• Member Since 26th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 18th, 2016


19, British, University Student (studying Game Development), Casual FIM fan & obsessive gamer. Generally specialize in Nintendo games and have a large lack of self confidence for better or for worse.

More Blog Posts10

  • 484 weeks
    New Year, what's changed? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING

    In the lowest state I think I've ever been in, and considering I was practically depressed the entirety of last year as well that's saying more than you'd probably assume. Fucking eating disorder's brought out the worst facets in me on a multidimensional level, and I've degenerated into a barely functional waste due to my inability to curb it. Gets worse when you constantly see people who

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  • 492 weeks
    Very minor stuff

    Just decided to try jogging for the first time in absolutely forever. (since around... last Juneish. I know)

    Barely managed 15 minutes (I assume just over a mile) without stopping until I felt drained, my feet started aching, my head felt dizzy and numb and I genuinely felt like I could've fainted if I went any longer, even though I did try to keep my breath.

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  • 492 weeks
    Binge Eating Update #5: A Slightly Different Form, + Christmas Problems

    Hope y'all had an amazing Christmas/Hearth's Warming Eve/Hanukkah everybody! The one time of the year where everyone seems to cut loose, temporarily disassociate themselves from any sort of negative baggage and just out & out have a holly, jolly, joyful, wonderful time with family & friends!

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    2 comments · 317 views
  • 493 weeks
    MERRY CHRISTMAS! 2015: Good?

    2014 was an absolutely shit-tastic year, dare I say the worst fucking year of my life. Divorce, indecision regarding my uni course, an eating disorder which persists into the present fucking day, become over 30lbs heavier and become an obese 147+lb abomination, stupid fucking decision after stupid fucking decision, breaking ties with somebody I thought was a friend, I could go on and on

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    0 comments · 261 views
  • 498 weeks
    Binge Eating Update 4 - Fuck Everything

    I'm fucking done. Don't know how much more of this mental lethargy and self-pity I can take, and I'm descending into worse extremities regarding this fucking pathetic binge eating disorder every single day. It's destroying everything I have, my body, my academic performance, my potential future aspirations, my interest in daily activities, my social interactions, my... everything

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Binge Eating Update 4 - Fuck Everything · 4:51pm Nov 16th, 2014

I'm fucking done. Don't know how much more of this mental lethargy and self-pity I can take, and I'm descending into worse extremities regarding this fucking pathetic binge eating disorder every single day. It's destroying everything I have, my body, my academic performance, my potential future aspirations, my interest in daily activities, my social interactions, my... everything really...

I've fucking had ENOUGH. I'm not going to commit suicide, no, oh fuck no that would be the fool's way out. Instead, I'm forcing myself to commit towards desperate measures (moreso than before) - I'm seeing a professional on campus about this. I know, I damn well know - I'm weak-willed, a nobody, and should have the mental capacity to deal with this myself. Heard it all before, and frankly, that's what I thought and re-iterated myself too. Until I found myself relapsing into my habits constantly, like a continual cycle of self-destruction which only results in one end - a bitter, unhappy death.Food is the drug which nobody seems to take for granted. And frankly I'm beyond sick of how it's eating away at everything pertaining to myself, so due to the recommendation from multiple friends of mine, I'm going to try and seek professional analysis before I end up a complete life failure (moreso than I already am). I pray to the lord above that the psychologist/counselor in question actually sticks to the damn confidentiality clauses they lay out, as if they don't I'll never ever forgive them, let alone delegate an iota of trust to them ever again.

I should NOT have been resorted to such a pitiable state of body & mind to have to seek psychological help, I really really shouldn't be this pathetic of a person. But it seems I am, and I have to break out of this mental barrier of food and my weight overriding every last thought of mine, preferably as quickly as possible. I can't afford it to be slow since I have a university degree on the fucking line, and hell, maybe I've already doomed myself. But a tiny bit of optimism never hurts anyone, right? Right?

I probably should have taken a gap year or something while I'm ahead to nip this retarded mental deficiency in the bud before it overcame me, but it's too late now and I'm suffering the consequences of my actions justily. That, and if I did take a gap year my eating disorder'd 110% be caught with my pants down by the family, and god knows how they'd react...

On the plus side, Smash Bros. Wii U remixes have started to come out, and holy crap they're AMAZING. The remix for one of my particular favourite tracks of all time, Destroyed Skyworld from Kid Icarus Uprising, got posted up a few hours ago, and while it initially caught me way off guard since the composer pretty much reversed the order the song normally goes, I love the faux-angelic vocals she added to the theme, and the arrangement itself is superb, if not quite as imposing as the original. Reminds me of a Final Fantasy boss theme almost, and the desperate yet beautiful melody resonates with me just as much as the original does. Absolutely fantastic theme! But don't take my word for how great it is - have a listen for yourself!


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