• Member Since 12th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 20th, 2018


Think Freely my Friends!

More Blog Posts172

  • 419 weeks
    Been a while huh?

    So... hello again!

    It's certainly been a while huh?

    I mean come on... it's kind of been over six months since my last update. I said that I'd keep tabs on this place, and what do I have to show for it?

    Nothing... and broken promises

    Welp... I guess I have some explaining to do then.

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  • 452 weeks
    New chapters incoming!

    BEFORE I get to the juicy stuff, I'd just like to say that I'm incredibly sorry for taking so long with getting an update out here for you all. Things are a little hectic what with having recently moved to a new place and trying to figure out the rent, but regardless of my issues I really should have at least kept yall informed of what was going on with me. That aside, I have some exciting news

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  • 474 weeks
    Sorry for the absence!

    I can explain! I swear!

    Oh really?


    We're waiting.....

    SCHOOL! I promise that it was all because of school!


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  • 477 weeks
    Chapter complete!


    If you haven't noticed it yet, then here's a link to the story!

    Link right here --------> Constant

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  • 477 weeks
    Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter everybrony!

    Just thought I'd wish everyone who bothers to read these things a good holiday.

    Also, unless you're somehow related to Pinkie Pie, careful with the candy intake. No need to get a stomach ache tomorrow morning!

    As for story updates, you're in luck!

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    4 comments · 361 views

This fic is driving me CRAY-ZAY! · 9:38pm Feb 17th, 2015

And it's not the FUN kind of crazy either.

I just want to write this fic for you guys......heck, I just want to START IT at this point....but in order to make it WORK I need to plan out a large majority of it before I even begin to get into the real MEAT of the story. I DO, however, have enough info so far to write a prologue......

Only question is....WHY HAVEN'T I WRITTEN IT YET?!

Mostly because I've always had a hard time with beginning a chapter without the atypical "Describe the weather first" beginning or the annoying "Let's just jump in without even a description of anything" sort of beginning. I've found that making a STRONG first paragraph, or even a SENTENCE, could make or break a story for someone, so I've always tried to make strong beginnings that can really take in the reader without slamming them with an info dump within the first line of writing. (There's also the fact that the beginning I was originally going to write ended up being too dark for the tags....which made me have to scrap the whole thing)

I understand that starting anything can be hard for anyone, but for me it's ESPECIALLY important since I'm just trying to jump back into writing in general. I feel I can do that with this story......but the problem for me is that I have ALWAYS been bad at starting a fic anyway, so the fact that I KNOW that a good beginning is KEY for a fic....isn't helping.

So for the last week, rather than making a prologue like I should have been, I've been working out sudden plot points in Stuck (Which is still important), going to classes (because I'm still in college), or playing video games like Valkyria Chronicles or Teslagrad (Both are awesome BTW, but are NOT Constant related).

I realize now that I'm just complaining at this point and that no one even bothers to read these things from me since I haven't exactly been active as of late, but I wrote this blog anyway in the hopes of gaining inspiration or something. It.....kind of worked? Not really though. :p

I guess I'm just frustrated that I'm trying to get back into my old internet life....and I'm only failing miserably. I might be taking on more than I can chew here with an entire fic idea that I've only got halfway fleshed out at this point as well as re-writing Stuck (Which, strangely enough, I've managed to finish chapter 3 BEFORE finishing chapter two....some.....how).

Anyway, this blog has been going on long enough and I'm sure that you have other things to do than read about a flailing writer in the boondocks of Fimfic. I hope that the single one of you who reads this has a good day.

Think Freely my Friend

Report TLSpark · 212 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

When in doubt, start with characters have a conversation, then just go on from there.


True, but I always seem to do that. How can something so simple be so hard most of the time?

easy. it's called lack of motivation.
It's a terrifying thing that preys on all artists.

Well it seems I'm in luck. Thanks to my random readings from some of my old, and even unpublished, fics (And partly because of your previous comment) I've actually managed to write something quite decent for a beginning in this fic.

time to see how much I can write before my motivation fails me!

sweet. Mine last for 1 hour before i drop my attention for it.

Then this shall be the best writing hour of my re-established writing life! :rainbowdetermined2:

mmh. now for me to go back to my research assignment.

I will offer my editing skills that only work on others stories and not my own to you.

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