• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2023


Horrifically Fun

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  • 96 weeks
    Women we are no longer, Ohms we be!


    Poetry alert! Poetry alert! Poetry Alert!

    Oh my! Is that an Aria huggin' Blaze at my keyboard?!

    [Warning, Sharp Edges and DJs Aheads!]

    DJ-p0n3 here with buet butt-kicker Aria Blaze

    JUSTICE AND VENGEANCE AND SUNSET & ARIA B & VYNIL look, we made a poem it's on CommaFull.

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  • 97 weeks
    Short story posting!

    Sunset and I and a bunch of others, (:pinkiehappy: There was a Ninja, some woman with green hair named Gertrude, probably my sister Vengeance, and Lord Skywalker. You know. The one that likes to snorkle.) colabed on a story!

    If you like magic, myth, and also our poetry, please give it a read!

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  • 97 weeks
    Blessings of the Supreme Beings and Creators (Blessings for the Terrestrials)

    May the stars above, below, and around you be your guide

    May they shine through the blackest nights, shine on the cloudiest days, and shine through the whitest days

    May the sky keep you. May the clouds watch over you

    May the rains caress and keep you well

    May day bring you joy and night keep you safe

    May the earth and ground beneath you guide your path

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    5 comments · 443 views
  • 98 weeks
    Like a mighty Pheonix, the Fox Returns.

    We interrupt your irregular scheduled assault on Society Indoctrination to bring more unscheduled assaults on Society Indoctrinations.

    Hey read-a-rinos!

    Remember when using the internet didn't suck and Wookiepedia didn't redirect you to Disneylazyland Star Wars pages?

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    10 comments · 587 views
  • 104 weeks
    Mother Moon's Sleep and Sister Sun's Serenade

    Mother moon has gone to bed

    Leaving you a book unread

    Sister Sun is here to help you out

    So wash your face at the spout 

    Sister Sun is here behind the clouds

    To keep alit the ground below

    Her light still touches in the shade

    Its still time to greet the day

    0 comments · 300 views

Out of the “wilds” and into Sickville. · 5:22am Jul 31st, 2014

So, as some of you may have guessed I’m back from vacation. Basically the family and I headed down to sunny and hot Southern California for a week of “camping”. You know… the type of camping one does when they have a roof over their head, a TV, fridge, working bathroom… pretty much everything but internet. I mean… it was sort of there… in one place… You could go there and visit the internet the same way one goes to prison to visit an inmate.

Essentially there was one building with wi-fi. Wi-fi that was operating at roughly dial-up speeds. Given there was no cell phone coverage at the site either, what little internet there was divvied up by a couple people or more attempting to do something the bandwidth could barely handle from one, let alone multiple people.

I’m know I’m kinda harping on some bizarrely specific first world problem where I bemoan my inability to spend hours looking at and downloading pictures of colorful cartoon ponies, so I’ll wrap this part up, but my wife pointed out she would have happily paid extra for internet, and our flat-screen television with built in DVD player that also seemed to have extended cable was advertising internet… Clearly this place can’t really claim it’s encouraging an environment of “roughing it”, so you think they could come to some sort of arrangement where people can get something to at least tide them over without trekking to one place for maddening slow speeds. Being able to call people is also nice, so there’s also a use outside checking Barn Yard Mafia on Facestagram or whatever it is normal people use the internet for.

Anyhow, as you may have guessed from the blog title, as we returned to civilization (roughly a 30 minute drive) the family started to come down with something. Well, technically we started before we left, but we all had to push through it. It’s a pretty strange bug that sort of hits you with a sore throat, but you fine otherwise for a day or two and then you don’t want to get out of bed for a while. Thankfully between that small window and what I wrote on vacation I got the two chapters of TW&TB and “Stealing the Deed” out, but the last couple days I’ve done almost no writing, which is incredibly rare for me at this point.

I did sit down and get a whole TW&TB bunch written today which was good. Sadly, I won’t be able to get a chapter out tonight as I also find myself trying to work out a rather bizarre work week with meetings sometimes early in the morning, or rather late in the day (and sometimes an unwelcome combination of both on the same day).

Expect the next The Wheel and the Butterfly soon, but the fates have conspired to keep me on this slower pace at the moment.

On a semi-related note, I might see if I can refactor my schedule a bit going forward to see if I can push out my other on goings at a quicker rate at the possible cost of slowing things slightly with TW&TB. At the moment, SweetieMash, All That Shimmers, and Chaos Vs Order all have pretty far along, partially written chapters and have so since before I went on vacation. I haven’t begun writing the next Dan and Pinkie Take a Slice out of Life, but I already know pretty much how the next arc goes, so it’s a matter of finding time for this, too. Also I’m pretty far into another one-shot that I started while on vacation. Again, it’s sort of finding time and maybe prioritizing rest. Well rested seems about the only time I can write many of my stories, save TW&TB which I can apparently get out unless I’m actually too busy to sit down or so sick my brain can’t even conjure up the next chapter.

Anyhow! Feel free to enjoy this episode of Dan Vs. and this brief mini-fic inspired by a conversation with my wife and I where Dan is played by sick-Pinkie emoticon, Elise is played by Twilight, and Pinkie plays herself.

:pinkiesmile:“Soups on! Now nom it all so you’re back to your normal, shouty self!”
:pinkiesick:“Thanks Pinkie… I’ll just… Is there an entire rubber chicken in this bowl?”
:pinkiehappy:*nods head up and down* “Yep! See, boneless one turned into a magic key that helped us unlock our rainbow power, so I thought this rubber chicken might turn into the key for you feeling better!”
:pinkiesick:“I don’t… I don’t even think I followed half out that, all I know is you’re lucky I lack the strength to throw this soup at you and scald you…”
:twilightoops:“Pinkie… Did Dan ask you to wear that sexy nurse’s costume?”
:pinkiesick:“No… she pretty much insisted she put it on when she figured out I was sick.”
:pinkiehappy:“What? Hehehehe… I thought it might help stimulate blood flow!”
:twilightoops:“… I’m just… I’m just going to see myself out now…”

Comments ( 4 )

Being sick sucks, especially when you're sick in groups. :pinkiesick:

Don't worry about your update schedule. Worry about what you need to worry about. We'll all still be here. :pinkiesmile:

Yes Pinkie, it does stimulate blood flow. Away from the brain:rainbowlaugh: But sick people don't need to think right? All they need (or should) worry about is getting better:pinkiehappy:

Lol. That should be made into a comic strip. I hope you get better soon. I blame California air. Oregon air is much better. :pinkiehappy:

Wait, you're sick now?

Well *#%@, now what am I going to do besides bash my head against a wall every three days?

Oh, right. Bash my head against the wall anyway for other stuff besides your stories. I can always do that. :pinkiesick:

In any case, I wish thee a good and happy recovery. And hopefully one without consuming any rubbery poultry.

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