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Pen Mightier

I proved my namesake in a duel of honour. The crayon never stood a chance.

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Your Chance to Contribute to the Future of Legendary Pony Summoner · 2:32am Jul 24th, 2014

Hello, fellow ninja-pony enthusiasts! Many thanks for your love and support for that really weird crack fic I wrote entirely on an unplanned whim and for your patience in bearing with me for the first 3 chapters while I tried to make up my mind where to take the flaming train wreck.

So, in return for all your support, I've got great news for you! Legendary Legends of the Legendary Pony Summoner will be.......ending with this next chapter.

Okay! Don't kill me yet! I'm just about to get to the good part. There's going to be a sequel and I'm already in the process of planning it. Why a sequel? Because this first (mostly directionless) arc will have served its purpose by the conclusion of this next chapter. There will be a significant shift in theme, direction and story in what follows so I decided it'd make a good point to end one and start another.

As a special bonus for you all for making it to this blog post I'll give you the title 'Legendary Bonds of the Legendary Pony Clan'. Not a very imaginative title, huh? But you get an idea of the premise and thematic focus of the story from it (Yeah, it's gonna be mainly about the rise of Naruto's pony clan, their training to become ninja ponies, Naruto's own mastery of his newfound powers, and the biggest but seemingly forgotten theme from the original series - the bonds that Naruto builds and the strength he gains from them)

So, this is where I make a big admission - I kinda suck as a writer. All I seem to manage is overdosing on wit and humour just enough to keep things entertaining for people to keep reading. Now I'm trying to plan for this sequel and I realized very quickly - Naruto's world is big-ass and it's been years since I last read the pre-time-skip arcs - and no way am I going to be able to cover all the bases by myself.

I want to make this the best it could be for all of you who have stuck through the rather frustrating first few chapters. For that I'm going to need more of your help. While I massively appreciate any thoughts and suggestions, unfortunately I can't make any promises that I'll follow all of them, sorry.

I'm hoping for this to generate some discussion too. I had considered doing something like a live chat but then realized time zone differences are gonna be a pain and I'd like this to be as inclusive as possible. Hence this blog post.

If you're willing, for which I would be very grateful, I'd love your opinions on any or all of the following or on anything else you'd like to raise.
1) How would the arrival of ponies in Konoha affect the village and its inhabitants? Would they be accepting of them as 'Naruto's familiars'? Will they be scared of them?
2) How would the sudden rise of a new clan affect the village and its inhabitants? Or even the world? Will someone take more interest in him? Will people fear him more?
3) How would all this affect Naruto's interactions with the rest of the rookie 9? Or his teachers? Or the villagers? Go crazy here. Will Naruto's new skillset make him more suitable for a different team composition? Will a different teacher take an interest in him? Would other genin start hanging out with him more? Who? Why?
4) How would ponies take to becoming ninjas? Will they make good henge-users? Do we want to see henge-using humanized ponies? Will someone in the village turn out to be surprisingly good at helping Naruto train the ponies?
5) What possible applications are there to Naruto having wings and a horn and possibly earth pony strength? How would this work/synergize with his shadow clone technique?
6) On the other end of the spectrum, how would the various elements of MLP canon affect the ninja world? And what other ponies would you like to see roaming Konoha? A lot of you are screaming for Pinkie Pie and I hear ya.
7) Any thoughts on how ponies will alter the world and the story?
8) Anything else you'd like to suggest/raise/etc?

Many thanks in advance for the help, guys! In return I'm gonna try and make this story the best it could be, Dattebayo!

Comments ( 17 )

Having never watched Naruto, I have only one suggestion.

For number 6, I want to see what would happen if Naruto summoned Celestia, maybe in the very distant future when he's able to summon the really big ones through the contract. Imagine Woona's reaction when she sees her 'Nawuto' has summoned her big sis! Also, would Discord qualify as a pony by the terms of the contract? If so, him too.

Since I have watched the entire first arc, and just a wee bit of Shippudun, I can think of a few things. Just off the top of my head here:

1 and 2) When you look at the ponies do you feel fear? I know I would have a hard time fearing little horses with all the ninjutsus and the power of Rock Lee. But at the same time, the villagers would actually fear Naruto a bit more, considering the fact he can summon armies of ponies and since unbenowst to them he is using Woona's young inexperienced power which can only lead to...mistakes.

6) One example would be a failed summoning on the high point of the epic scale. Like trying to summon mane 6, but accidently releasing Manticores, cockatrices, chimeras into the surrounding woods of Konoha. And who will the villagers blame wen the ponies are able to identify the creatures?

Hmmm...That's all I got for know. I will get back to you.

1) How would the arrival of ponies in Konoha affect the village and its inhabitants? Would they be accepting of them as 'Naruto's familiars'? Will they be scared of them?

Unless the familiar is (a) extremely huge [like Gamabunta], (b) overpowered [like Celestia or Luna blocking/hiding the sun], or (c) visually disturbing/terrifying they'd probably be fairly accepting of them.

2) How would the sudden rise of a new clan affect the village and its inhabitants? Or even the world? Will someone take more interest in him? Will people fear him more?

I don't think people would fear him more for the fact of clan-building; however it could certainly cause strife as the "political scene" shifts.

3) How would all this affect Naruto's interactions with the rest of the rookie 9? Or his teachers? Or the villagers? Go crazy here. Will Naruto's new skillset make him more suitable for a different team composition? Will a different teacher take an interest in him? Would other genin start hanging out with him more? Who? Why?

Perhaps he'd attract more attention from Gai... Gai, Lee, and Naruto got on fairly well in the anime, usually for laughs... but there's a lot of potential there -- especially since you've got Naruto away from Jiraiya while Kakashi is away training Sasuke.

4) How would ponies take to becoming ninjas? Will they make good henge-users? Do we want to see henge-using humanized ponies? Will someone in the village turn out to be surprisingly good at helping Naruto train the ponies?

They could have varying degrees of affinity for the various jutsu, especially WRT elements. I have no suggestions on henge either way.

5) What possible applications are there to Naruto having wings and a horn and possibly earth pony strength? How would this work/synergize with his shadow clone technique?

The obvious here is adding airborne tactics -- if he was more like Ryoga in the anime then this would make him more like Ranma. One thing you could do to throw a wrench into things would be making it so a shadow-clone using earth-pony strength vaporizes itself. (Newton's laws of motion and all.)

6) On the other end of the spectrum, how would the various elements of MLP canon affect the ninja world? And what other ponies would you like to see roaming Konoha? A lot of you are screaming for Pinkie Pie and I hear ya.

Trixie and Lyra could be interesting.

7) Any thoughts on how ponies will alter the world and the story?

Hm, if one befriends Sasuke it could alter his decision to leave... or maybe the pony follows along (maybe to try to keep him safe/out-of-trouble).

8) Anything else you'd like to suggest/raise/etc?

How about seeing scenes about how it works the other way, too? That is, how does ponies being summoned impact Equestria? Especially if the summoning is canceled/temporary.

1. at first they will mostly be wary of them, the adults remembering luna attack,while the young seeing them the ponies as a new type of summon and eventually will to be added to a list of know summons naryto as the first ninja able to summon then will get the big ass scroll where other ninjas will add their names, as jiraiya has the ones for the toads
2. the new clan will not be taken into consideration until naruto starts gaining reputation it will be seem as a threat by those that follow the ninja ways, while those that come to know of naruto way of thinking will see it as a new option, most ninjas will not fear him and his ponies at first due to the last ones appearance
3. the kunoichi will go gaga over the ponies while most of the male will just ignore him or and make fun of him with one or two getting close trying to impress the kunoichi, while some of his master will be wary of him due to luna attack,those that use animal summons will be more interested on them specially the nara clan since they use deers and are the closest to the ponies, naruto new skill set will make him more adaptable for different missions
4. the ponies should be more or less adept at jutsu based on their type, unicorns better at illusions attacks while pegasi at using elements and speed moves and finally the earth ponies at body enhancement, at first they will use naruto for the seals while they supply the chakra until later someone figures how to shape it without hand seals(this also means please leave the ponies as ponies, dont make em anthros), they will naturally adept and henge and kage bunshin due to naruto own skill at it, the nara clan is the best choice for helping naruto develop the ponies ninja skills until some point
5. alicorn naruto will be extremely adaptable while on mission as an scout (flying skill), front line fighter/defender (earth pony strength) and a long range support (unicorn magic) and even three at the same time while using bunshins
6. the ponies will be shocked by how violent the ninja world is and its lack of harmony among the villages, the ramen will claim more victims/followers, Lyra heartstrings please
7.pony magic will be turned into a new set of jutsus
8.make some special chapters about the CMC going crusading on ponyville while using their new learned jutsus

1) How would the arrival of ponies in Konoha affect the village and its inhabitants? Would they be accepting of them as 'Naruto's familiars'? Will they be scared of them?
Well. Since Summons/Familiars seem to be accepted in the village, probably they'd be indifferent. Unless NMM's attack from all that time ago gave the villagers Hippophobia...

2) How would the sudden rise of a new clan affect the village and its inhabitants? Or even the world? Will someone take more interest in him? Will people fear him more?
Oh. Oh, you wouldn't even believe the frigging politics that'd be going on. Stupid Civilian Council... Not to mention Danzo. Danzo the Douche. It'd definitely make Naruto more scrutinized.

3) How would all this affect Naruto's interactions with the rest of the rookie 9? Or his teachers? Or the villagers? Go crazy here. Will Naruto's new skillset make him more suitable for a different team composition? Will a different teacher take an interest in him? Would other genin start hanging out with him more? Who? Why?
... Oh dear lawrd. This is gonna be the most fun part of it. How exactly will the ponies change the world of Naruto? More importantly, though, what will the lack of Kyuubi do?

4) How would ponies take to becoming ninjas? Will they make good henge-users? Do we want to see henge-using humanized ponies? Will someone in the village turn out to be surprisingly good at helping Naruto train the ponies?
Honestly? It'll vary. Some ponies will have exceptionally good Ninja-Skittles (Hehe), and some won't. I'd expect Earth Ponies to be good with Earth Style, Pegasai to be good with Water/Lightning Style, and Unicorns to be good with a variety of them. Humanized poniez wouldn't be bad, though samurai ponies wouldn't be bad either! And... Well. Maybe, for the last one. Might take someone from outside the village.

5) What possible applications are there to Naruto having wings and a horn and possibly earth pony strength? How would this work/synergize with his shadow clone technique?
Mayhaps he could create copies of himself with only one specific trait, or none? Also, it might grant him access to more kinds of Clones. Earth Clones, Lightning Clones, maybe even enhanced Shadow Clones, etc. Being able to fly definitely would be a plus to most every combat situation. For the horn... I'unno what your uni's can do yet. :rainbowlaugh:

6) On the other end of the spectrum, how would the various elements of MLP canon affect the ninja world? And what other ponies would you like to see roaming Konoha? A lot of you are screaming for Pinkie Pie and I hear ya.
... Unknown for the moment. But, if Naruto has access to Summons this early, as well as potentially Sage Mode... Mayhaps Orochimaru won't be as successful this time 'round? I'd certainly love to see his arse kicked by Lulu and Tia. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Or maybe Berry, even! 'Ell, why not a big pony dog pile? :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

7) Any thoughts on how ponies will alter the world and the story?
Time will tell, dear Pen. Time will tell...

8) Anything else you'd like to suggest/raise/etc?
Not limiting ponies to just being Knee-in-jaws. I'd like to see them branch out, maybe some'd be Samurai, researchers, etc... But yeah, this seem's like it'll be fun!

I feel right at home here.

1) How would the arrival of ponies in Konoha affect the village and its inhabitants? Would they be accepting of them as 'Naruto's familiars'? Will they be scared of them?

Overall I'd figure a majority would initially ridicule and underestimate Naruto for having such "weak" creatures as familiars until they prove themselves capable. With summons being a somewhat regular occurrence, the ninja would find it acceptable and somewhat amazing that a child would be gifted with an unheard of group of summons. Fear not so much. We are talking about a world which has seen 3 major ninja wars, 9 demonic creatures, and people with kekkei genkai. Ponies wouldn't really be terrifying in the face of these facts.

2) How would the sudden rise of a new clan affect the village and its inhabitants? Or even the world? Will someone take more interest in him? Will people fear him more?

I'd say with a mixture of outrage and trepidation. The "demon-brat" suddenly holds some pull within the village and thus upsets the status quo. The world would probably be shocked that the Uzumaki's have somehow survived and have rebuilt within a major village like Konoha.

3) How would all this affect Naruto's interactions with the rest of the rookie 9? Or his teachers? Or the villagers? Go crazy here. Will Naruto's new skillset make him more suitable for a different team composition? Will a different teacher take an interest in him? Would other genin start hanging out with him more? Who? Why?

I wouldn't see a whole lot of a change in his interactions with the rookie's since he is still the goofy kid they have known just with a clan now. His teachers and the villagers would be more weary since they now have to show him some respect even though he is still worthless in their minds. Can't screw with him now that he has legit protection due to status. No new teacher but Kakashi would be pressured to train him up to be befitting of a clan head. The rookie 9's parents would want their kids to get somewhat closer since he will be a political figure in the future. Ino and Hinata would definitely be told too pay attention to him since they may be married off to him.

4) How would ponies take to becoming ninjas? Will they make good henge-users? Do we want to see henge-using humanized ponies? Will someone in the village turn out to be surprisingly good at helping Naruto train the ponies?

I'd rather think that the ponies would be a bit weary and somewhat appalled by learning to kill since they are in all intents a peaceful race that has not seen war in a long time. Henge only being somehow copied by unicorns/alicorns with magic. The skills/traits they have now could get a boost in Naruto's world. Seem's to be a cop out if someone suddenly can teach a completely different species how to use chakra.

5) What possible applications are there to Naruto having wings and a horn and possibly earth pony strength? How would this work/synergize with his shadow clone technique?


6) On the other end of the spectrum, how would the various elements of MLP canon affect the ninja world? And what other ponies would you like to see roaming Konoha? A lot of you are screaming for Pinkie Pie and I hear ya.

Trade between Konoha and Equestia could help both in terms of wealth and knowledge. I can see Celestia/Twilight being very interested in fuuinjutsu and its many uses. Mane 6, Derpy, Lyra, Daring Do, Vinyl Scratch, Trixie, CMC, and the Wonderbolts.

7) Any thoughts on how ponies will alter the world and the story?

Helping Naruto become a stronger ninja so he is capable to handle what will be on his plate as he gets older. Example being Naruto through sheer determination bastardizes magical techniques like telekinesis and teleportation. Being summoned during key events like the Sand/Sound invasion and saving Sarutobi.

Kakashi: "My first impression of you is (sees ponies) you spiked my breakfast, didn't you?"

1) How would the arrival of ponies in Konoha affect the village and its inhabitants? Would they be accepting of them as 'Naruto's familiars'? Will they be scared of them?

There will be more paranoia towards Naruto from most adult civilians.After all the demon vessel can now summon mini-versions of the thing that wrecked their village all those years ago.
I can imagine that ninjas would find ponies to be a joke at first.They´re brightly colored,have no chakra and most of them can be beaten by a better trained genin.(which Naruto is not)
They will all have to prove themselves to both sides of the village before they´ll get accepted.

2) How would the sudden rise of a new clan affect the village and its inhabitants? Or even the world? Will someone take more interest in him? Will people fear him more?

I don´t think that Naruto should have a clan just because of summoning contract.Just look at Jirayia-legendary Sannin and summoner of toads,yet he isn´t in any clan.
Naruto will have to gain extraordinary synergy with ponies (like the Inuzuka clan with their dogs) before the creation of a new clan is even considered.
Or you can flip Konoha on it´s head by having the ponies themselves as the clan inhabitants,with Naruto as adopted member.After all,they can easily buy large piece of land with their golden bits and gems.Oh,wouldn´t that make little Woona the clan head?:pinkiehappy:

1) How would the arrival of ponies in Konoha affect the village and its inhabitants? Would they be accepting of them as 'Naruto's familiars'? Will they be scared of them?

from little to nothing, maybe surprise and i had read a few fic in wich naruto summon foxes and nobody was scared (the people only get scared when is an everybody hate naruto fic, you know when the story is bad and try to save it, making you wish for vengeance in behalf of naruto)

2) How would the sudden rise of a new clan affect the village and its inhabitants? Or even the world? Will someone take more interest in him? Will people fear him more?

why a new clan should rise, if are speaking of the Uzumaki clan you first should have one or two uzumaki coming to the village before, but i dont belive that anything change kurenai is part of a low level ninja clan and there are a few civilians clans so another low level ninja clan without political or real power isn't going to change the status quo.

3) How would all this affect Naruto's interactions with the rest of the rookie 9? Or his teachers? Or the villagers? Go crazy here. Will Naruto's new skillset make him more suitable for a different team composition? Will a different teacher take an interest in him? Would other genin start hanging out with him more? Who? Why?

the only differences is that i see the girls having cuteness overload and the boys making jokes, maybe lee exclaiming how youthful the summons are (in other words a tipical reaction from lee) , his team is basically a team of heavy assault so now is even more suitable for the team. maybe sakura will take a level in badass early (most of naruto summons are female and following the logic of the chapters are badass so she has a role model earlier than in the series (tsunade))

4) How would ponies take to becoming ninjas? Will they make good henge-users? Do we want to see henge-using humanized ponies? Will someone in the village turn out to be surprisingly good at helping Naruto train the ponies?

they are not already ninjas with the whole cheerleader of storms that rainbow pushed and the the kung-fu master berry.
why henge? is not like summons are strange. also henge is just an illusion not a transformation they would be having the same size and form
let the ponies train themselves is the closest thing are the inuzukas and there are many things than can go wrong with that

5) What possible applications are there to Naruto having wings and a horn and possibly earth pony strength? How would this work/synergize with his shadow clone technique?

scout, long range attacks, heavy hitter.
if he is using these powers the clones got it too if he isnt the clones dont have they.

6) On the other end of the spectrum, how would the various elements of MLP canon affect the ninja world? And what other ponies would you like to see roaming Konoha? A lot of you are screaming for Pinkie Pie and I hear ya.

elements of harmony they are basically are karmic punishment machine (you want eternal night: sealed in the moon, you want keep things in a eternal uncontrolled change: turned in unchanging stone, want to trap the world in moon powered genjutsu: seal the body in the moon and the mind in a genjutsu?).

7) Any thoughts on how ponies will alter the world and the story?
that is your work not our

8) Anything else you'd like to suggest/raise/etc?
i will like to see naruto, sasuke and sakura lamp shading plot holes and errors in the series. like how is possible that obito managed to tie in a battle against the four hokage when a few years earlier he was his worst student, or how naruto defeating kiba was ridiculous= kiba based the first part of the fight in a strategy that was based in that he has better sense of smell that naruto, that is forgotten later when he cant difference akamaru from naruto, (really naruto and akamaru smell the same), also the doble henge of naruto the henge broke when you are touched not after a while (in the case of akamaru is was a transformation not henge so is legal)
also an Lyra puppeteer, and a mad bomber Trixie (i like that version more than illusionist trixie)

My knowledge of Naruto is shaky, but this is what I have:

Will they be scared of them?
Any average villager in Naruto who isn't afraid of what a ninja or his/her 'familiars' can do is a moron. So on a certain level, yes. They probably wouldn't go out of their way to interact with them, because they have little reason to.

Will people fear him more?
Probably not. Yet.

How would all this affect Naruto's interactions with the rest of the rookie 9? Or his teachers? Or the villagers?
If any of them like horses/ponies then yes. It would give them common ground. Otherwise, I don't think it would really change much unless he summoned Winona somehow.

Will Naruto's new skillset make him more suitable for a different team composition? Will a different teacher take an interest in him?
Probably not. Unless one of the ponies showed off something that would be a great tactical advantage in front of the right person, I doubt they would see reason to. AFAIK, the only blatant abilities that would be seen as useful right now would be extra hooves to fight with and wings to go scouting, both of which canon Naruto could already do via clones.

Would other genin start hanging out with him more? Who? Why?
Possibly. I don't remember anyone who hung out with Kiba because of his dog... but if any of the ponies :pinkiecrazy: try to make friends and succeeded, they might hang out together through mutual friends.

How would ponies take to becoming ninjas?
This is the best part about this story. There are very few people in Naruto who could probably talk most of the ponies to do anything Ninja related other than Naruto. The ideology and methods of the average ninja just wouldn't mesh with them well. But still, unless they are protecting someone, I don't think most ponies would appreciate being dragged out of their lives to do something they would normally be uncomfortable with doing.

Will they make good henge-users?
Probably not. I don't really see why they would in the first place.

Do we want to see henge-using humanized ponies?
Why? I don't see any reason why they would unless they were trying to get into a place that wouldn't allow familiars in. As far as I know, henge doesn't give you any abilities so there would be little point in hengeing them some hands unless someone needed to see them with hands. Basically, what reason would a pony have in not being seen as him/herself? If that reason does exist and is solved via henge, then maybe.

Will someone in the village turn out to be surprisingly good at helping Naruto train the ponies?
Only two. The vast majority of Ninjas would have no experience in a similar situation and have no reason to randomly start training them. However, I can see the benefit in having Applejack and Rainbow challenge two members of Team Gai to a race. On the flip side, imagine the reaction when they would meet :pinkiehappy:.

5) What possible applications are there to Naruto having wings and a horn and possibly earth pony strength?

Wings might be helpful for mobility, but there are other options available. I see no reason a horn would help (except in freaking everyone out) with any situation. Earth pony strength? see end of #4.

How would this work/synergize with his shadow clone technique?
Other than perhaps the wings, not very well. If the clones hit too hard they might destroy themselves, and any proper clone should have two working hands to do seals with.

6) On the other end of the spectrum, how would the various elements of MLP canon affect the ninja world?
Other than through direct action, probably not at all. None of the other summoned animals seem to have made an impact on the world at large except through direct action. I fail to see how to the average person stories from a kid they don't particularly care for would do much.

And what other ponies would you like to see roaming Konoha? A lot of you are screaming for Pinkie Pie and I hear ya.
She just would fit so well with some people. Like that guy with all the scars who I can't remember the name of at the moment (Anko's boss?)

Any thoughts on how ponies will alter the world and the story?
If they applied themselves, the possibilities are endless. Fluttershy would be a headache intelligence wise, what with being able to communicate with animals. Not like there aren't other ways, but that is one.

Anything else you'd like to suggest/raise/etc?
Always make sure there is a reason behind any action/decision made.

2311050 This might be late but...The crusader with ninja power!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
also they are already very good at weapon making and stuff...

2357738 just imagine em using shadow clones 10x more crusading on a single day....THE HORROR THE HORROR:raritydespair::pinkiegasp::ajbemused::fluttershbad:

2357872 Cutie mark crusader Naruto's pony ninjas and clones! YAY!

2317400 I´ve finally found some time and energy to finish this up.Hopefully it´s still at least a little relevant.

3) How would all this affect Naruto's interactions with the rest of the rookie 9? Or his teachers? Or the villagers? Go crazy here. Will Naruto's new skillset make him more suitable for a different team composition? Will a different teacher take an interest in him? Would other genin start hanging out with him more? Who? Why?

Ponies are all about friendship,no?If some ponies manage to befriend the members of rookie 9,it can draw all of them together and make them all stronger for it.
I can imagine that his teachers will see this whole situation as typical Naruto´s foolishness or prank and keep their distance.
Naruto doesn´t have any new skillset and as far as i know ponies have only their natural abilities,so lots of teamwork training would be needed first.
Thanks to the ponies and their friendly influence,the teams of rookie 9 will be mashed together into one team named-the team rainbow friendship-or something :pinkiecrazy:

4) How would ponies take to becoming ninjas? Will they make good henge-users? Do we want to see henge-using humanized ponies? Will someone in the village turn out to be surprisingly good at helping Naruto train the ponies?

Once they get over the shock and evilness of the shinobi world,the ponies will experience a magical revolution.After all,up until now only the unicorns could have active abilities.
And no henge!Humanized ponies are killing most stories.

It would be interesting if the rookie 9 trained the ponies and vice versa,as i doubt that there is anyone better for the job.

5) What possible applications are there to Naruto having wings and a horn and possibly earth pony strength? How would this work/synergize with his shadow clone technique?

None.There is no need for horn as he have hands,and every ninja with level 50+ can defy gravity and fly.Othervise he would just look silly.

6) On the other end of the spectrum, how would the various elements of MLP canon affect the ninja world? And what other ponies would you like to see roaming Konoha? A lot of you are screaming for Pinkie Pie and I hear ya.

First,Lyra!Because this is the world of humans!And they have hands!And red light district!And she have tons of golden bits to spare!....uhm yeah
The flower sisters befriending Ino.How about Shikamaru training like a boss to master wind and water...just so he can sleep on clouds.Or Derpy having muffin eating contest with Choji.Or Octavia playing for the clan heads.
But the biggest change will be inside the library,as it will be filled with Chakra techniques for civilians.

7) Any thoughts on how ponies will alter the world and the story?

Ponies will befriend mostly everyone,except the die hard bad guys.The Akatsuki will have much harder time as the Elemental Nations start unifying way sooner than in cannon.

8) Anything else you'd like to suggest/raise/etc?

Dont forget Griffons and Changelings,they can make great allies as well.Gilda for Sasuke perhaps?
Ponies can gain lots of respect during the Sand/Sound invasion,when Celestia oneshot Shukaku and turn him into a giant glass statue.
When Flutershy and Hinata cuddle with each other for more than one minute,the pure energy of adorable cuteness create backlash of harmonizing rainbow....meaning that every evil person and creature in 50 mile radius around them will be instantly set on fire....starting from their crotch.

1) How would the arrival of ponies in Konoha affect the village and its inhabitants? Would they be accepting of them as 'Naruto's familiars'? Will they be scared of them?

By my knowledge id say they would more likely be afraid of Naruto since he possesses summons that they don't know but being used to seeing summons from other ninjas. Naruto will more like be the laughing stock of the village because this summons may be seen as too...girly.

2) How would the sudden rise of a new clan affect the village and its inhabitants? Or even the world? Will someone take more interest in him? Will people fear him more?

I can think of only one man taking an interest in this...Danzo:twilightangry2:

4) How would ponies take to becoming ninjas? Will they make good henge-users? Do we want to see henge-using humanized ponies? Will someone in the village turn out to be surprisingly good at helping Naruto train the ponies?

No hanage user or hamnized ponies, rather use earth ponies for close combat (mostly taijutsu with a few defensive ninjutsus). Unicorns for range attacks ( Mostly offensive ninjutsu with one or more illusions spells or healing spells) and the pegasus ponies should be aerial support (Bombarding other ninjas with bombs (what kind i leave it to the imagination) and mostly offensive ninjutsu.
As for how the ponies become ninjas, well it could start out as helping Naruto getting stronger they will want to make some kind of trade you know they teach him something and he has to teach them.
That all i got for now

Whaaaat... I never commented on this?

Well, I was going add...

I think having a tail and ears would make the villagers terrified of Naruto.

I might be wrong, but if I remember the comics, the reason he was ostracized as a child was because of his connection to the kyuubi. One night, the kyuubi attacks. Then, the kyuubi's gone, and this mysterious, mischievous orphan appears; I think that some of the villagers thought he was the kyuubi. They weren't far off, but knowledge of 'jinchuuriki' is a secret.

Not to mention that every time in the comics when he goes 'fox' he really tears things up. To the extent that they eventually assign the wood chakra user to monitor him, if I remember right. If he suddenly shows up with pony morphs, I'd guess that the ninja's 'in the know' will freak out only slightly less than the villagers.

They might be less scared of the ponies, especially since many of them might not make the connection at first.

Other than that, I'll just say that the 'shadow clone' jutsu is criminally underutilized. Everything a clone does, Naruto remembers. (Although no-one tells him this for way too long.) His only excuse for not being an expert at *everything* is laziness. If it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master something, and he can summon several hundred clones, (not much of a stretch) he should be able to master just about anything in a matter of weeks. Make clones, practice/study, merge, repeat. I think it's used to this effect a grand total of once in the series. Really. One Piece has morel limited powers, but does so much more with them.

As for the effects of a new clan... by clan, I'm assuming you mean something like the Uchiha, a group centered around a specific, powerful jutsu. Something like pony summoning, or innate pony magic? If you mean pony magic, will there be methods for others to gain pony attributes? 'Pony Sage' techniques, perhaps? Would other ninja's sign the pony summoning contract, and get their own summons? Maybe certain ponies would pair with certain ninjas? Perhaps pairs could share powers or something?

If the effects of the jutsu are strong enough, the rise of a new clan could destabilize the village. Weak clans would join, hoping to grow, strong clans would oppose, hoping to keep their position. The hokage would do his best, but enough movement could cause a civil war, if they can't just banish Naruto. Since he's a jinchuuriki, that could make things interesting for the whole ninja world...

Whelp, I think I've said more than enough. That's all I've got.

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