• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
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More Blog Posts23

  • 539 weeks
    New Story Get Psyched

    Coming out tomorrow. Not a clopfic. The first chapter of my next project currently being proofread and should be published sometime tomorrow.


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  • 539 weeks
    That Reception

    >Write clopfic
    >does better in first first day than any other fic I've written
    >Dirty, dirty readers. I love you all

    I'm bouncing around a few ideas for what to write next, I'm thinking either a somewhat more extended shipfic (ChangelingxChryssy) or something much more silly and much more fun (A sampling of Equestrian television.) Guess I'm really just saying hi to all my new readers.

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  • 540 weeks
    Shhh... Hunting Wabbits

    Short version/Only version I'm not too lazy to type: I stopped writing ponies for roughly a year, almost two, got into lyrics and songwriting, focused on college and tried to get out a bit more. Now that I'm at a point where I'm happy with myself, it's time to take alllll my practice writing things to get better and be serious and get to a good place and have a hobby again. This means crap like

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  • 610 weeks
    Alright, time to level with you guys

    Look, I've been telling you I'm behind on my writing because of a lot of things. Family stuff, TV crews, etc. While all of that was true, it wsan't enough to make me have no free time for writing. In reality, I lost motivation. Not because of you guys, who I still can't believe took the time to read any of my piddly-ass mediocre stories. Because I was depressed. There's been a lot of personal

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  • 611 weeks
    Alright, starting tomorrow I thnik I can get back to good, efficient, work.

    Expect good things. I love you all, sorry to keep you all waiting for so long (especially anyone reading The Source of all Magic, the update time for that is just unacceptable). Real life has been kind of a whirlwind, especially since cadets just started again and most of the senior cadets quit. It's gotten to the point where I can only even attempt to have time to actually write 2 or 3 days a

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Alright, this update took longer than it should've. Sorry. Also, a reward for anyone reading this blog. · 10:09am Jul 5th, 2012

To Source of All Magic Readers: New chapter by midnight tomorrow (June 6th Pacific Standard time), I promise you. Procrastination has delayed this chapter more than i'm proud of, but it's coming.

Everyone else: Who wants a sneak peak at my next story? Well you're getting one anyhow. Opening scene from my next fic, "The Finale". It's a working title, may change.


It was a bright and sunny day in Ponyville, and thanks to Rainbow Dash and the weather team there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Since it was Saturday, the Elements of Harmony could be found at the park for their weekly pet playdate. It was the one event that each of the ponies were careful never to miss, as since Rainbow had gotten her pet it was the only time they met up reliably and regularly.

"And I said oatmeal? Are you crazy?" Pinkie was laughing at a joke no one else seemed to find funny.

"Darling, you tell that story at least once a month," Rarity pointed out. "I'm not sure any of us found it that amusing even the first time."

"But it's so funny!" Pinkie was rolling on the ground laughing. "I mean, oatmeal? It's ridiculous, just ask them. They get it." She was pointing off in a random direction.

"Um, sugarcube? There's no one there," Applejack said flatly.

"Of course there is silly! There's a group of people watching us right there!" Pinkie exclaimed. Applejack just sighed and decided to change the topic. No point trying to argue with Pinkie Pie.

"So Rainbow, y'all did a great job with the weather here. Not a cloud in the sky." The cyan Pegasus didn't respond, and showed no signs that she'd even noticed Applejack was speaking. "Uhh, Rainbow?" She waved her hoof in front of Dash's face. "Y'all better not be ignoring me sugarcube." RD was for all intents and purposes, absent.

"Alright Dash, y'all asked for it." Applejack then delivered a solid buck directly to Rainbow's gut, knocking her to the ground and snapping her out of her daze. For her part, Rainbow was understandably upset.

"Oh Celestia, that hit me like a train," Rainbow complained as she got back up. "What'd you go and do that for?"

"Well we were trying to tell y'all how nice the weather was," Applejack explained in annoyance, "But we couldn't get your attention to tell you."

"What had you so confuddled anyhow Dashie?" Pinkie Pie had now decided to join the conversation. "Oh I know! You were thinking about hooves, weren't you?"

"No Pinkie Pie, I wasn't think- Wait, why would I be thinking about hooves?" Dash inquired.

"Silly Dashie, there's plenty of reasons to think about hooves! Like, why isn't any of our stuff made to be used with hooves? And how do we even pick things up with hooves in the first place? You know, i bet it has something to do with honey. Quick, somepony get me a beehive and a manebrush!" At this point Pinkie stopped speaking to notice her five friends staring at her in silence. After a few awkward moments, Rarity decided to move the conversation forward.

"Anyway darling, what is on your mind? Finally thinking about letting me fix up your dreadful manestyle?"

"No Rarity, i told you before my mane is fine," Rainbow replied, slightly miffed at the implication that her mane needed to be fixed. "And I didn't have anything to do with the weather today AJ."

"Well that seems odd," Twilight had now decided that her opinion was needed. "You're the head of the weather team for Pete's sake, how could you have nothing to with the weather?"

"That's kind of the thing. I'm not really on the weather team anymore," Rainbow explained hesitantly. "I quit."

"But why would you ever do that darling?" Rarity questioned in surprise. "You always did such a great job with the weather."

"Didn't you enjoy it?" Fluttershy's timid voice could now be heard. "I always thought you loved your job." Rainbow only seemed to be growing more nervous with each question.

"My old job was fine, I just found something better," she explained.

"Well why in the hay didn't y'all tell us before! What do you do now?" Applejack asked. In an uncharacteristically quiet voice, Rainbow Dash answered.

"Well I... I joined the Wonderbolts." This was met with a brief stunned silence, followed immediately by raucous cheering and congratulations from all ponies present. Even the pets seemed enthused at the announcement, but soon Pinkie wore a look of confusement.

"Really Dashie? I can't believe you finally got in! But why didn't you tell us earlier silly?" Twilight was confused as well.

"Pinkie's right, I would've thought you'd be screaming it from the rooftops. It's your lifelong dream, why aren't you excited?" Indeed, Rainbow was now visibly sweating, and she looked around anxiously.

"Well, you guys know the Wonderbolts perform all over Equestria right?" All present nodded in agreement. "And you know that means they travel everywhere, right?" Nods again.

"So, what are you saying?" Twilight asked.

"What I'm saying, is that if I want to be a Wonderbolt I have to travel with them." Realization began to dawn on her friends.

"It means I have to leave Ponyville." In a park containing six ponies and their pets, there was only silence.


Any feedback on that would be nice, it's a work in progress in every way (i haven't even ran it through spellcheck yet) but I still want opinions. Thanks for reading this!

~Final Cut

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