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Launch Times Today (ET Approximate*) · 3:36pm Nov 27th, 2014

*Approximate because I have driving and cooking to do, so I might be late.

12pm ET - 7DSJ surprise thingy (edit, 1243pm - it's been in the approval cue since 1157am.)

3pm ET - AAG ch 22

6pm ET - HSW ch 9**

** in the case of HSW 9, if I do, it will be an unedited version. I hadn't planned on launching today (reasons below), but I will do my best. An edited copy will replace it once my editors get their hands on it.

I'd hoped to have all of this ready for a perfectly planned launch today, but due to long overtime planning at the annual budget meeting for the convention I work at this past weekend, it sucked up all my time (Blue and Cody, who recently joined the convention, can confirm this.) Hell, it came so close that I almost didn't have the 7DSJ thing done (got done at 1030 last night.)

But it's tryptophan/food coma day, so I promised you all a treat. Here's hoping!

(update, 128pm - still no launch of the 7DSJ thing. I think Fimfic needs more than three story approvers.....)

Report Shinzakura · 186 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Stand-alone Thanksgiving special by yours truly**

** Whenever the pre-readers approve it.

Wow... I'm looking forward to THIS!

what Trollpool says at 1:16

We already had our Thanksgiving back in October, so at least I'll have some literature to devour while you yanks devour turkey! Hope you have a good turkey day! :pinkiehappy:

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