• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2014

Zong The Nefarious

More Blog Posts23

  • 578 weeks
    A Perfectly Good Opportunity to Yell.

    Hey there! To you few readers that are keeping up with Gaius, I have a request:

    Tell me what I could work on.

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    4 comments · 677 views
  • 582 weeks
    Rewire is alive! It's ALIVE!

    The Rewrite of Gaius Ninefingers has begun! Go and read my minions! READ!

    Although, for some reason, it isn't appearing on latest updates or featured list, can anyone tell me why?

    3 comments · 458 views
  • 583 weeks
    Rewrite for the writing gods.

    So, I've been thinking a bit bout Gaius n' such and my thoughts have solidified a coherent story-line that I'm pleased with. Sounds great, but when I look back at my previous chapters I...

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  • 587 weeks
    Not dead, not yet.

    Hey guys, I'm still kicking. I haven't done too much recently (as you've probably realized) but now that the dreaded REAL LIFE has subsided, I can get back to writing.

    And soeth I returneth and stuffeth.

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  • 599 weeks

    Heeeeeeey everybody...

    Well, the good new is that I'm still alive. The bad news is that I've been reeeeeeealllly lazy, basically I haven't written jack-squat on Gaius for a full weak.

    I have, however made yet another story that I probably won't have time to do stuff with! So, that's great!

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    8 comments · 509 views

OCs for the OC Gods! · 11:18pm Jun 7th, 2012

Ello there ye who actually read blog post. I'm kind of curios to see if YOU, the people who put up with my god awful writing, have any ideas for an original character for one of my stories.

I'm not going to promise anything, if I can find a place for your OC I definitely will. But if I can't then tough cookies.

Now, the OC has a chance to either get thrown into The Tales of Gaius "Ninefingers" or into a sister story I'm going to be writing in the future called "The Wings of a Nation" (That story will be taken place in the Gryphon lands so, yeah, Gryphons welcome since I haven't had much a chance to think of characters for it lately. The story will also be heavily military based so soldiers and such are welcome. Politicians are also needed, meh, do what cha want, I'm rambling.)

Alright, onto the sheet:


Character's name: (Ex: Whispy Willow)

Species: (This can be anything; pony, human, gryphon, zebra, etc.)

Age: (...)

Gender: (Choice A or B here...A or B.)

Description: (Physical appearance.)

Dialect: (Southern, proper, gruff, etc.)

Background: (A bit of story behind the OC)

Persona: (You should know what this means.)

The sheet can be submitted either right here on this blog or sent to me in a PM if yer shy.

Hope you make an OC :D

With Love,

Zong The Nefarious

Report Zong The Nefarious · 327 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Im a proofreader because I'm not creative, so I've got nothing lol.:rainbowlaugh:

i have heaps of OC's, if you want me fo send you all of them, just ask but ill just post one here

Name: Crimson Lionheart
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Description: Large stallion, slightly larger then Big Mac and about same build. Deep Crimson coat with a Royal Blue mane with Ice Blue highlights, mane is rarely brushed or anything. Cutie mark is a Heart, wrapped in thorns and a knife through it. really deep but smooth voice
Personality: Very quite and has a large tolerance in his private life, but when he is on job the slightest sign of trouble will cause him to break some-ponies bones. Incredibly stubborn and gives new 'friends' the cold shoulder. Has few close friends but is very reliant on them and would die to protect them without a second thought. Over-protective but level-headed.
Placement: Often guarding something, or a bouncer at a club. Been hired by Celestia to do jobs many times.
History: Orphan who has spent time in jail. Now is mercenary.

(This is just copied and pasted, so it doesnt follow your exact template but it has all the general ideas.)


"It was the year 2002, at the time I was 14, my brother 16.

We were both seated at our home computer with an old ass game our uncle gave us, Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle.

We started the game, flipping through the Avatars we could pick, until we stopped on the Hispanic guy and my brother said "CoƱooo, he looks Cuban :rainbowlaugh:"

At that I was like ":rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Oh God we have to do this.........."

*present day*

And so we created the most stereotypical and badass Hispanic character of all time. Using our Cuban ancestry to make the ultimate "Cuban Avatar."

We role-played him the whole game, adding our personal commentary and Cuban-ness.

My OC is literally the pony version of that Avatar, and his whole "life" (if you will) comes from that stereotypical-ness that only works if you are making fun of your own race.

If you're hispanic it can work.

If not it cant.....

and now i feel sad:fluttershyouch:


Hah, I'm probably as far from Hispanic as you could get,


At least i can write my own stereotypical story.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Twilight_Sparkle.png

Its going to be so funny watching Twilight speak "White-Guy Spanish"

I've never seen someone ask this before so here it goes. Yay:yay:


Undead Human

Slightly older then Celestia


He actually has 2 distinct looks. One is his less powerful form that he died in. Has long midnight black hair, dark eyes, is as skinny as a cadaver with pale skin to match and the left half of his jaw and neck as well as his left hand are burned away down to the bone. His other rage fueled form is in my custom cover art that you could just go check but the short version is-Picture a skeleton on fire. Both forms allways wear the same thing, simple black shirt and slacks with a tattered black overcoat and a black and red ring embedded into his bony finger.

Does not use contractions much (like I just did) and angry sounding

Really short version of the back story is thus:Back when all the mythic races (elves, orcs ect.) lived there was a great war. He fought for his emporer, back when Celestia's parents were the rulers, and for resorces before he died in a massive battle with Celestia's father that also took his brother's life. (The only family he had.) In the inbetween of life and death a demon came to him and offered him a secound chance in exchange for him taking the souls of celestia and luna's parents or failing that the souls of any and all living alicorns. In a desire for vengance and the common desire to live he accepts. Spends centuries trying to prepare the far off fractured remains of humanity that would listen to him for one crucial strike at Equestria and Celestia.

Tragic/sympathetic villian.

Character's name: Sticks n' Stones
Species: Flesh Golem Unicorn/Undead Unicorn either or.

Age: ??? We'll just go with old

Gender: Male

Description: Heres a pic:
A tattered tan coated dried husk of a pony skin placed around a mix of bone, stone, mummified organs/flesh, and sticks. Noticeable aspect is the glowing crystal heart that is the core of his being.

Dialect: Slight deep and raspy with a slight echo. Had a mix of southern/northern accent (like texas mixed with boston)

Background: Sticks n' Stones was an adventurous young colt who loved to explore (the village his family lived in and the small thick forest that surrounded it) and help his family out with work. During the early mornings, he would help his father break/transport rocks from the family quarry to be used for various purposes. During the afternoon he would help his mother fell trees in the nearby forest to get lumber for construction/kindling. It was during the usual routine of helping his mother and father that he found his cutie mark. He learned that he had a fascination of stones and trees, and as such was represented by his cutie mark (it being two crossed sticks with a rock in the middle). It was during his years as a young stallion, that the village he and his family lived in was attacked. A small cult of unicorns that followed the dark magic of necromancy, had happened upon the small village, and chose to use it for testing of spells and experiments. Those that weren't killed outright had to live through torturous experimentation. Many died through the experimentations, with only a few (Sticks n' Stones included) having been turned into undead shells of their former selves. But fate was on their side, as the spells that had turned them into undead beings did not bind their minds to the whims of the cultists. The small cult was never expecting their thought to be minions to attack them. The cultists did fight back and a few of the undead souls were put to rest, but they were outnumbered, and fell in due time. Sticks n' Stones stayed in the ruins of what was once his home. Time went on, his undead body decayed, yet the magic that kept him together used surround materials (humorously sticks and stones) to replace fallen parts, to keep his body whole. The village was swallowed up by the forest surrounding it, it became forgotten to time. A ghost waiting to be found.

Persona: While he was alive, he was rather open and friendly with those around the village he lived in. After his death, he became untrusting, and hateful. His body having a void that left an unremovable scar on his very being.

Character's name: Illornlich
Species: Mindflayer Pony (however that would work out)
Age: 200
Gender: Both
Description: Another pic:
Dialect: Scratchy, and 'his' spoken language is one that is not understood by most, so he mostly talks via minds.
Background: Little is known about him aside from his association with the mind-flaying ponies of the underdark.
Persona: Same ol' mindflayer pony attitude (looks down on other creatures that aren't mindflayer ponies.)

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