• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen February 5th


Compulsive writer of crossovers

More Blog Posts97

  • 412 weeks
    Pointless Blog #1: Nothing of Interest Here (I mean it)

    Random pointless blog because I am making simply to share something that has captured my heart. Tis a metapor as much as artwork or playing card. For it is entirely useless and utterly shit for use, yet it looks incredibly cool.

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  • 413 weeks
    Some Art and Other Stuff

    Yeah, this year hasn't been good for writing. I've managed to get a little done, but no promises on a timetable. For those who are still eager for more, I'm trying, and I hope to have something for one of my stories soon. I might try to focus on finishing Bloodlines, but I'm not sure. In the mean time, enjoy some commissioned art I got done for Justice Itself, and then just some other art I got

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  • 427 weeks
    Solution to writing problems?

    ...turns out, it's sitting in bed with laptop instead of using my PC. Yeah. Obviously I've been having troubles writing since this year began, despite, but I'm slowly getting to work again. Going to try and take it easy in my writing, because If I stress on it I'll make no progress, but thought at least some of you would like to know I've started to make progress again, however slow it might be.

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  • 437 weeks
    Friend In Need

    This isn't about any of my stories, sorry, but something a bit more important. A friend of mine, Noble Cause, is in rather dire straits right now and at risk of losing his house before he can find work. He's been a pre-reader on EQD and his advice when preparing Treacherous Mists to be sent to EQD was invaluable, along with him just being a

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  • 438 weeks
    Plans for 2016

    Bored, so thought I'd waste your time as well by writing this, just a general rounding out of plans for the year. Might be interesting.

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Justice Itself - Ch 4 RPIN · 6:01pm Jun 25th, 2012

EDIT UPDATE: HO YES! Justice Itself is now on the featured thing up on the top where its scrolling through them as of this posting! OOOOHHHHH YES!

Chapter FOUR IS UP! Go have a read of that first and come back if you would my minions! Muwhaha-MWUHAHAHA!

I start writing this between moments of work on chapter four which nears completion, intending to finish and post this once chapter 4 is done. Writing this also helps me focus on what next to write in the story, giving me a moments breathing space away from the story to consider my words and how to get the next paragraph to get me where I'm going, or at least start in vaguely the right direction.

I'm thinking of making Fluttershy what is called on TVTropes a "Morality Chain", or something of the like. Obviously not so extreme an example, since Tyrael has a lot of other things keeping him good (like the fact he's Tyrael!), but if the situation arises that Tyrael feels the only Justice is a swift and permanent end to the threat her trying to convince him not to would be a powerful tool. Something to mellow his harshness.

All the Mane 6 and other ponies will serve as this, but Fluttershy in particular because she seems to me to be the one Tyrael would likely see as needing the most protection. She is, in his eyes, an innocent. Most of the ponies are but Fluttershy far more, and thus deserving of more protection. To him, I think Fluttershy would represent something very precious that could be easily damaged. She is almost pathologically kind, wanting the best for everypony and he can see that. Tyrael has seen the worst Hell and humanity has to throw at him and to see such a selfless soul is an symbol of why he keeps fighting, why he must never relent in the face of those who seek to subvert or avoid justice for what they've done.

Plus, I doubt even the immortal spirit of Justice can resist her eyes when she tries her hardest.

Also, dammnit,I'm bad with Zecora's rhyming. Either I try not to involve her in the future so I don't have to deal with it or I force myself to include her so I can practice. If one of my sequel ideas is to work I'll have to work at her talking, so I guess that's it.

Spoil-tastic warning for Chapter 4! Go read Chapter 4, Justice Grounded first!:
I wonder how many people will have drawn the connection between Timber Wolves acting weird and the Black Root before I actually get to the attack. I mean, root sinking into Zecora's hut which is made of wood, Timber Wolves being made of...timber, which is wood. Mastefully subtle, I know. I bow in humble modesty, and modest humbility. Is that a word? Chrome's word checker says no, so probably not but who cares?

I'm going to make a running thing of the dream sequence seen at the start. I rather like using dreams, something angels are unlike to experience themselves, as a way to represent Tyrael's fears he won't confront himself. I'm takign some liberties with angels, such as saying they don't have subconsciousness. I'm going for the 'very alien' route with them, showing the fact they are very much not human - or pony, really - and how that affects them. They are the source of many things for humanity, while demons are the source of others (like flesh and eating). To show this I simply remove some human features from them, such as subconscious and the need to take a dump.

I'd apologise for being crude, but what the hay I'm sure you'll live. I say it every day (well, not everyday but I do say it) and I'm still alive. If i'm not, well, I'd rather expect more from my grim reaper. Although, actually, the chance to write something like this despite being dead would be quite handy.

Imagine the last minute resolutions to problems, the more exact will, the terrible awkwardness when one mistakenly thinks one is dying/dead and takes the chance to slag off everyone they know only to suddenly realise a moment after hitting the 'send' button that it was just a little fright!

Oh the hilarity!

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