• Member Since 8th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 21st, 2015

Spike The Baby Dragon

Spike, Twilight Sparkle's number one assistant

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  • 503 weeks
    Trolls, the most pitiful of people lately

    So, time once again for the dragon to breathe fire. The target this time? Trolls.

    Ohhh I'm expecting interesting feedback on this one, but yes, I'm referring to internet trolls. To me, humanity has always had it's bad points. you have the greedy, the vain, the self centered. But in today's world, none of them even come close to topping the ignorance and level of stupidity of internet trolls.

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    5 comments · 369 views
  • 504 weeks
    Seriously? WTF is going on with society and schools?!

    Ok, reading an acquaintance's blog post about bullshit he's going through in school has me in rant mode, to time to unload a heapin helping of rant myself.

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Trolls, the most pitiful of people lately · 10:29pm Sep 17th, 2014

So, time once again for the dragon to breathe fire. The target this time? Trolls.

Ohhh I'm expecting interesting feedback on this one, but yes, I'm referring to internet trolls. To me, humanity has always had it's bad points. you have the greedy, the vain, the self centered. But in today's world, none of them even come close to topping the ignorance and level of stupidity of internet trolls.

So, let me see if I have this right. Someone who causes anger in others via harmful comments, to bring themselves happiness and fun. There's already a term for this people, it's called Schadenfreude. Joy found in the suffering of others. And really? that's the goal?

to me, if your life is so far down in the shitter that the only way you can be happy is to make someone else miserable, the first instinct should not be to start shit online, it should be to see a fucking psychiatrist. Look at today's world. all we hear about is wars, greed, corruption, death. If there ever was a time when we needed to fucking pull together as people to save ourselves from oncoming extinction, it's now. but can we do that? NOPE! gotta make time to call someone a fag because they cried in public because their parents died! What the fuck?! There's been reported cases of fucking internet trolling causing people to commit suicide and the only fucking response is that "well it's the internet, nothing much you can do" to those people, I say a hearty FUCK YOU! there's plenty that can be done.

Here's something for prospective trolls to consider before you start shit online: http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2013/mar/12/english-boxer-curtis-woodhouse-twitter-troll

See, this is a guy that thought he was the coolest fucker around so he decided to troll a pro boxer. Well, lot of people said "the boxer could have just ignored the guy". did Curtis woodhouse do that? Hell no, he went to all lengths to find the guy and see if he was man enough to say it face to face. The so called "bad ass troll" wound up pissing his pants. I support the boxer's choice in this because let's face reality here people. Ignoring trolls does nothing. What does it teach the troll? It teaches them nothing that what they're doing could land them in serious shit, and that this kind of stuff can continue. I realize violence is never the answer, but let's face it people, this soft "trying to understand" and walking away to be the bigger person isn't working. people are getting worse and worse all the time, and maybe it's time to fucking scare some of these trolls back to fucking reality.

for my american friends, they'll get this one. One of the most annoying things I have ever seen anyone post to justify being a troll is "I can do it. it's my right to free speech" *facepalm* for the love of...... free speech?! that's your excuse for spouting a bunch of racial slurs and calling someone's family down into the dirt? News flash: Free Speech isn't the Freedom to be a bag of dicks. And there's only so much free speech covers before it transcends to hate speech. Stop trying to hide behind something you don't fucking understand.

Fortunately, for me, I personally have found one way that works, and it's something I mentioned before. Challenge the trolls to say it to your face. They'll back away faster than a stoner from a rehab center. They'll either respond with more insults which prove their lack of creativity, or just simply shut the fuck up. In either case, you just go to prove how meaningless they truly are.

That said, there's one thing in trolling these days that boggles my mind to no fucking end: calling someone gay/fag/homo, etc. are you fucking kidding me?

In today's society, homosexuality and bisexuality have become more and more prominent. 90% of us are not the scared apes we used to be at something we didn't understand. These days, people are being recognized as people, despite whatever sexuality they are. It doesn't matter if they love different sex, same sex, sex with a rock, it doesn't fucking matter. So since it's being so widely accepted, why do people still think of it as an insult? It's fucking pointless, and makes you look like a retarded homophobe who never left the fucking basement of his southern apartment!

people can go through so many emotions when dealing with trolls: some will get mad, some will fight back. but people, overall if you look at the type of people trolls are, the only emotion that fits in dealing with them is pity. If this is their idea of life to make others miserable through a comment that a 13 year old would call bullshit at, you have to sit back and marvel at how far some of them go, just to try to get a reaction.

only thing i can say is in closing is this: I will give trolls one personal benefit to society. if you see a really retarded troll online, keep that person in mind. Because then if you ever have a bad day, you can think back to a person like that, and say to yourself "you know what, things kind of suck right now, but at least i'm not as big of a loser as that fuckin guy!"

I'm out til next week.

Report Spike The Baby Dragon · 369 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

About the insults thing, you forgot autism.

... I fucking hate it when people use autism as an insult, and I do have Asperger's syndrome. I'm not a dumb idiot, nor am I incapable of feeling emotions- on the contrary, I am actually highly intelligent in real life and tend to be more emotional than most people.

2849273 if you want a good example of how people like that can be viewed, watch this:


I decided to scroll down into the comments and the guy admitted that he does know several people who are disabled and didn't intend to offend anybody. He just wanted to make people laugh.

I don't know what to say, really. I don't want to sound tight-assed or like this is okay; I'm going to remain neutral.

2849603 that's a fair point of view. I enjoy what he said because he's pointing out anyone with any kind of what can be viewed as illness or disability shouldn't really be seen as disabled, we're all human in the end


That's very nice of him to say.

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