• Member Since 10th Jul, 2013
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Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.

More Blog Posts500

  • Today
    Do you have a character you headcanon as trans?

    And that no amount of canon evidence will convince you otherwise?

    Source: https://twitter.com/ekdsc/status/1797680437609062511

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  • Sunday
    Happy Pride Month!

    Aight, first pride out of the trans closet. I should probably add some serious words. Maybe share my own experience coming out twice in my 30's, and overall try and reach people either on a similar situation, or open the space for each one to talk about their experience too.

    But honestly, it's been a low energy day, so enjoy this meme and if you feel like sharing, I'm all ears:

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  • 4 weeks
    Looking back...

    Maybe there were signs about being trans I should have paid attention to.

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  • 7 weeks
    Sylveon being a trans icon since the beginning

    Today I learned that Sylveon's type was a debate before it was revealed they were the new fairy type. And in a way, that feels like the most trans way to reveal the little gender 'mon.

    Sylveon literally went through an speculation phase before coming out.

    3 comments · 98 views
  • 7 weeks
    Maybe I really should buy Helldivers 2

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It finally happened, Wave lost his mind (watching Evangelion). · 5:05am Aug 8th, 2014

Disclaimer: This is (not) serious.

Hi, this is Pinkie Pie talking writing. Yeah, yeah. The fourth wall breaker is speaking to the audience, alert the media
Well, we could give them something new then. Something great and powerful, as moi.
Trixie? What are you doing here?
The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't know, but it's obvious that the author wants the best side character from his fictions to give this announcement.
But how? And why are you speaking in third pony again? I thought Wave wanted to subvert that as only an act.
Trixie thinks that this is previous to Trixie's appearances in his soon to be Magnum Opus
Are you appearing in Stay?
Not his accidental Magnum Opus *sigh* But the story that is destined to reach perfection for having one of the greatest characters ever created.
Yeah, I have big expectations for Judgement Day too, and Darkseid is Kirby's greatest character.
No! And stop rambling, you insufferable madmare. Trixie was participating on an ancient zebra ritual to expand her powerful perceptions through the use of sacred herbs when she suddenly knew that her greatness a powerfulness were needed beyond the fourth barrier.
You mean you were using zebra drugs and got so high that you actually broke the fourth wall? Mare, Grant Morrison is going to sue us.
Silence! We both have an announcement to say and the sooner we deliver it, the sooner we can return to the course of actions, ponies and incidents that give form to the realms of our perceptions.
We spill the beams and go back to our regular stories.
Okie dokie loki.
Well, patient reader, the matter at hand and hoof is the following. It is no secret that the idiot writer in charge of this Trixie's life is a fanatic of that anime sub-genre involving large scaled mechanical machines used to fight.
He! Digs! Giant Robots!
And so, a lot of people. A lot. Has asked him if he has watched one of the most notorious pieces of this so called art.
Neon Genesis Evangelion! Run the MUSIC!

Truth be told, Blaster actually likes the series and its premise. He admits that the character development on this one is simply amazing and, even if subjected to a very low budget, the level of detail put on this is gorgeous. Also the art is pretty well done.
With that said, Wave also doesn't considers it a mecha-series. In fact, one of his berserk buttons is calling the EVA's mechas.
He also says the movie ending could have had a more well thought plot instead of loosing itself to symbolism and juxtaposition. And he went mad trying to figure it out.
I think it's very easy to follow.
What? How?
One long explanation later.
That... actually makes all the sense in the world.
Doesn't it? It all comes together when you consider David Bowie.
Trixie will never hear Starman in the same way again. *shakes head* But let's get down to busyness. The point here is that recently, a very close friend convinced him to watch the new version, Rebuild of Evangelion
We are (not) fictional.
And now he's watching it and, like with the original, he's going cloudcuckoolander. Again.
And he's obsessively listening to David Bowie. Again.
So, fearing he would try to imprint Evangelion's plot, style and/or mind-screws in any of his stories, we took the sensible course of action.
Hit him with his own violin and tie him up in my basement.
That reminds Trixe. Did you remember to lock the door, right?
But I thought you had the key.
Oh no.
*sounds of ponies trying to run away, a chainsaw and Animetal's cover of Cruel Angel's Thesis*

Seriously thought: Neon Genesis Evangelion is actually good, End of.... could have been better and Rebuild of... is a decent remake, but the original is definitely the best.

Report Magenta Cat · 296 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Honestly I get why you go berserk at them being called that but seriously the EVAs do look like and act like Mechs so.... yeah that's KINDA what they are dude. Also Evangelion vs Godzilla who would win?


If you come to think about it, the King of Monsters has Sachiel's mobility, Ramiel's firepower and Zeruel's durability. All in one!
Maybe the three EVA's, with the pilots on top condition (psychological therapy), in Tokyo-3 fully equipped (Positron Canon and Lance of Longinus included) and with a month of preparation time there would be a fair fight. But in any other way, it would be a curb stomp battle in the Kaiju's favor.

Anyways, it would be frigging EPIC!

Although I rather like to think about how would Nerv deal with non-angel invasions, like the Martians:
Or the Decepticons:

i have to Watch Evangelion , i watched some trailers and to me it looks good but i never remember to do it....or get the time for it :applejackunsure: anyway if Evangelion's mech were to fight Brainiac (sorry i watched "Superman Unbound" recently so to me this martian Tripod made me think of Brainiac)
hm....not sure they would stand a chance

Now against the Decepticons .......they could put up a good fight , but there's a lot of Decepticons so in the end , with time , The decepticons could win , at least if 20 of them can't be wiped out at the same time .

I actually Forbid Evangelion in my house (It's the only anime I've actually outright banned. Mostly to prevent my nephew or any kid under 13 in the family from from watching it). I really like the show, but it gets kind of disturbing around the second half.

When ever I'm asked about "this 'great' anime call 'Evangelion'" some ones heard about, my response is recommend a lot of brain bleach if it's an adult. If it's a kid, I'll flat out tell them not to watch it (I also lie and tell them it's really not good. Evangelion is just one of those shows that I can't recommend to anyone without warning them of what they're in for).

Also, P.S: Have you read "To Be a Hero in Changing times" newest chapter Aka the 20 Sonic Rainbooms Chapter. I really hope it's good.

Come to think, my very first fan fiction was Mazinkaiser vs Evangelion Unit-01
Curb stomp battle on the Kaiser's favor.

If you're going to watch Evangelion, you should try first with the original series. But warning, there's way too much gore, nightmare fuel, awkwardness, disturbing images, disturbing concepts, mindscrews and the most controversial ending ever. (The End of Evangelion movie cracks all of this up to eleven... thousand).

Meh, as an reviewer aficionado I can value the impossibly high level of detail put on this one and respect the dedication of the guy who made it.

With that said, as a story this one is lost. The characters are almost unlikable and the plot so 'advanced and deconstructive' was already used by:
Mazinger Z (super robot that can be a god)
Gundam (young pilot forced into a war)
Finally, it's not entertaining, it's not that deep and its only famous because it felt 'new' at the moment.

P.S.: Weird week (watching Evangelion 1.0 is not even in the top five of weird moments). Tonight or tomorrow I will give it a proper read. The tittle seems promising.

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