• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen April 12th

Between Lines

A purveyor of intelligent literary commentary some of the time, and whatever I feel like the rest of the time.

More Blog Posts76

  • 295 weeks
    Fallout Equestria: A Star to Steer Her By

    Current word count: 239

    Current Re-write: #11

    Thought of the day: "It's good to be sticking to writing again, even if it's slow."

    1 comments · 478 views
  • 377 weeks
    Samurai Jack

    So. I started getting into Samurai Jack now that they're giving it a season 5.

    And I just realized something.

    Nightmare Moon's story is just Samurai Jack from the other perspective.

    4 comments · 683 views
  • 401 weeks
    Sci-fi fans: support this game!


    Finally, someone sat down and did space combat RIGHT. No longer will we have to argue about if "fighters are useless" or the value of the "cube squared law." Finally, we can sit down and say "this works, and this doesn't."

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  • 406 weeks
    Stuff I bought with my No Man's Sky refund: Meridian Squad 22 and Valley

    Welcome back to the second and final edition of SIBWMNMSR!

    Today, I'm going to be doing a short post, and this is for two reasons.

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  • 407 weeks
    Stuff I bought with my No Man's Sky refund: Duskers

    So! In the wake of the No Man's Sky fiasco, namely it not being half the game it was promised to be, I find myself with 60 bucks in my steam wallet needing somewhere to go. And I figure some of you might be in the same situation. SO, in the spirit of that, I give you:


    Today's episode: Duskers!

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    8 comments · 582 views

THIS SUMMER · 11:01pm Jun 12th, 2012

*A black screen fades in on Canterlot in all it's glory. Pan from left to right.*

NARRATION: Equestria, land of ponies, love, and friendship.

*Canterlot from above, the view panning over the grid of streets*

NARRATION: For years, it's residents have known peace and prosperity.

*Fade to black, fade in on Twilight Sparkle's hooves, running through the streets of Ponyville.*

NARRATION: But soon...

*Fade in on the cakes, huddled in their shuttered shop with their children. Ominous hoofsteps echo outside in a march. Fade to black.*

NARRATION: That peace will be shattered.

*Cut to Cheerilee standing opposite of the mane six on the steps of an empty town hall. Violet lines wrap around her joints like the seams in armor, her eyes turned the same glowing color.*

CHEERILEE: How nice of you to join us! Why, I was just telling my students what an example you were for everypony!

RAINBOW DASH: Stuff it! We want you... wait, 'us'?

*Camera pans around the empty Ponyville, schoolfillies starting to emerge from behind buildings and bushes. All their eyes are silver, and each carries a pair of beeping saddlebags with wires sticking out.*

CHEERILEE: Come on students! Don't be shy, and say hello to our guests!

*Slowly, the fillies advance while the mane six bunch up into a circle*

CHEERILEE: We've got quite the show and tell today!

*Flash to white*

NARRATION: Ancient powers will rise.

*Cut to Canterlot castle. An explosion destroys the central tower, Celestia rocketing out of the dust, leaving a contrail. Cadence emerges after her, jagged yellow lines criscrossing her coat, her eyes glowing gold, and her wing feathers turned to rigid patterns of yellow hexagons. Two spears fly along carried in her magic.*

CADENCE: Is that all cousin?! A good hostess never abandons her party!

*Celestia fires a beam of light, but both spears slash and spray the beam in a gleaming arc*

CADENCE: But who can really blame you, when I'm stealing the show!

*She lunges forward into the screen, a manic grin on her face. Cut to black*

NARRATION: And Equestria's heroes will fall. All but one.

*Fade in on evil Cadence standing in the middle of Canterlot's great hall. A battered Celestia lies on the ground, and groaning soldiers lie all around her. She strides slowly up to Celestia*

CADENCE: Awwww, done so soon? And I'm not even halfway through my one liners.

LUNA: Perhaps we can exhaust a few.

*Pan around to reveal Luna standing in the doorway. Cadence turns to her, her grin broadening.*

CADENCE: Ohhh, second verse, same as the first?

*The two stand opposite each other, a shadow falls over Cadence.*

NARRATION: And she isn't alone.

*Cadence looks up, cut to her POV, with Balrog from cave story plummeting down on her.*


*Cut to black. The screen explodes, revealing Luna and Balrog in action poses, the flaming word HUZZAH Superimposed between them. Below, a tagline reads: THIS SUMMER, THE FUN HAS BEEN DOUBLED.*

NARRATION: Coming soon to a FIMfiction near you! This feature is not yet rated.

((Okay, so yes, I was so bored I decided to start on a random piece of insanity, and then write a movie trailer for it. I know it's not a good trailer, but it's not exactly a prestige project here. That said, I AM writing it, and plan to have the first chapter up this weekend, editing willing. I also plan to have the next chapter of freedom up, sorry to anyone who's been waiting. Anyone who wants to beta-read just toss me a note))

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