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Finally Found It · 10:21pm Aug 19th, 2014

Found what?

Rare shiny space rocks, of course.

What I like about Eve is the most hauntingly beautiful spots are in the most dangerous areas.

Unfortunately, I'm about 36 hours away from being able to mine it. So for now, I've set down roots in one of the Outer Ring's scattered stations, that luckily cannot be locked down by player-run corporations.

Not that you don't have to be careful out here. In some ways, NPC-controlled nullsec is probably even more dangerous than many areas of player-controlled nullsec.

Which would explain the censors in my screenshots. As a solo explorer, it pays to be paranoid.

Report milesprower06 · 223 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Oh frak, you play Eve too ? Gosh, what a life-sucker gamer...so marvelous..so awfull...

I played the trial, so fun. The most balls-kickiling suck moment was, I was flying by, and noticed some players slaughtering a group and presumably looting them. I looked around in the destroyed wrecks nearby, and found some PLEX, AKA, 30 days of free play. As I took it, one of them must have noticed me, and opened fire. As I warped, I ended up being destroyed. Fortunately, I later got all my stuff back, thanks to a player known for helping new players, like how he helped J2JonJeremy.

NPC nullsec can be frustrating for PvP at times, what with all the station games that can be had (I.E. people camping stations, docking/undocking shenanigans, etc.), but in the same vein, at least the stations will let you dock no matter who you are, so long as your standings aren't godawful with whoever the NPC corporation is.

Looking at the DOTLAN map, I'm guessing you're either basing out of 4C-B7X for the system flexibility, or NM-OEA because it's position on a peninsula making it rather isolated from player traffic. Not a lot of stations to choose from in Outer Ring, frankly.

I don't know how prevalent the Groons are politically nowadays, but being that close to Fountain would make me uneasy, personally. :twilightoops:

2383765 I chewed some Arkonor for a few minutes when I noticed I couldn't touch the Mercoxit yet. Not sure if this trip out here is gonna be lucrative.

Definitely spooky, have you been to the Titanomachy yet though?

2383816 Arkonor refines into a metric boatload of megactye, though. That usually sells for a pretty penny. :derpytongue2:

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