• Member Since 4th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 20th, 2015


More Blog Posts2

  • 502 weeks
    Who exactly I am, and some dark humor pony themed-idea(s), I have had.

    So, in my previous post, I suddenly wrote about this huge premise concept from a month ago that I had for a massive, large story that may or may not ever be written just because of the scope of the story, and near the end, I expressed some concern that it's a really large idea that might be too much to dive-into for a first time MLP wanna-be fanfic writer like myself. There have been other ideas,

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  • 502 weeks
    Concept for an MLP:FiM fic, to be written someday, perhaps...

    An idea for an MLP:FiM fic has been buzzing around in the walls of my brain-place, for a long while now. That idea is summed up as sort of a "crossover", but more of a semi-original concept based on the alternate reality from the popular, and incredibly awesome classic film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit." that directly relates to the ponies and the characters from My Little Pony: Friendship Is

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Who exactly I am, and some dark humor pony themed-idea(s), I have had. · 11:23am Oct 18th, 2014

So, in my previous post, I suddenly wrote about this huge premise concept from a month ago that I had for a massive, large story that may or may not ever be written just because of the scope of the story, and near the end, I expressed some concern that it's a really large idea that might be too much to dive-into for a first time MLP wanna-be fanfic writer like myself. There have been other ideas, one idea in particular that I feel like I might try to ease into. A series of MLP:FiM one-shots.

But first.... a little personal background, because this is literally the second blog post I've ever written on FimFiction and some people might be rightly wondering "Who the hell is this NightStar guy, just posting blogs all of a sudden, and never wrote anything before??"

I used to write all the time. Well, you COULD call it that, I GUESS. Even though i've never considered myself that good. Just.. never an MLP fanfic before. And when it came to fanfic-only ideas, or missed opportunities to capitalize on something better than I did, many years ago. Well, in between multiple revisions of a plot and scenario for two RPG games that never got made, some show ideas that never took off, an aborted storyboard concept, a light novel I never finished and a movie I quit doing the screenplay for about a 3/4th's the way in, about 5 years ago.

Last time I wrote what could be considered a "fanfic" though, under a completely different name, persona, and what seems like a lifetime, in other fandoms, was well over 12 years ago. I'm not going to bore you with all those details about what it was, what fandom it was for, and what it was about. The thing is... I'm not a stranger to writing, just... never a single MLP fic ever since I started watching this show around the beginning of Season Two. I intend on changing that. That's why i'm here, now.

When it comes to MLP, though, there are a million ideas that started passing through my mind like gusts of wind in an errant breeze, ever since I started watching FiM, as far as stories or ideas I wanted to explore with the ponies. But I started then thinking about what kind of things i'd ever write if given the chance.

I thought up some unusual and dumb crossover ideas, (and some not so dumb), here and there. But I like what-if stories. About a year ago, I started writing up dozens of treatments for possible ideas for non-pony related segments for some horror anthology feature that doesn't exist, and I got to thinking... among all of the kinds of stories there are that I would love to write someday, if I could... Comedies, Slice Of Life stories, even some ideas I had that could have been episodes in their own right., I started getting back into thinking about something I truly loved, and hadn't thought about in years.

The old, un-made horror anthology screenplay treatment I never did anything with. I recently started thinking about short stories with really dark humor, or just dark stories in general. Or if not "dark", just what-if stories of varying tones. My mind went back to all the shows like this i've watched over the years. I recently re-watched Tales From The Darkside, but especially motivated by remembering the satisfying, weird, dark stories of HBO's Tales From The Crypt, and the thought provoking tales of wonder and imagination of The Twilight Zone, and to a lesser extent, The Outer Limits.

I don't know what it was, exactly. Maybe it was the genesis of the not-so-subtle coincidental pun of Twilight Sparkle's name and "The Twilight Zone", but my mind flashed to combining the darkly tongue-in-cheek nature of Tales From The Crypt's bizarrely grim tales, or the Twilight Zone's ideas that all started out as high concept "What if this was THIS, instead of how it is in real life", and I started to wonder... what about Equestria? That world works so differently than how ours works, yet they still have a lot of logic that they take for granted, too, seeing as how their society has rules, and there's nothing more fun to a fanfic writer than a good "But what IF" story.

While it may be my dream to write a really big concept for a multi-chapter story someday as the one I talked about in my first blog post, I keep thinking about all these ideas that started coming to mind, about ways to take the MLP universe and do some dark things with it. It is Halloween almost. Maybe it's that mentality, or all the recent binge-re-watching of my favorite anthology shows from the past that put my mind into overdrive....

But I started thinking that if I started somewhere, it would be combining the strange, and macabre with one-shot pony stories. I even started reading some here, to think up inspiration on the side, and now I want to do this, too. So, I have written some paragraphs and story ideas for several macabre MLP tales, but with an element of really dark humor, as well. I have a great idea for one story in particular, which I am itching to write first, and already have an ending for.

Again, I know, i'm rambling for someone who has absolutely zero stories to show for all this talk. But I suppose this blog exists to be a place to throw down my thoughts in a way to communicate them to anyone who cares enough to read it here, anyway.

But I don't want to pigeonhole myself into just dark stories, so I want to make a separate series for those, under a soon-to-be determined title, but also hopefully, I can eventually write some stories that are cute, some funny, some absurd, maybe even a sadfic, or an epic, someday. But for now, maybe start small.

I haven't written fanfics in 10 years. I've been involved with other stuff, but this is the first time in a long time i've been motivated to really come up with some pony things, with these characters for the first time. Here's to that. Here's to hoping I can do this. And here's to hoping that someone likes whatever stuff I eventually write, here.

Anything to stave off the very real depression and low-feelings of self-worth i've been cursed with, for a while now. This could be the ticket, if I finally find something i'm good at finishing. You never know. Flibbertigibbet.

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