• Member Since 11th May, 2013
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Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫

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You have been invited...! · 11:21pm Nov 2nd, 2014

Pinkamena Diane Pie
Former King Sombra

Request for you presence at their marriage
The birthday of the bride

On Friday, May 3rd
At 5 o'clock
In the evening

Princess Twilight's Castle

Planned by the bride, Pinkamena Diane Pie & Cheese BLT Sandwich
Please RVSP

If you were to receive an invitation to Pinkie and Sombra's wedding, what would your letter back be? As long as it's appropriate, I'll add into the epilogue and credit those who wrote them! Be sure to use proper grammar and spelling, if you are able to.

I will post the chapter later tonight, and I'll add letters if more show up~

Report Harmony Charmer · 685 views · Story: Meeting The Family ·
Comments ( 36 )

I'll bring the booze.

Dear Iraq Lobster,



2570317 I'll bring the non-alcoholic cider?
Sunny D?
Capri Sun?
Pick one

Dear Pinkie Pie and Sombra,

It sounds like a wonderful occasion to celebrate, and I'd love to attend. I think I can make it to Ponyville at that time as well, which is a bonus! I needed to have a splash of inspiration from a rustically charming town for one of my characters as well. And I do believe it was you, Pinkie Pie, at one point that gave me inspiration to draw my first comic. Though it was very basic at the time, you were that spark that let me start and that keeps surging me forwards to greater heights. In memory of that, I'm attending, to give you my best wishes of a long and happy life with Sombra. He's quite handsome, and you're incredibly lucky to have him, if I do say so myself!

Ink Dreams

Dear Iraq Lobster,

Capri Sun. Make sure that the straws are in, because Pinkie tends to stab herself with them sometimes.

Sincerely, Sombra

Dear Pinkie and Sombra,
I would love to come. You have always been a friend to me, Vinyl and the rest of Ponyville Radio. I am excited to hear you have found your true love. And Sombra, I may not have met you yet but I can tell you are a good stallion. I will tell you this after the wedding but treat her right. If you don't I will blast you with a sonic wave so strong you will see the passing of the sun and moon. That being said we should hang out some time after the Honeymoon so I can get to know the stallion that won the heart of the mare I see as a sister in all but blood. I'll see you two at the wedding so good bye for now.
Sonic Bass (AKA dj-pon3fan)

Dear Pinkie and Sombra,

I'm honored to be invited for a momentous occasion where you shall be joined together, happiness that will follow you for the rest of your lives. If you need someone to arrange a musical after party, feel free to contact me.


Dear Pinkamena Pie and Sombra,

I will would be most ecstatic indeed to attend your wedding, I haven't been to one since... that one on Canterlot I think, when Queen Chrysalis crashed the event, and it has been too long since I stepped out of my lab here at the school, plus, it'll be good to see Twilight again. Either way, expect me to be in attendance.

Biological Deoxy Chemistry (Bio Chem), head of Science at P.C.S.G.U.

Dear Pinkie Pie and Sombra,

Well, I've seen you two occasionally and I was wondering when you'd finally agree to tie the knot. I will gladly attend the wedding and after party, and I wish you all a long and happy marriage. I hope that you two will truly be together "Until death do you part."

Joseph (Josh) Hooves.

P.S. If you need a foalsitter for your kids (assuming you ever have any), feel free to stop by my office. Just ask The Cakes, they'll know what I'm talking about.

Dear Pinkie and Sombra,
I would to love to come to your marriage after all it you who hold all my birthday.
and it was you who help me after my mother passing.
so I will be there .
dark starfox 64
ps.. you still haven't tell me what did to my scythe

Letter from Luna


We have been clamoring for thy union for some moons now, and We would be delighted to attend! We would even be willing to share a blessing with thee, and mayhaps one for thy unborn foal. Shouldst thou need any assisstance, We would be glad to provide you with either worker ponies or Our own hooves. A small share of the Treasury of the Crown, should it prove necessary, shall be at thy disposal. We look forward to witnessing the service, and We shall most certainly prepare a special Celebration of the Stars for thee.

Best of wishes,

Thy Princess of the Night, Mistress of the Stars, Queen of the Moon, Lady of War, Lunar Diarch,

Princess Luna Selene Nyx

Dear Pinkie

Ohmagurd!! I'm sooooo happy for you! I would love to come instantly but Bionic Force is still being a killjoy and trotted us into a dragons den on purpose, so we couldn't. After promising to let him raid Twilight's laboratory I finally got him to fight with us. We're on our way right now! I'll be sure to find Soul and bring her too.
Since we have to pass through a few towns would you like any souvenirs?

With excitement
Spirit Shift


Any cute bridesmaids? Besides your friends, I mean.

-Blazing Notes

Dear Pinkie and Sombra,

I must say that as fantastical as this sounds, what with the food, the dancing and the meeting new ponies, I'm afraid I just can't make the effort to come all that way. It's too cold up here for a trip like that and we can't focus our resources on anything but keeping warm and safe.

I do however, wish the best that can be wished to you and your endeavors in the world of marriage.
Now, I'm gonna see if putting this envelope in the bedside drawer I found the invitation in will send it back.

Til lykke med dagen, bursdagspike!

P.S. It didn't work. I'll just have to send it the old fashioned way when the courier comes around next summer. I'm running out of ink, so I have to end it now.

Dear Pinkie and Sombra,

Between the pranks I've succumbed to courtesy of the former and what has so graciously blossomed between the two of you, I'm honored that you would actually invite me to this momentous occasion. I've not much to offer for your wonderful romance other than my attendance to make sure you tie the knot completely (And perhaps some music if I manage to get some more practice in). Of course, this shall be the first wedding I've attended in a long while, so I hope you'll forgive me if I tend to make things awkward.

I do hope that your time together post-marriage will not be met with any severe obstacles save for the eventual future of parenthood. You two complete each other so nicely, that it would be such a shame to see something fade away so quickly.

Sombra, I hope to get to know you a little more as a stallion who has made an amazing impact on Ponyville.

Pinkie, I hope to get to know you a little less as a prankster from here on out.

In conclusion, you have both my gratitude for the invitation, and my best wishes for your future.

Sincerely Yours,
Dirty Bit

P.S: I hope you disregard my offer for music; my experience with the violin is an awful one.

For Sombra's eyes only.

Dear Sombra,

I am honored to receive an invitation to your wedding, but I am afraid I will be unable to attend. A diplomat's work is never done, and I will be in Griffonia during the celebration. I truly wish I could be in attendance, but such is the price of joining the Canterlot nobility. Royal duties must come first.

Sombra, do not allow Pinkie Pie to read this letter without speaking to her first. If I know her as well as I think I do, then she would do everything in her power to make sure each and every one of her friends attends her wedding. I imagine that she would be devastated to hear that even one of her friends will not be able to make it. Forgive my selfishness, but I ask that you gently let her know that I will not be there for the wedding.

Be sure to take as many pictures as you can. I'll want to hear all about it when I return. I wish you two the greatest happiness life has offer, and be sure to wish the lovely bride a happy birthday for me.

Sincerely yours,
Olive Branch

To the happy couple,

I'm very sorry, but I fear I must decline. I don't think the self respecting, logical side of me will ever forgive myself should I attend.

Cheers regardless!


To the happy couple

I'll be glad to come! I would also love to provide entertainment. As a changeling, I can provide a one-pony zoo, caricature artist, dramatic theater, and jester services, all by myself. So long as you have some affectionate friends at the reception, I'd be glad to provide any or all of my services free of charge.

Best wishes, Spark Trace

Pinkie, when I first came to Ponyville I didn't know what to think of you. I thought you were random, crazy, and a bit off. But I now know you're so much more than that. You're kind and funny, sweet and loving, and all you want is to see your friends smile and be happy. I can't ever thank you enough for everything you've done for me, for the friendship you've given me. I would be honored to attend your birthday/wedding and I eagerly look forward to it.

Sombra, I may not know you well, but if Pinkie loves you as much as I think she does, then you must really be something special. I cannot express how lucky you are to have somepony like her for a wife, and I wish both of you all the happiness in the world. I look forward to meeting you at what I expect to be one incredible wedding.

Dearest Cousin Sombra and Miss Pinkie,

Thank you very much for the invitation to your wedding! Congratulations! I shall attend this momentous occasion, but I have one question: Will there be shrimp? I am allergic to shrimp, it causes me to writhe on the floor and die. Thank you once more,


Dear Pinkie Pie and Sombra,
Of course I will attend! Why would I miss such an amazing party?! A birthday party and a wedding? You must be ambitious or crazy! Both of which can be good, I might add.
All in all, I look forward to the event. Now to figure out a good wedding gift and birthday present...gosh, Pinkie, sometimes you're so hard to shop for.

Pump It Up

Dearest Friends,
I will happily attend this wonderful occasion. I am very happy for you two. You have helped me so much Pinkie Pie so I will attend your wedding. If you want to you can ask me for help if you need it. I want to help make this wedding perfect for you two. Since I have never met you Sombra I hope to met you at the wedding. From what I heard from you, you are a good stallion. You deserve to be with Pinkie. For now I wish the best of luck for you two. Let's just hope for no changelings to come and crash the party.

Best Of Wishes,

Dear Miss Pie and His Former Majesty Sombra:

I regret that the current state of my research projects and professional obligations make it impossible for me to attend the festivities. Juggling the triple career demands of mild-mannered professor, reclusive best-selling author, and adventurer-archeologist leaves little time for social engagements. That is to say, I imagine it would. I know nothing of this personally, of course. I simply have a great deal of grading and dull administrative work to do, and I'm a bit tied up at the moment.


I wish you every joy at your wedding and a very long and happy married life together,

Sincerely, Daring Do A.K Yearling Professor A. Panache

PS: Please pass the enclosed to Cheese Sandwich, unopened.

Dear Cheese:
I'm keeping the files on certain antique customs among certain varieties of equines very carefully hidden. If you are ever passing through [location written in ink visible only in certain hilarious circumstances], I shall broach some of my best mead and show you my research on alternative timelines. In the meantime, courage, mon ami.

To the happy couple,

I knew you two would end up tying the knot. I'll definitely be there! You know what they say, "Come for the wedding, stay for the PAAAARTAY!"

Wubmobiles at down. Lets settle this like Sandwiche's.

Dear Pinkamena and Sombra,

I would be honored to attend the wedding, if that be your collective wish. And if I may, a congratulations to the both of you. Being wed is one of the most pleasurable experiences I have experienced in my extensive lifespan. May your wedding bring similar high levels of joy to the rest of your lives.

Sincerely, with all happiness for the both of you,
Time Storm, Archimagus.

Dear Pinkie Pie and Sombra:

Hey guys! Me and Sweetie Belle wish you the best of luck! But why was someone else named Sombra also a Villan in my comic book? Coincidence I guess. I'm Sweetie's plus one! Apparently she got invited probably 'cause she's friends with the princess.
From the eccentric
Button Mash.

Ps, Spike better not try to dance with Sweetie again. Please tell him that.
Pps, the GGG isn't too far either. Maybe you guys could do something there?

Dear Miss Pinkie Pie and Former King Sombra

I would love to attend the ceremony, and I'm so proud of you Pinkie! Expect me to arrive, along with seeing Rainbow Dash the plans for a new machine that I'm creating: a Party Gattling Gun!

Dark Knight

P.S. just a warning for any Wonderbolts attending:
if I see so much as a hair of your egotistical, Tribalist coats', I will take Discord's tooth, and gut you like fish! (cept for Soarin', we cool)

Dear Pinkie and Sombra

We are confused about why we were given this. As we write this we are currently watching Popper play with our daughter.
we are assuming this has something to do with all those alternate versions of Mac's kids that we had running around a couple years back, and that one of them had come from this universe.

None the less, we do congratulate the both of you and wish that your marriage will be as happy as ours.

Sincerely yours,
Big Macintosh, Lyra and Rhapsody Apple.


Please stop sending mail interdimensionally, we are not permitting unauthorized travel between universes for something as simple as a wedding.
Also, shipping cost are a pain in the flank.

-Time Turner, Universe 1974.

Dear Pinkie pie and Sombra

While I am baffled as to how this has reached me in these ruins I have found myself lost within, It would be my honor to attend your wedding. I shall be sure to find a souvenir for you while I search for the exit. Congratulations on finally tying the knot you two.


Dear Pinkie Pie and (Former) King Sombra,

Thank you for the invitation.
I would be honored to attend your wedding. I shall be there.

Now, on a much more informal note,

Your parties are famous all over Equestria, Pinkie! I've never had the luck to attend any of them, sadly. In all my travels, I've never been to Ponyville before. But that is going to change! I have been to one of Cheese's parties, though, and that was absolutely epic! I can only imagine how epicesome a party will be, thrown by the both of you!

And Former King Sombra, I wish you the best of luck in your marriage! you're going to need it I bet it'll be a happily ever after! You've deserved one, after all you've been through.

I bet this all has been said many times before in many different ways, but, happy happily ever after!


Civviq Writer

Dear Pinkie and Sombra,

I am sorry to say that I will not be able to attend your wedding, as I have some personal matters to attend to. However, I have attached to this letter details for several enchantments that you may find useful for the wedding. (Though I would use them with caution, as they can be... unstable if cast incorrectly.)

Kazuma Michishige

Dear Pinkie and Sombra,
Thank you very kindly for your invitation to your wedding. I know I am not the closest of your friends but I really appreciate you inviting me anyway! Seriously you guys are the best. I have also been waiting for you (Pinkie) to marry someone at one point, seriously you are a nice, and admittedly sexy, piece of pony so you have deserved this since forever ago! I have a lot to say but I'm sure you're already up to your knees in reply letters by now, So I will leave you to them!

I would like to RSVP please :pinkiehappy:

Dear Pinkie Pie and Sombra
I would love to participate in your special celebration. Though Why didn't I get any news that you two where engaged?? I may be weird but that doesn't mean I don't care. Anyhow, congratulations. I may be late, even this letter may be late. Though don't focus on that, how is the party planned?? And how much sugar is it going to be there?? I remember last time I was at a Pinkie party. I didn't know one could get into a sugar coma. Though I don't appreciate parties so often. So was it a blast. Though is there a theme?? Dress code?? So I wont go and be dressed the wrong way. That would be embarrassing and inconvenient for both parts. Though I hope most that there isn't so much balloons... You know how I react to them. They where the reason that I haven't gone to so many of your parties. And I want top write more. But time is short and I have things needed to be done.
Congratulations again and I hope that I reach in time, sincerely Shadow

Dear Miss Pinkie Pie and Former King Sombra,

How excited I am to be invited to your wedding! Sometimes finding one's true love is a difficult process, filled with lots of confusion and countless questions. But you both learned a very valuable lesson: Love conquers all. I am so proud of how you both have grown and matured. Some would have once said that two ponies so different may have never been able to come together, but you both have shown that sometimes love is much more powerful that hate.

Thank you so much for the invitation. As much as I would love to attend, I'm afraid that my studies have begun to slip away from me; as the head of the Equestrian Foundation for Astronomy and Space Exploration I have found myself with very limited amounts of free time. It is crucial to my career that I meet with the committee for the Nobale Prize to discuss the laureates for this year's award in physics.

However, Princess Luna and I have recently been in correspondence on the subject of your upcoming wedding, and it fills me with joy to tell you that Luna herself will be arranging a very special meteor shower in honor of your wedding.

I wish you both a happy and bright future. May your devotion to one another be a symbol of everlasting love all over Equestria.


Whimsical Notion
Head of the Equestrian Foundation for Astronomy and Space Exploration

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