• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 5th, 2022

Dragon Emperor Geon

Just a big Man who's got a passion for Dragons. Don't gimme any Wyvern talk!

More Blog Posts48

  • 430 weeks
    Deleting all stories and starting anew.

    I'd hate to say it folks, but the stories I have need to be deleted to completely redo what I have planned. Now I know some will get upset, but not to worry, I have everything backed up in case you wish to read it again.

    As for FIAM, I am going to be rewriting that now. I hope you will give me a chance, and really enjoy what I got planned.

    Hope to catch ya later!


    0 comments · 354 views
  • 432 weeks
    Big Announcement.

    To start things off, how ya doin'? I know you haven't heard from me in...well, years, but I'm finally back. And what does that mean? Well I'm gonna be doing a few things to this profile, and its stories.

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    0 comments · 382 views
  • 621 weeks
    Geon's Gamer Gallery!: Jekyll and Hyde NES

    Licensed games are rarely good. NES games made by Bandai are rarely good. [Except this one!] When you throw in 19th century British literature, things go straight to hell.

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    26 comments · 932 views
  • 622 weeks
    Bonus Round! Extra Side Stories!

    1) Starwing: The Wonderbolts get a new recruit: Aeon Starwing. He proved to the princesses that he has what it takes to handle anything life has to throw at him, but when the Griffons, lead by the tyrant "Brutus" want to take over the Kingdom, the Wonderbolts heed the call! After barely protecting the castle against a powerful onslaught, the wonderbolts decide to take it to 'em! They must

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    25 comments · 597 views
  • 623 weeks
    A Talk on "Side Stories"...

    "Is that..."


    "Why, hello, tiny horses!"

    "G-Geon! What're you doin' with all mah apples!"

    "I'm stealing them. What's it look like!"

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    47 comments · 858 views

I am sick and/or dying. · 6:42pm Jun 18th, 2012

So for the last few months, I've been getting sicker, and sicker. Puking Deep red blood, and practically getting knocked out in the bathroom.

I havent been truthful with any of you, but I've been keeping it under wraps.

Hopefully, if I get better soon, I can keep working on FIAM, but IDK about my condition...

I cant get to a hospital, because I dont have insurance, so I cant check what's wrong with me.

I also cant get to a car, because I'm too sick to drive, and everyone's gone.

So I hope I get better soon...

So while I was trying to sleep, Nightmare brought me this.

It's a song you'll love.

Go check it out.

Until then, let's hope I dont drown in my own blood today.

Report Dragon Emperor Geon · 471 views ·
Comments ( 58 )

hope you get better man:fluttershyouch:

hope you get better soon xx

Whoa. That's heavy.

And just in case:

>Wins 1st place in an uphill race over 6000ft.
>Dangerously sick, possibly fatally so

What are you? :rainbowhuh: You're like the Lance Armstrong of bronies

Anyways, I have an idea, if you're up for it.

Basically, start a fundraiser, so you can pay the bills or get insurance for the time being. If I've learned anything about this community, it's that we're willing to put our money to use, and this certainly sounds like a good cause.

Also, I'm sure you can find someone in your area who can drive you, though I'm not sure how comfortable you'd be with that.

We are many, and we're here to help; that's what makes this community great.

In either case, pull through it, man. I know you can. :scootangel:

If you need help, don't hesitate to ask. Im pretty sure you live fairly close to me anyway.

:fluttercry: Please get better soon


lol Thanks, I'm full of 'em :twilightblush:

If you do put one up, let me know! I'm pretty frugal, but keeping a friend alive sounds like a fair use of money!

Eeyup. I actually almost went to the mt washington race, but I was busy.

181392 danke, best freund...:pinkiesad2:

181393 well that sux!

Dude, I hope you get better my friend

181418>>181422 Danke.

and I wont stop you!


181430 ill make it laster on then mein freund :)

So let me get this straight. You're potentially fatally ill and you have no insurance. I'm going to assume you have a job (I could probably check other blog posts, but I don't feel like doing so; sue me -_-), but it doesn't pay well enough for any potential operations. And since you haven't said anything to the effect that implies current help, I'm also going to assume that any existing family is unwilling to chip in and help you out.

It's that last assumption that baffles me. Family is family is family, regardless of any possible estrangement. And if there isn't any estrangement, why in the hell are they not willing to help? A life is a life is a life, and a life is priceless. That said, why would they not help? :rainbowhuh:

Also, i somehow forgot to say it, but I hope you feel better:pinkiesad2:

181445 danke, bud.

im just chillin' in bedford. il;l b ok...ihope

181448 I'm praying for ya man.
Huh bedford, Im in Greenfield.

I'll pray for you, too, but I also really hope you go to the emergency room. That sounds serious.

181498 that close?

181510 i hope i can soon. im just sitting in my room, praying i dont drown in my own fluids...

but Danke for the pray, that means alot!

...Crap. Wish I could help you out, bro, but even if I could, I havent a dime to my name. All I can do is shout "Get well soon!" Over the internets and hope you get better... but yknow how helpful taht is. :applejackunsure:

Good luck

181514 Yeah, only like 40 min from each other. I'm honestly surprised, didn't think anypony lived close to me.

181524 Danke!

181541 thats really not bad at all! XD

181545 Maybe when you feel better we could meet sometime.

181575 Danke, mein freund!

i dont think i ever met you tho...hmmm..

181444 i actualy do not have a job.

as for family....I...realy dont know.... :<

You don't? Okay. My point still stands. Why would your family not help you? :rainbowhuh:

Oh, and I'm an idiot. I forgot the most important part:
That sucks, man. I hope you get better. I'll be praying for ya!
Have a pinkie smile, because a pinkie smile makes everything better: :pinkiehappy:

You haven't, just offering my condolences as I've seen you around this website and you amuse me with your wit/mannerisms.

So, any specific idea of what you have, more details on symptoms ect?

181608 My diagnosis?

Sorry, I'm dead.

In all seriousness, lemme tell you my little story...

So we got puking blood, extreme headaches, stomach pains that feel like I'm burning inside out, extreme case of light headedness, confusion as to where I am (Not even kidding, I forgot where my kitchen was, and got lost in my bathroom),and I occasionally knock out in said bathroom.

also, be sure to find more of said wit/mannerisms in mai blog. you'll find more everywhere, of course. XD

And to think I came first in a race up a fucking mountain.

181606 Pinkie is the best ponyyyyyyyy, nextto twmight spankle and taboooo~

You hang in there bro. Take it easy and don't strain yourself... but you really should at least find some kind of clinic and get yourself checked out. :fluttercry:

181653 Let's just hope I dont drown in my own blood champ. :<

Oi, we're here for you. If it gets really bad then you should go somewhere regardless of your lack of insurance.

find a place to host a fundraiser and I'm going to donate the shit out of it! got it. I'm not losing another brony! we have lost far to many as it is.

Go to an Emergency room!

:applecry: Hope you get better soon

181812 If it get's too bad, I'd head to a hospital(via ambulance I guess), your life is more important than some currency..

181864 well, It's only because I dont have insurance... :<

181867 Just don't die, ok. You're a big inspiration, a great person(from what I've seen) and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only distraught person if you were to pass away.

Ah get well soon I had the same symptoms you have a month ago

181884 That....That actually means alot. I never heard anypony saying that before...I really didnt think anything I said mattered...

You deserve a special spot on the blogs, and my profile, for being the first to really move my frozen heart with a small, but inspiring say.

181939 I don't deserve anything really, just speaking my mind, and assuming others share similar thoughts.

I hope it isn't anything to serious.
Still, what were you thinking running a race in your condition?

I wish you the best of luck, try and get some help if you can, from your friends, family, or whoever you can get.
Get better alright.

182793 I did it, to make myself feel good, actually.

I didnt do it for any fame, no money, nothing.

I merely did it, because I never did anything like this, and I wanted to make myself feel important, to me, nopony else.

With my condition, I dont know...I never truly felt bad like this.


I didn't mean to come off as harshly as I did.
I can understand why you did what you did.

Still, get help, alright.

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