• Member Since 1st May, 2013
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Knight Breeze

Just your average gaming geek/college student. I study computer science, play pathfinder, and write stories, and have a patreon!

More Blog Posts223

  • 55 weeks

    Hey, you guys ever hear of Xlibris? I've got an offer from them to publish my book, but I'm getting some shady vibes from some of the reviews I've read about them. Any thoughts?

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  • 56 weeks
    Amazon's changing it's print costs.

    So, as of June 20th, Amazon will be changing its print costs. Specifically, everything is going to be a bit more expensive. If you were on the fence for buying a physical copy of my books, now's the time to change your mind, seeing as how the price is going to increase in a couple of months. Thought I'd give you all the heads up.

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  • 57 weeks
    What I Am: Aftermath chapter.

    Hey, guys, I'm writing a conclusion chapter for What I Am. Nothing too substantial, given that a sequel and spin off already exist, but I thought I'd put it down as both a way to let those that don't exactly follow me (or, at the very least, don't follow my blog) know that the second book is out, and also know that A Darkened Sky is about to get a whole lot of chapters.

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  • 58 weeks
    Fool's Gambit.

    Man, did you ever go back and just... cringe at what you did before? That happened to me with Fool's Gambit. The story has plenty of potential, that's not the problem. My problem is with how it's written. The prose is off, there are numerous errors, and I feel like the whole thing is rushed. Like, that first part could have easily been 4-5 chapters longer, and it would have been better for

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  • 58 weeks
    Live on Google Play!

    Hey, guys, just wanted you to know that What I've Become and Nightmare of the Past is now live on Google Play! So, if you didn't have a kindle-compatible device before, you can buy both books for 3.99 each right now on Google Play! I'll be working to get them into more outlets during the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for them!

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Hiatus. · 12:59am Jan 30th, 2015

Well, I've been talking with my editor, and we both agree that there is a bit of a problem with The Nautilus Protocol. I'm still working on it, don't get me wrong, but until I figure out the problem, this story is going to go on hold.

I may go back and rewrite some of the more recent chapters, but for now, I'm putting this story on hold until I'm able to figure the problem out.

I apologize for this. I know a lot of you were looking forward for the epic battle, as well as the big reveal, but I need to get my head on straight and figure out where I want this story to go.

The main reason why I haven't had Twilight in the latest chapters has been because I had lost focus on what I wanted to do with her. Back in chapter ten, I knew exactly where I wanted to go, and now I've lost that focus. I'm sorry for this poor planning on my part, and I'm sorry for leading you guys along like this, but I have to figure out what to do, and where to go before I screw over this great story. I don't want to see this epic idea I had become something that you all hate, simply because I don't know where to go.

I hope you can all forgive me.

Report Knight Breeze · 361 views · Story: The Nautilus Protocol ·
Comments ( 12 )

You are forgiven. It's always better to take a break to fix anything you might see as wrong with the story or direction, than to just keep going with the problem.

Take what time ya need to get the story you want to tell straight! No need to ask forgiveness, afterall, this is Fimfic. If anypony here tries to guilt-trip you into sub-par writing, then MAY THEY BE EATEN BY CARNIVOROUS CARCERIAN RABBITS!

Also, your latest chapter had warmed the cockles of my heart, and I thank you for that.

It's fine, take some time away, get your mind together

No need to be so apologetic, this story is worth the time it takes to get it right.

It is unfortunate, that you feel this:ajbemused:, but i hope that this break will help you get better results in your work, I have throughly enjoy reeding this story and I hope that it will come back soon:twilightsmile:. Also are you sill sure that the Dridune are not allergic to cheese?:duck:

hey, quality over quantity, I'd rather have to wait for better chapters than get a bunch of chapters that arn't as good as they can be.

Hi atus
hi ate us
Hi hate us...
jk jk to some extent but really not really.
TL:DR at end.
I've seen many stories that belonged onto my top story lists only to end up on haitus or not be updated since 2012. While I will still be rereading my favorite scenes for months to a year, I'd still like this story to continue on past that.
Somebody said they didn't like how you explained Chrysalis but I enjoyed it due to the fact that you explained it from a human perspective which is why I enjoy human stories. You also have some interesting possible back story between Freedom and Tyranny. I may have guessed right but guesstimates have never been my strong suite which may have made me less judgmental. Bad ass ponies are always a seriously plus which made me love the hell out of the scenes all the way up to the "She control's the sun scene" and Celestia being confused as to why somebody would think she would rule the planet (which is just as bad ass).

TL:DR Please don't put it on haitus and if you haven't seen the video above give it a shot since this story is one of my favotires. At least leave is as incomplete and try to come back to it within a month or 2. Just asking.

Take whatever time you need, it's heartening to hear you are up to figuring out what might be the issue and how to fix it, rather than giving up on the story. It speaks well of you as a writer that you are willing to take a step back and reassess the situation if something doesn't feel like it's working out or doesn't live up to the original vision.

It's a wonderful piece of writing all around, even if the recent chapters feel like they have strayed a bit, and I am very much looking towards the time when you un-hiatus it and present us with a new and improved chapter :)

2757140 Thanks for the video, and no, I don't intend to drop off the face of the earth and never finish these. I've put far too much sweat into each chapter, and at this point, I'm vested.

And if you know me at all, you will know that I will not stop until I completely obliterate/dominate/finish something I'm vested in. I am one of the few people who can claim to have beaten Battletoads. Why? I was vested. I told myself that I would not play another game until I've mastered the turbo tunnels. That the ratrace would fall to me no matter how many times I died.

Not only did I beat it, but I've gotten so good at that game, that I can lay claim to a perfect turbo tunnel run.

That being said, I'm not disappearing on you guys. And I actually think I have an idea on how to fix everything. It will involve inserting chapters before others already made, but hey, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.

No worries, take your time. It's your story after all. :pinkiesmile:

Not that I think you necessarily need advice on how to spruce things up, but one way to keep us upraised of the global politics while not drawing the focus away from extended periods of time from the main cast (and thus the things/people that readers truly care about) is to deliver them through Celestia's/Twilight's perspective.

Which is to say, instead of making whole chapters of various ambassadors meeting various leaders, you could have Zelgius delivering the news of each specific meeting (as the reports pile in on radio) to Celestia/Twilight (Celestia is probably going to want to keep Twilight close for input at all times, seeing she is the one with more insight on all these aliens), while they keep rehashing general strategy and how each meeting, whether it succeeds or fails, impacts their global strategy and goals.

Then we could have Celestia chime in with commentary on each meeting, exposing us to the world history and relations between nations that way, Keeps things more focused and delivered from a perspective we care about, while allowing to advance other things with the main cast and keeps us informed of the overall state of affairs as they prepare for the invasion as Celestia/Twilight/Zelgius/whomever else is involved could keep discussing those things amidst all the diplomatic reports, instead of the stream of chapters about OC diplomats that aren't, apparently, all that engaging or carable (yes, I invented a word!) about.

... Or not, just brainstorming a bit here, feel free to ignore at your leisure :P

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