• Member Since 16th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen April 17th


I like to read, write, and create havoc. And to make jokes. And ponies. I really, really like ponies.

More Blog Posts7

  • 475 weeks
    So I've Noticed Two Things...

    1) There's been sort of a lull on Rarijack type stories for a while.

    2) I don't have any completed stories.

    I've decided to do nothing about either. Nah, just kidding. I published a one-shot Rarijack thing. It sucks. I suck. It's great. I'm great.

    0 comments · 260 views
  • 480 weeks
    I Shouldn't Drink Coffee, But I'm a Dumb

    I feel really jittery right now because I drank too much iced coffee, so I have to type stuff.

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    0 comments · 253 views
  • 487 weeks
    I Ain't Even Notice Till Today But...

    I've been on this site for over a year now...

    And have two really short stories published...

    And a few blog posts...

    And 2 followers...

    I need to step my dumb horse fiction game up.

    0 comments · 186 views
  • 490 weeks
    Self Consciousness Is A New Thing For Me

    Yeah. I'm actually doing stuff. And yeah, I'm actually feeling a bit self conscious.

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    0 comments · 230 views
  • 491 weeks
    I Have 99 Goals but Success Ain't 1....Wait....

    New year, new FIMFiction goals.

    Like forizzle. I've already been writing more and everything. Now, almost entirely for my own benefit, I shall state said goals:

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I Have 99 Goals but Success Ain't 1....Wait.... · 7:21pm Jan 3rd, 2015

New year, new FIMFiction goals.

Like forizzle. I've already been writing more and everything. Now, almost entirely for my own benefit, I shall state said goals:

-1000 words a day. I was really slacking on the writing there for a few...months. Recently, however, I've really been committed to the whole 'writing bad pony fan fiction' thing. This goal of 1000 words a day may be for all of my writing combined, but that's leaps, bounds, and miles better than all of that non-writing I was doing before.

-Publishing something every month. Whether it be a chapter or a whole story in the form of a one-shot or otherwise. I think if I put pressure on myself to keep putting things out, I'll have to keep thinking about putting stuff out. See, I'm on this site a lot, but I have barely anything published. Why? Because I'm very 'why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?' type of person. It's nice to never really have much stress, but I do sometimes wish I used my time to share my various creations. Hence the goal. I think it's very doable ( Ey yo, is 'doable' even a word? I mean, spell check seems cool with it but...eh, whatever.)

-Finishing up the stories I already have out. This one seems like a no-brainer but, hey, I have Finisher's Anxiety. Look it up. It's a thing. Kinda.

-Finishing up the stories I've had on the drive since this time last year. Another obvious one, but hey, I haven't done it, so it probably has to be a goal for my mind to take it seriously. You know what it is? I get new ideas very frequently and don't want to forget them, so I work on too many new ideas at a time and quite often forget about the older ones. This must change!

-A blog entry every week or so. This one is a bit weird. I don't necessarily want to do a blog every week, just more often. Like every week. Nah, just often enough that I stay motivated to put new stuff out. Like every week. But seriously, I'll only make a blog that week if I have something to talk about that kind of relates to Pony or my site activity (or lack thereof). Probably on most Fridays or Saturdays.

-Get away from the random and comedy tags. While I do already have some stories planned of other genres, I feel the need to write this down for the sake of goals being the theme of this bloggy-blog entry. So, there you go. Heavier pony subject matter, darn it!

-Do a reading of one of my stories. Tis a sin that mine own golden pipes have yet to bless the realm of pony fan fiction. This one will probably be closer to the middle or end of the year when I've published more things. This one I've actually always wanted to do, so I've really got to get around to it at some point in this year. You know, eventually.

-To have fun! My friends (all three of them) wonder why I always talk about ideas for My Little Pony fan fiction and not any other franchise. The reason is, I think, I just love the ponies more than I love other characters. Not that I think they're better or like them more, but the ponies have always kind of felt like family to me. That being said, I'm a fan of a lot of things, but I think the only fan fiction I'll ever write is pony fan fiction. I find it to be more gratifying, for whatever reason. I wouldn't spend so much time on this site if I didn't find it fun to read and write about the ponies specifically.

That's it for now. Imma go write.

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