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King of Beggars

One of these days we'll form a union, and get the fair and equitable treatment we deserve. Then we'll go too far, and become corrupt and shiftless, and the Japonies will eat us alive.

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Idea for title for the clopfic I'll never write: A Streetmare Named Desire · 10:00pm Feb 20th, 2015

Greetings fellow tiny horse enthusiasts! King of Beggars here with the acceptable news!

The second-to-last chapter of TwiGuard just got released, and is ready for your complaints that the story is too short, despite being like the length of a small novel! This chapter: stuff happens! Probably everyone dies. I'm not sure. Read and find out! Hopefully it won't be too disappointing~

I was making a lot of jokes and vacillating on whether or not I was completely sure I wanted to do more TwiGuard at the completion of this. But as I wrote this chapter I decided that I was having fun with this interpretation, and what I was writing lent itself to more exploration. So it definitely will get a continuance following the conclusion. More information on that to be included in the blogpost that will accompany the final chapter/epilogue, which will be the post regarding the development of the story. Please look forward to that, if that's your sort of thing.

It's weird, huh? I've come a long way from being the guy that refused to do anything but oneshots. Think I'm kind of committed to this pony story thing for a good while at this point, though, so I'm comfortable with making a decision like this.

Thanks for reading and supporting my silly horse stories! Enjoy the new chapter, I hope you enjoy it and that you'll join me for the next installment!

Please be excited!

Comments ( 15 )

Thanks for reading and supporting my silly horse stories! Enjoy the new chapter, I hope you enjoy it and that you'll join me for the next installment!

Please be excited!

I am very excited.

Yes, you will continue. Or else... :pinkiecrazy:

Keep up the great work!

Honestly, loving what you're doing with TwiGuard. Looking forward to more, as well as a possible return to SpikeRa.

Funny enough today I watched The Simpsons episode where Marge plays Blanche in the musical adaption of the famous play. The Birds parody was only one of the many examples why the Simpsons of old is a timeless classic and the current Simspons is juSST AN OVERMILKED PIECE OF CR.... ok, count to ten. :unsuresweetie:

Jolly good on an update, and as you predicted, sadness that is it ending soon. You have done an excellent job keeping Twilight Sparkle in character even though she is quite different as well. Getting that delicate balance right is quite fiddly but when done helps make a fantastic story.

"Purely Theoretically" who would be the the characters in "A Streetmare Named Desire" (other than the titular OC: Desire of course)?


Would be a huge waste to develop a character with a plot.... just to say that's the entire story. We so lucky. :)


No idea! I just got a punny title so far. Though it might be fun to write it as a romance-drama. A redemption story where one of her Johns is trying to get her out of the game. Maybe write it as a series of vignettes. She could be called in by Canterlot elites and the like. Strictly BG character stuff. MAYBE Princess Celestia or Luna, but probably not.

Although... I could see Luna taking a liking to a prostitute and trying to be a patron for her like the courtesans of old. Getting her music lessons and such so she can better entertain her clients. And as she becomes a little more educated and starts feeling good about herself, she starts thinking more about her life. Like, is it any different servicing nobles than it was blowing dock workers?

...Goddamn it. That actually sounds like it'd be a good story. See what you've done now?

My feelings cannot be put into words. Instead, I shall very humbly beseech the King for more Spikestrings, or even Rariderp or Spiketavia.

2817274 I am of course in complete and utter surprise! :scootangel: Your works are always impactful and interesting. Frankly only you or PresentPerfect could do it justice and his would likely be a parody that ends with horror while you'ld somehow make it actually romantic. I finally read your first fic and I'm still trying to put into awards how blown away I was. I mean my god man, how in the seventeen hells do you write a crackship trollfic that has a better romance than most of the "serious" romances out there?! Also, as usual, curse you for not taking my money. I seriously hate TwiDance as a ship idea but somehow you keep making these things float when I swear that there's no way to do it. You're the sole reason I started reading spike fics. I very much believe that your powers come from a specific event: the devil himself came to fimfiction, and challenged you to a crackship-off, and you beat him because you're the best there's ever been! Your characters are always, first and foremost, people (though magical technicolor ones) which is part of how you keep pulling these amazing stories off.

As for "A Streetmare named Desire," certianly the loneliness of not only being a distant goddess princess but also being closed away for a thousand years out of touch would be something difficult to overcome. Certainly having an "escort" would be less intimidating in the beginning than facing rejection, or worse, fearing but not knowing if your companion is only there for possible reward. The tension of if it's real or just a paid fantasy could be quite palpable. Despite knowing better Luna could grow too attached and her pretty in pink companion would know that they could never be together.

I will do more Spike eventually, I'm just not sure when, sorry to disappoint. ;_;

Is TwiGuard not to your taste?

You always say such nice things. Hope you were able to enjoy TwiGuard regardless of the ship. You're not the first to say they disliked the ship combo, and a few even told me they had to give it a pass. It's fine though, because other people also say that even though they hate the ship, they love my shipping, so it works for them.

I honestly believe I can ship any two characters if I really want to, because that's what the Devil promised me when I made the deal. Couple weeks ago in the IRC chat someone challenged me to come up with a plot for Soarin x Diamond Tiara because they thought it couldn't be done. Took me literally less than five seconds to decide that if I did write that, it'd be a Jane Austen style high-society parody where Soarin is invited to stay at Rich Manor after a "war wound" (fell off a roof while drunk in another country and forgot he could fly), and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon compete for his attention. Button Mash would play the underdog suitor trying to win Diamond's heart.

Also been toying with the idea of a December Romance between Randolf the Butler and Granny Smith, in the style of Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day. A nice mature drama about getting old.

I'm never short of ideas. Just time and motivation. *shrugs*

Thanks to you, and to all my other readers, for always saying such nice things about my writing!

2819534 Now now, King, you know I love everything you write. Twiguard was fun, though I haven't read past them embarking on their journey. Nevertheless, now that you're looking towards your next story, I look forwards to more of your random ships.


"Also been toying with the idea of a December Romance between Randolf the Butler and Granny Smith, in the style of Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day. A nice mature drama about getting old."

And for the rest of my life I was sad that this doesn't exist.

Also you're the only person that ever wrote a TwiDance that could make sense to me. Truly your powers are far beyond that of mere mortal men.

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