Like, seriously. I think you haven't even watched the show. Bronies like the show for it's well developed characters, great animation, clever humor, and honestly great messages. There's nothing that says older guys and girls can't enjoy a good show. If you think just because it's intended audience is little girls, then you're judgmental, a conformist, and blinded by the bullshit haters say. We're (mostly) nice people that believe in friendship, finding happiness through legitimately liking a good show. I do care about her, but a status about moving to Louisiana? Seriously. Even if she was serious, how would that be a concern to you?

Ryan James Cooper:

I practice everything you just stated, but I don't need a five year old's girls favorite TV show to demonstrate how to be a good person, and if you do, then you are mentally imbalanced and you need to check yourself. Why am I making those comments on that status? Because Louisiana isn't a place for a girl like her alone.


I don't need a show to tell me how to be a good person, it's just a great show. Mentally imbalanced? Oh hell... don't even go there, bud. My IQ is 157, which is far beyond the normal IQ of 100. And isn't that a little racist? I think Louisiana can be a great place to live, it just depends on where you live.

Ryan James Cooper:

Kayla in Louisiana on her own is not a good idea. If you care about her safety, you will agree.


Since I can see you so desperately need it, here's my advice to you: If you're embarrassed by her and you truly value your friendship, be a fucking man and accept her for who she wants to be. A pussy would try to change her. I mean, there are some things you should change, such as when your friend engages in destructive behavior like drugs and crime, but over an innocent fandom is just wrong. It shows how unaccepting you are of things you find wrong, and believe it or not, you aren't always right.


I do care about her safety but she won't be there on her own >.> goodness. At least not until she's mature enough

Ryan James Cooper:

I try to help any of my friends with every problem. And that IS a problem. At this age and you are both obsessing over a four year old girl's favorite cartoon. Stop arguing with that, and accept it. It's true. You need to catch up to your age level.


If a show for young girls has such a large following, it must have something going for it. Ever thought about that?

Ryan James Cooper:

It must have pretty pink colors, girly ponies, and children's messages.


Nothing wrong with that.

Ryan James Cooper:

Yes there is. When you're sixteen years old and going to the eleventh grade. You shouldn't be obsessing over My Little Pony.


You lack both tolerance and forethought.

Ryan James Cooper:

No. I just don't have a shortage of age limitations.


I can obsess over whatever I please. It hasn't affected me at all.

That being said, you lack courage and an open mind as well.

Ryan James Cooper:

Yes it has. It's made you look like you're either incredibly immature, homosexual (and I don't have a problem with them, but it imposes that appearance), and it's made you look much younger than you are.


I have to go, but when I return, let me tell you why that's bullshit.

Ryan James Cooper:

It isn't bullshit. It's accurate. You obsess over My Little Pony.


Alright, magic time, bitches!
Saying that I'm immature for liking a show that has good messages, a good plot, lovable characters, and good animation is like saying someone's immature for watching...Doctor Who. It's a show just like My Little Pony friendship is magic, but it's not a cartoon that is intended for little girls. Again, the only reason why you're saying this is because you honestly haven't seen the show. And for the homosexual part? Good GOD! As if you couldn't sound any more like Fox news....

Get the fuck over it! I'm straight, I'm secure about my masculinity enough to watch a show for little girls, I'm happy, I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm developing talents in writing and my drawings are improving, I'm loved by the community, they're all nice and normal guys, and if we want to watch a show that entertains us, makes us happy, and inspires us...who do you think you are to tell us otherwise?

Another thing...how does watching ponies make me look younger =__= I have facial hair, a relatively deep voice, and other shit that proves I'm not 12.

One last thing...You giving telling me I look homosexual is the pot calling the kettle black. You have that scene-style hair all swooped to the side, you bitch and moan about shit constantly on facebook (seriously, I'm like...25x happier than you are!)
And you are a hypocrite for saying I should grow up when your general demeanor is that of an overly-pathological 14 year old who whines to his mom about not making him hot pockets for dinner and is upset that nobody understands him. Believe it or not, we do understand you. We understand you well...but you don't understand yourself due to large amounts of Melatonin and not enough Seratonin coursing through your veins, and dealing with such chemicals inappropriately. Therefore, you do the aforementioned behavoirs. You'll grow out of it eventually, but in the meantime, stop telling people what to do when clearly you shouldn't be talking, don't harass people if they don't want it, (Believe me, I am more than wise enough to keep her out of trouble, plus her parents trust me)
And finally, don't judge people if you don''t want to be judged.
Normally, I'm not this pissy, but when my friends' interests were threatened by some douchebag of an Ex, and said Ex bashes on me for watching a good show and being a part of a fanbase, I can get really REALLY nasty. So please, get off your soapbox and resign, you near-sighted, cock-biting, hell raising, atheist-hating, non-tolerant swine.

I told Kayla how I dealt with him, she returned, I posted it onto the TBG wall, and everypony called me a hero. Best. Fucking. Win. EVER!~ :rainbowkiss:

Report Noponyatall · 425 views ·
Comments ( 48 )


Na, really reading that is funny, scene/hipister (think I spell that wrong) are the worst thing ever

EVERYONE in the brony community if family, and no one fucks with family :heart:

Frick Yea! You gave him hell. I love you Jex (no homo). I want to hug you now...

223492 Especially not trollbait like him :rainbowwild:

That exact image macro was the reaction of the girl I fancy xD

oh so it did show up? damn I'll never get them to show up right on my phone lol

223509 It was only a link, but I used copypaste to view it.

Well...damn. I couldn't have said it any better. haters beware.:eeyup:

well I feel dumb about 3 months on this website I I see the Insert Image Icon just now

I can see a black crab in the dead of night on the beach but a colorful Icon anyhow this is what I linked


Congrats on nuking the troll! lol

223535 *stares at the bounty of glorious ponies in front of him, nearly faints, and starts incoherently babbling...*
"What is this place filled with so many wonders....?":pinkiecrazy:

223566 It is your dream land, Jex. Now go, frolic with all these ponies as you have earned your passage into Brony Heaven.

But I haven't finished...with this world....
I have two stories to write and four animals!!!
*Sighs longingly at Applejack...*
I'm sorry, you'll have to wait... *manly tear* :ajsleepy:
Goes back to finish what I started...:fluttershysad:

223593 Poor Twilight, it'll never have a good love story...

What you say?! I'll show you! I bet I can come up with a great love story!

Wait, Twilight! I didn't mean you, I ment the book! *Twilight already dashed off to make a good love story* Damn it... :ajsleepy:

Anyway, why not make the story while your in Brony Heaven? And...maybe strike a deal so I can get in too? :twilightsheepish:

Twilight I- Godammit!
Now to write a fiction about that....Twilight writing a love story

223627 You know my frustration. :ajsleepy: Never mention the book, Twilight, again or else she'll think someones calling her.

Did someone ask for me? I'm busy proving someone wrong about my writing skills *glares at me*

U-uh, no. No one called. Just.. go back to your writing...please. *Twilight happily trots off as I breathe a sigh of relief* Phew, that was close. Well, sorry for giving you more ideas Jex. :twilightsheepish:

Well nicely delt with, but if i might give you a piece of advice for your (but lets hope that won't happen) future reasoning with people.
REFRAIN from swearing to people you are arguing with, it just motivates them and they think they hit the sensitive spot, which means they will try to push the topic till you concede.(just act calmly, its internet afterall, they dont see your facial expresion or anger. And sometimes it can avoid long argues).

(Alright, lets see if i got the topic right?)
[Also this guy is soo much Hipocrite] Caring about her well beeing? xD
Letting her be at her age? i dont know what he has posted or what would be but on this topic i understand he DON'T want her to move to other city right?
well, well, well... who doesn't want to let her act her own age? Wasn't she needed to act like a grown up? :D i love how people twist their reasoning.(?)

From me you can tell her that(if you want ofc):
Judging by his behaviour of harrasing you provided, She was probably something that happened to him that he wasn't worth of, now he probably wants to get Her back and how he can do that? By humiliating Her, making her feel less worth than She probably is so She will think he have been 'better'. If person cares for other person, they accept them no matter of "flaws".
NICE IQ score! :D but remember high IQ can sometimes means people tend to like things 'avarage' people don't find fancy. Just deal with it, and dont care.

and i honor what you have done, beeing supportive and defending other people, its rare this days :).



223650 I curse like a sailor online, so who can tell the difference? ^^
I shall keep that in mind...

That is how you deal with a hater!:yay: When you cross another hater's path and they lash out at you, tell them this...
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
― C.S. Lewis
I saw a shortened version of that on memebase.com a while back. Keep on vanquishing haters!

Oh yeah, and please dont take my post negatively, i am not trying to show your flaws or anything, just trying to help:heart:

223663 You bastard! *runs away before Twilight gets pissed at me, but instead gets teleported to the library and is infront of a pissed Twilight*

It better be important. This is the third time in less than 10 minutes that I've been interrupted from my project. *gives me another death glare*

U-umm... be gentle? *cowers in fear of the purple pony*

*Jex and everyone here hears crys of agony and sorrow coming from the library as it invades their ears for the next 2 hours*



223671 *sheathes sword*
You have my word as a writer!:ajsmug:

223690 *crawls out of the library exhausted and climbs up Jex by grabbing his clothes so I'm level with his face* I hate you so much...but thanks for getting me out of there by saying that. *lets go and falls back down* I'll just lay here for awhile.. *few hours pass by* Okay, I'm back to the living. :yay:

223700 :trollestia:


223706 You asshole... *gets dragged back inside* Nooo! Twilight, please! No, not the rope! Oh my god, where did you get that?! How is that even physically possible?! Jex, I'm gonna kill you!!

*drags you out*
...you need to learn how to deal with Twilight. HINT: She is scared of what I've wrote about her in the past. Use me and threatening to eat her as effective deterrents.

223719 It would also help if you stopped calling her. *taps my fingers on the ground* Oh well, fine. I'll use you to protect myself next time *makes a sly grin*

O.o Last time she got a hold of me...blood was shed. My blood...AJ scares me more now...

Everything that needed to be said has been said. So good on you for sticking up for her and thusly the rest of us.
Now, normally I'm not a fan verbal beat downs, but I think I can make an exception here. I tend to find that closed minded people will remain closed minded regardless of what you do to them. But they do need to learn that this community isn't a weak or easy target.


I am speechless no words can express how well you owned that hater... Jex... I LOVE YOU! (no homo)


Well done friend. :twilightsmile: In all honestly I probably wouldn't have swore or insulted him so directly, but then I am a pacifist so that's in my nature. :twilightsmile: Although I'm not complaining about your methods, it seems to get the job done nicely, although it was hardly fair, I don't think he's the 'sharpest tool in the shed'.:raritywink: :rainbowlaugh:


All the pony hugs - wait that's that's not quite right...


That's better. :pinkiehappy:

Keep being awesome, and jolly good show old bean!


Not how i would have handeled it but if you have ever read any of my other comments you know thats a good thing. You keep your language at pg-13 and thats probably wise in this case i just have trouble doing that. Hell i cant keep it pg-13 in the comments.

This. Is SOOOO HOT! I love it when ignorant fucks like that get verbally torn to pieces. :rainbowkiss:

You sir, are a hero. Brohoof. /)

Thanks everypony :pinkiehappy:

Whelp, this was great and all, but since I don't want my ego to get too big >.> I am going to go ahead and continue on that next chapter now...
(Predicted length: 4.5k words)

Ah Hell no, Ryan F***ing Cooper Did NOt Just Bring out the "MLP is (just) for little girls" card :facehoof:
I couldn't care less if he said those things to me, but he HURT a Sister. THat's when "Love and Tolerate" becomes "Crush and Destroy" :flutterrage::twilightangry2:
Jexx, you have earn so much of my respect That I would like to present to you a trophy for your Valor (Nicely Done :ajsmug:)

Respect: given!:rainbowlaugh:

You sir, have trolled a troller. (Yo dawg...)

Well done.

Holy SHIT!!! It's DarkWing >.>
*Squees all over the floor*
Oh boy, better clean up this mess...:raritydespair:


And don't worry, I got this shit. *grabs a spoon*

Nah, I was going to have Rarity lick it up. Don't worry

Wha...WHAT!? :raritycry::raritydespair:

Just kidding, Rarity ^^

You may friend... you deserve a Brohoof!... [img]file:///F:/Internet%20Files/Other%20stuff/MLP%20FiM%20Emotes_001/Brohooves!.jpg[/img]

Your too awesome! Before you die you have to put all your accomplishments in a big book and we can all say:"This guy was so awesome... He made a hater cry."

Comment posted by Bronyfan deleted Dec 11th, 2012
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