• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 10th, 2023


I'm a writer, science enthusiast, and a Christian. If you want a story you can read without worrying about language, you can be sure mine fit the bill.

More Blog Posts27

  • 435 weeks
    Music and Cheering

    Hello people of the world, YoungQuillMaster here. Today something happens that most if not all of you are not aware of. Today, I have once again grown a year older. So that's a thing that happened. For my trouble, I've gotten a bacteria in my lungs and revelation that I got scoliosis, though fortunately it is the non-life-threatening type.

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  • 439 weeks

    Well, once again the Earth has gone the long way around the Star we call the Sun, and what a whirl of a ride it has been. Four stories started, three of which are yet to be published, around twenty-seven chapters of Darkness of Ages, and a move started. I've had a whirlwind year, but all in all, it was a good one. So here's to another good year, and may times allow for me to get back to writing

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  • 441 weeks
    Sounds of Celebration

    Hello everyone, YoungQuillMaster here with an update. Now, those of you who read Darkness of Ages might have noticed a lack of a chapter, and there is a good reason, that being that last Saturday my family grew a bit. My sister gave birth to, which threw a wrench in doing anything but visiting with her along with the rest of my family. At the same time, I am still getting things in order to

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  • 443 weeks
    Veni Vidi Vici

    Well, I did it, I'm tired. I thought I had beaten NaNoWriMo a few hours ago, but it ended up my word counting system was off by about 2.5k or so, so I spent another hour and a half writing a chapter out of nowhere, and ended up winning despite the system not wanting me to. This month was terrible for writing, especially since I got the bomb of 'You're Moving' thrown on my lap at the first week of

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  • 448 weeks
    NaNoWriMo days are here again

    Hello everyone, Y.Q.M. here with a small update. Well tomorrow is the 1st of November, meaning that nationwide, people are going to be cracking their knuckles and getting down to business as they attempt to write 50k words in the month of November. I am going to participate once again this year with the hope that I will be able to reach the goal in an efficient manner. Last year's NaNoWriMo,

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Hey Howdy · 11:01pm Aug 30th, 2014

Hello everyone, Y.Q.M. here with yet another useless update. First, let's start with a few updates on the story front.

Taurus Rises: Well, just after I say I feel obligated to continue it it seems I completely ditch it. Well, to reassure you all, I haven't. Reassuring right? Either way, the chapter I was working on at the moment that things came to a seeming screeching halt was yet another battle chapter. Really, in a book centered around a world engulfed in war what can you expect? Either way, I won't be saying when it'll come out because I'll probably miss it and make a few of you a bit angry, but I'll try to get it out when I can.

Darkness of Ages: As any of you who have been following it know, it has been chugging along with its every other week schedule. To be honest, all of the last five or four chapters were all finished on the day they were released, so yeah, fun stuff. Things have been busy over on this side, but I'm trying my best. But that's not all, wait until you get a load of this next bit of update.

Remember way back when when I was still writing My Equine Adventure? Yeah, me neither, but either way. I stopped putting up chapters during November for a thing called National Novel Writing Month (which I proceeded to fail). For all those out of the loop, this 'thing' is an event that happens every November of every year. During November each person who joins must write a whopping 30,000 words by the end of the month. This goal is doable if you write about 1000 words a day, but we all know how plans can go, so it always is fun to try and do this.
Well, like all those years ago, I will be participating, but this does not mean my stories won't be update, at least Darkness of Ages that is. I plan on getting enough extra chapters finished by the time this rolls around to be able just to put up an already finished chapter on the days required by my schedule. But that is not all I have to say on the matter. You see, I plan on having this 'novel' I write to become another story here for all you to read. But wait there's more! Recently I've been in contact with one Literate Lemming, a really nice guy. I actually met him in person the first time I even heard of him. He's a dramatic reader, or so he says, and brony annalist. I made him an offer, which he accepted, to get a prelrelease of my novel that will be written during the aforementioned event. Basically, when I finish a chapter I'll send it off to him to read, the videos of which will be released before I put them up here after the end of November. I have every confidence in him to put this together correctly, and if he doesn't than Ill be greatly upset with him.

Well, that's it for this time. Have a nice one, be healthier than me (I've been sick twice with in the last month), and as always: This is Y.Q.M. signing out.


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