• Member Since 11th May, 2013
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Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫

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  • 269 weeks
    So I'm watching the premiere

    No, I haven't watched season 8. Yes, I am watching because Chrysalis, Tirek, and Sombra are back. Also, why was an eight year old in Tartarus, who made that decision?

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  • 315 weeks
    Making It Official

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  • 372 weeks
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Questions About Your OTP. · 3:22am Oct 16th, 2014

Alright, so I've realized that there are little details that are determined when concerning a ship and I compiled a couple, some from me and others from users on Tumblr(I do not have the names, unfortunately). So, here's some things to consider when working out the dynamics of your ship/OTP.

-Who are your OTP {One True Pairing}? (Pinkie and Sombra)
-How did they meet? (Twilight was looking for someone to reform Sombra and Pinkie took up the job)
-Are your OTP: Canon, AU, Crossover..? (AU AS HELL)
-What is your favorite quote from your OTP? (THEY NEVER TALK TO EACH OTHER IN CANON)
-Do you multi-ship either of them {Ship either with someone else}? (I ship different ponies with Sombra, like Luna and Chrysalis, and I ship Pinkie with Cheese Sandwich, too)
-Do you think one of them would cheat on the other? (Noop; Pinkie is loyal and so is Sombra, though they tend to get jealous over petty things)
-What is the most ridiculous thing haters have said about them? ("Sombra's dead, though!" Yeah, I know... Another one is, "CHRYSSIBRA IS BEST SOMBRA SHIP111!!!!!11!" I appreciate that pairing, but seriously, don't bash my OTP. That's really rude and I used to do it, but I stopped a long time ago.)
-Which animated Disney movie couple would your OTP be? (Eugene and Rapunzel; a singing, perky princess with a bad guy? Who doesn't love that?)
-Look up random love quotes. Which one out of a few fits your OTP? ("Love is sharing your popcorn," by Charles Schultz. It just feels right to me...)
-Which movie couple would they be? (Um... Don't know why, but Selena comes to mind... A bad boy Chris with a talented, beautiful Selena just always clicked and made me think of SombraPie for some reason... I guess because Chris reminds me of a human Sombra?)
-Pick 1 song that fits them per season. (Dang, this is gonna be hard, since they didn't really know about each other's existence until season three... I got t:
Season 1: "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper, because Pinkie isn't into the idea of love.
Season 2: "Just Haven't Met You Yet" Micheal Buble, because Pinkie has matured and I think she's considered the idea of love after babysitting and the Cranky Doodle incident.
Season 3: "King of Anything" by Sara Bareilles, because Pinkie and Sombra don't get along with one another.
AU, undetermined timeline: "Angels and Demons" by Aviators, because in "Never Sleep Alone" Sombra refers to himself as a being from down below and Pinkie as a heavenly angel... It just always stuck, because Sombra's demonic and twisted while Pinkie's sweet and innocent
-If either one of them has ever messed up their relationship, who was it and why? (Sombra; he tends to doubt himself and will often try to do what he can to keep Pinkie happy, even if it means that he has to leave her alone... Even if that means breaking her heart.)
-What is your dream scene for your OTP? (I have multiple... Should I list them? IMMA DO IT:
1. Sombra reading a book while Pinkie is on his shoulders, reading and reacting to the things that happen, with the occasional moment where she'll put her hoof on the page because she "isn't done with it yet", all while Sombra rolls his eyes and makes that, "You're such a dork" face while thinking, "But you're my dork".
2. Sombra and Pinkie about to get frisky when their foal runs in because of thunder or something scared them, causing Sombra to pout while Pinkie comforts their foal.
3. Sombra giving Pinkie piggy back rides into town
4. Sombra taking care of Pinkie while she's pregnant and being really worrying for no reason
5. Pinkie cheering Sombra up when he's upset
6. Sombra watching Gummy for Pinkie
7. Sombra and Pinkie celebrating their 10 year, 15 year or 20 year anniversary, all while managing to surprise the other with their gifts
-Which one hogs the blanket? (Pinkie; she's still not used to sharing them)
-Which one cuts the other's hair? (Pinkie insists on doing it for the sake of learning how, though Sombra trusts Rarity with scissors more)
-Which one makes coffee for the other every morning? (Sombra's not a morning pony, so Pinkie usually gets up before him and makes him coffee for work)
-Which one picks up the pizza? (Both, but Sombra goes by himself during Pinkie's pregnancies)
-Which one likes their music on full volume? (Pinkie; Sombra prefers peace and quiet)
-Which one complains about crumbs on the bed? (Sombra; Pinkie sneaks midnight snacks into bed and he hates it)
-Which one is ticklish? (Both, but Pinkie is more ticklish)
-Which one sings and which one plays the music? (Pinkie sings, Sombra plays; he knows how to strum the guitar and play a tambourine because of Conscience)
-Which one proposes? (Sombra, but Pinkie's the one who makes the proposal to renew their vows; she goes overboard, as usual, and makes a big musical number over it)
-Which one is the morning person and which one isn't?(Sombra's a total grump in the morning and Pinkie wakes up perky)
-Which one goes to check it out if the other hears a noise? (Sombra has keen hearing, so he's usually one to hear it first and will go check it out with Pinkie so that way they're not separated; he only makes her stay in bed during her pregnancies or if the foals are in bed with them)
-Which one talks to the kids about difficult matters? (Both; Pinkie is good cop, but only because Sombra wants the kids to be mad at him and not at her because she hates it when ponies are upset with her)
-Which one scolds and which one is consoles their kid? (Sombra and Pinkie, respectively; Sombra worries and broods too much, while Pinkie is kind and better understanding of certain aspects of childhood)
-Which one tells stories and which one checks the closet or under the bed for monsters? (Pinkie and Sombra, respectively; Pinkie got mad at Sombra because one time their son asked if Sombra would check for monsters and he said, "What makes you think they can't open the door?" He ended up sleeping in the bed with Sombra and Pinkie for six months afterwards, cutting out any possible intimacy between them.)
-Which one tells jokes and which one laughs? (Pinkie loves to make jokes, but Sombra doesn't really understand her humor that well, so he ends up making her laugh a lot of the time; he thinks her snort laugh is adorable)
-Which one supports and which one leans? (It depends on the situation, but Pinkie is most certainly a leaner when Sombra's around. It's rarely the other way around.)
-What are potential bad or sad endings for you OTP? (NO, NO, NO, I WON'T THINK ABOUT SUCH THINGS! ...But, I do have some... I NEED TO GET IT OUT SO I WON'T HOLD THE SADNESS INSIDE OF ME!
1. Sombra outliving Pinkie because it turns out he's still immortal and finding out his children are cursed with it, as well.
2. Pinkie outliving Sombra due to an accident or illness, so she throws him little parties at his grave with their son
3. Pinkie dying from birth complications and Sombra being a full-time dad with their son, who miraculously survived... He can't look at his eyes because he has Pinkie's eyes and all he can think about is the first time his son opened his eyes when Pinkie closed her for the last time...
4. Sombra running off and leaving Pinkie by herself, unaware of her pregnancy and he only finds out when his son finds him to tell him about Pinkie's death.
5. The Shadow returns and battles Sombra, which leads for his sacrifice in order to save Pinkie and their son.
6. Sombra and Pinkie's son becomes a host for the Shadow and he turns into an evil villain hellbent on ruling the world...
7. Things don't work out between Pinkie and Sombra, causing Sombra to break away and fade away from sight, only for Pinkie to learn about his death many years later.)
-How does one get along with the other's family? (Sombra and the Pies get along fine, but Igneous is still rather rigid on their relationship. Sombra has no family outside of the girls and since Conscience isn't with him anymore, he's basically an orphan.)
-Who do they go to for relationship advice? (Rarity, because she's a serious supporter of their relationship. Pinkie will sometimes go to Mrs.Cake while Sombra ends up going to Discord as a regular go-to if they fight.)

Whelp, that's a lot of questions... I hope you can answer them all! See ya later, guys!

Report Harmony Charmer · 505 views · Story: Meeting The Family ·
Comments ( 11 )

Honestly I was going to answer, but then this HUGE WALL OF TEXT came out of nowhere and I got suckerpunched in the face and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOPE"

...... hmmm. Your favorite song / band?

So is this open ended or just you talking about your OTP?

Oh I'm a dumbass. I thought it was a forum post for a second....

-Which one tells stories and which one checks the closet or under the bed for monsters? (Pinkie and Sombra, respectively; Pinkie got mad at Sombra because one time their son asked if Sombra would check for monsters and he said, "What makes you think they can't open the door?" He ended up sleeping in the bed with Sombra and Pinkie for six months afterwards, cutting out any possible intimacy between them.)

that last line killed me.

What is the most ridiculous thing haters have said about them? ("Sombra's dead, though!" Yeah, I know...

This one's silly because there is NO SUCH THING as a villain who is truly dead. I've actually been hoping they bring Sombra back for realz. I think his potential was wasted.

Hmm. I think I actually did this when it was on Tumblr, but I just hunted through my pages and I can't find it, so I probably just thought about doing it and didn't. So much of it was classified back then, and I usually keep my mouth shut if I think I might want to use it later. But I think Triple Slam counts as my unhappy ending for them.

So wait, can I rub my sexy pudgy butt OTP all over your face and or blog?

I may do this sometime! Wonder how I could answer these ?s ButtonBelle style....

2535965 your right no villain is truely dead ( still fangirling about season 3 of sherlock because things happen with the Jim)

I guess my otp is morby ( mordecai X rigby) right now though I have way more.

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