• Member Since 19th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen March 21st

Celestias Paladin

More Blog Posts39

  • 328 weeks
    Everfree Northwest

    To my friends, followers, and people who stumbled upon my page,

    So after doing some thinking, plotting, and pricing out... I Celestia's Paladin shall grace the halls of Everfree Northwest with my presence this coming May. Anyone who is lives up there or are going and want to meet up please let me know.

    0 comments · 322 views
  • 388 weeks
    Happy New Year 2017

    To my friends, followers, and people who stumbled upon my page,

    I wish you all a Happy New Year from Texas.

    Not much to say about the up coming year, all I can hope from the world of fanfiction is that I can finish up my current Kantai Collection ideas and maybe do some more MLP.

    3 comments · 389 views
  • 410 weeks
    New Celestia Figure

    To my Friends, Followers, and People who Stumbled upon my Page,

    So I went down to the local Barnes and Nobles for my monthly new manga run and saw this:

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    14 comments · 486 views
  • 421 weeks
    The Paladin Needs a Vacation

    To my friends, followers, and people who stumbled upon my page,

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    3 comments · 433 views
  • 451 weeks
    Two Months to Go

    This is going to be awesome

    1 comments · 423 views

News from Real Life · 1:43am Jan 15th, 2015

To my friends, followers and people who stumbled upon my page,

As the title of this blog may tell you this blog has nothing to do with ponies, MLP, my beloved princess, or the convoluted world I call a headcanon. It instead is about my real life.

In 2007 I graduated from high school, yes that was 7 years ago which will make me 25/26, that August I left home for college up in East Texas. There I first studied physics until I flunked Calculus and then changed to Biology. Needless to say that added a few extra semesters and a crap ton of repeat classes. Then in December 2012 I walked the stage shook hands with Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and then waited to received my diploma.

What I got was a phone call stating that my GPA for my major was too low thus didn't graduate. I worked my ass the years before to get the credits for my major and my minor (which my adviser didn't tell me about until I changed advisers), got credit for everything and no one told me that my GPA was too damn low. I was up set and sadden by the news. I took the next few month off to plan.

In the end I decided that since I would have to take the same number of hours as it was need to bring up my GPA I transferred to a school closer to home started somewhat over. It took me two more years, and far less issues, but after a juggling a job, classes at two different schools, and computer glitches I crossed the stage once again, and was awarded my degree for real.

Yes that is my real name, and yes that is my real diploma. After 7 long years I finally gained my Bachelor's, it may not have been from my first school of choice, and it may be from one of the newest public colleges in the state, but I have it.

Endure, Persevere, Triumph

Celestia's Paladin
Texas A&M University-Central Texas Class of 2014

Report Celestias Paladin · 346 views ·
Comments ( 30 )


While I appreciate the thought, and my school is part of the A&M system, we are not Aggies. We are Warriors thank you very much, that fact is pretty clear with the Roman legionnaire mascot, and provost wielding a two-handed claymore as their symbol of office.

Thank you


2723440 Good thing, otherwise that would have meant that you went to college with that Bitchass Johnny Manziel.

First it looked like he left before I even switched school, second I have a fairly low opinion on players who quit their last two years of school to go pro.



Are we related?!

'Cause it looks like you're named after my dad. (David Rice)


If he is living then no, the David Rice I'm named after died before I was born and wasn't married


That's still just so eerie.

You aren't related to any Burtons or Flanderses (is that how 'Flanders' would pluralize?!), are you? (last names)

Not that I know of. According to my dad there are about 6 distinct branches of the Rice family, what part of the country are you in? We could be related albeit distantly

The Rice side of my family hails largely from the Midwest. Iowa and Minnesota. Can't speak for every branch leading to the Rice family, but the Tweets (it's actually Norwegian - "Tvit" or something like that) came over just before the Civil War.

Close but no cigar. My branch came into the US through the Port of Chicago in 1914 (they were supposed to come in on the Titanic, mostly stayed around there until my grand-father came to Texas and my great uncle joined the Air Force. We might be kin, but it's pretty distant. Got an Ennis/es in the family?

2723566 He's related to an upcoming and popular prize fighter, Ray "TKO"Rice.


Congratulation! :yay:


Amazing work. A lesser man would've given up, but you didn't lose a beat. You got right back in there and got it done. THAT is what you need to succeed.

I graduated from a state school about three years back, and so far, it's hard to tell how useful the diploma has been. The knowledge itself has obviously been immensely useful, but as for the piece of paper, who can say. I've been getting hired, plugging away at the work, getting laid off, getting hired, plugging away, getting laid off, etc. Long job searches and unstable employment is kind of the name of the game, so keep that unflinching drive at heart, and you'll do fine.

Glad you stuck with this until victory.

Uh... no

Thank you

I know, I know. It doesn't help that there is a movment in my state to think that anyone who doesn't graduate in 4 years is a complete and utter loser along with the school they attended. At least they aren't strong enough to really go public, though it would be fun to watch them commit the mortal sin of hacking off service men and veterans and the schools (like mine) that they go to.

Still thank you my friend for your congratulations, and you are right the hard part is around the corner

Yeah, glad you don't take people like that seriously.

I don't pay much attention to them anyway, I'm a traitor to America in their eyes since I disagree with them on many things and I think they are a bunch of bloody idiots

Some people will say or believe any stupid thing if it makes them feel like they have power over you. Only thing you can really do is not play their game.

Btdubs, what was your degree?

Dance I posted a picture of it

2727671 and i'm on an Iphone, smartass.

Should had said so jackass. I have a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies with concentrations in Biology and Geology

Good for you kid. as a former teacher, 8th grade 35 years, It does my heart good to see a student not let some of the
plot holes that infest the educational system get to them. Best wishes with the rest of your life.

Crap happens along with mistakes. I just had to keep moving forward

I know this is a bit late. But congrats man.

Been six months, but thanks

3182462 You're welcome man.

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