• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 19th, 2020

Peregrine Caged

I miss the days--to all my fans and supporters, you were great. I leave a ghost, honest but neglected promises, and just the tip of the worlds I wished to share...

More Blog Posts218

  • 353 weeks
    Something Positive, Yes? A...Fairytale of sorts. The Tale of Jackal and Phoenix

    So, one thing I have been doing is a lot of homebrewing and world building for my Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting, Alandria. Have a good game, a little over a year old now, going, and it really sparks my creativity. I long to reach a point where I can write stories and the like in my world, like certain others have done in the past. (Haaah, dreams.)

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  • 355 weeks
    My Name is Jared DeZarn. I'm a Worthless Failure.

    So heads up. I have had a bit more to drink than I meant to. I'm still, more or less, aware of myself. I won't be blacking out or anything. If anything, I'm kind of in a super aware state?

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    8 comments · 715 views
  • 421 weeks

    *bang bang bang bang*

    (Something of substance to come some other day, but I am still alive, just...a fucking idiot, as I always have been. Sorry.)

    3 comments · 492 views
  • 434 weeks
    My God, He's Releasing Something New

    Jaysus, I've been quiet here. In all ways, not just the writing side of life. Which sucks. I suck, yes.

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    1 comments · 542 views
  • 440 weeks
    Call to Help Finish the Games

    So, the Games, as originally intended, are pretty much done. But that's not my fault--so I'll see them done, even if the overall exercise has been largely lost.

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From Humble (read: lacking) Beginnings · 5:50pm Jun 23rd, 2012

I'm not sure if I should have waited 'til I actually have a finished story or not, so *shrug*. At least this way I can keep a bit better track of the stories I enjoy and have read/will read.

So the point of this whole thing is to get my writing out there amongst a community I think will actually respond, since I've had issues getting any proper feedback.

It also has the dubious purpose of...oh who am I kidding, I would love to be recognized as 'one of those' amongst the community. Y'know, one of those artists that creates a piece that everyone loves, one of those whose name gets thrown around and is generally recognizable.

Much harder with the written word than with visual art and music, though. *frowns* It's probably an incredibly silly motivation, but I simply admit it's there. And who knows? *throws hands into the air* Maybe I'll pull it off.

I really enjoy this community (the Brony community in general, I mean), I'd like to become a part of it--like, an active known part of it. MLP: FiM has been the first property where I've seriously wanted something like that. And honestly...I think it'd be good for me. Life has gotten somewhat claustrophobic and stagnant as of late.

So time to stir up my creative juices and keep 'em flowing rather than letting them fall by the wayside.

So, if for whatever reason you've stumbled here and have read this, my first major story is in the works. I should be able to post a decent length prologue (probably in the neighborhood of 10K words) within the next few days, or at most a week.

So, I'll also post a VERY VERY tentative schedule (until I get a bit more solidly on my feet with this), and with that close this out. If you're here, if you've read, if you're waiting? Thank you, thank you very much, and stars and stones you must be crazy but thank you ever so much!


~~To Be Released (these are stories that I am currently writing and should be done soon):
- Heart of Chaos/On the Origin of Gods .... A historical fiction/origin story for our favorite Princesses and bringer of Chaos ... By end of June

~~On the Burner phase (these are stories that I've finished a general outline, I know the major players and plot points, and I should be actually writing soon):
- Written Legacy (very tentative title) .... A series of stories starring an OC/partial pony-sona concurrent with the TV series itself; main inspiration--who was running the Ponyville library before Twilight showed up? ... Probably next month (July), or at least after I get Heart of Chaos done (or a few chapters of it at least)

~~Inception/Pre-planning phase (these are stories where I'm mostly brainstorming or scribbling notes in order to get ready to actually write it):
- N/A

~~On the Horizon (stories I want to do/vaguely plan to do but haven't given serious thought towards as of yet. It all starts with an inspiration, after all!):
- A Daring Do Adventure tale (I need to read some of the ones out there, to get a feel for how they're done and of course to ensure I come up with something original)
- A VinylTavia ship/possibly origin tale (if I can think of something original since there are SO MANY GOOD ONES out there)
- A ship fic (failing the above VinylTavia one, or maybe included) (probably starring OCs, but my opinion on shipping canon cast characters may have changed by then)
- A crossover fic or two (most likely candidate is the Dresden Files (since I know that can work and I love that series almost as much as FiM), but I've been loosely thinking on a Mass Effect one as well)
- A true mystery fic (this may be very unlikely. Though I love reading them, writing them is...not something I'm sure I can do. So this is partially for the challenge)

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