• Member Since 31st Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2018

Space Wizard Novablast

A currently 15 year old Danish kid who writes fan fiction and plays video games

More Blog Posts50

  • 480 weeks
    I will be quitting from writing, at least here

    Yes. It truly is as simple as it looks ladies and gentlemen. I simply don't enjoy writing mlp fanfiction anymore. For a while i had felt this way whenever i sat down to write. I had plenty of idea, motivation, and i believe the skill, to write something decent. But whenever i did i always felt hampered by the restraints writing on this site put on me.

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    0 comments · 394 views
  • 491 weeks
    We made featured list Boys!

    We made the fucking featured list, bring out the booze and the hookers! Woooooooh!

    6 comments · 453 views
  • 492 weeks
    Back in black

    Hey guys, how longs it been? Three months, wow.....

    I'm sorry?

    Aight, done with that. Hey everybody, how're y'all coming along? Hopefully well, cause I've got some things I wanna talk about.

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    2 comments · 360 views
  • 504 weeks
    WUUUH! Group Notifications!

    Nothing else but a celebratory shout here gentlemen, continue on with your day

    3 comments · 377 views
  • 504 weeks
    The idea of video game economies

    So, to a lot of gamers this is probably something that either makes you cringe or giggle with joy. And the reason for that is simple, we play video games to empower ourselves (a lot of the time at least) and no fantasy is more prevalent in anyone's mind than the fantasy of being rich. And in a video game there's no real fear, it's not real money you're trading with, so it's fine.

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    0 comments · 311 views

My fictional role model · 12:21am Jul 17th, 2014

Now, role models are something every person have, whether they like to admit it is their own deal. But, gamers are a different kinda taste, because often times we can have a role model from a video game.

My own personal role models are as follows: My father, Benjamin Yahtzee Croshaw, and the comedian Gabriel Iglesias.

But, as a gamer, my fictional role model is a little odd. You guys might know him, and for those of you who do this picture is gonna make you understand why I used the word odd.

This, is Kel'Thuzad. Right hand of the Lich King, bringer of the plague of Lordaeron, and first ever acolyte of the cult of the damned.

This guy is from the Warcraft universe, and the reason why he's such an odd role model is the fact that he's a villain. And not one of those villains that you feel sympathy towards, he's a cold blooded murderer that has taken souls of the living, flesh from the dead, and used these components to make eldritch horrors beyond the wildest imagination of any psychopath.

Yet, he and I are so alike.

Let me give you a little background on this guy. He was originally a wizard of the grand council known as the Kirin tor, he was one of the high seven in fact. But soon he was visited by strange dreams that promised him power beyond imagining, if only he was willing to push the boundaries a little bit.

Kel'Thuzad was willing to do so, and began working on experiments to revive the dead. But he could never do it quite right, they would never function properly. Nevertheless before he could perfect his work he was discovered by the rest of the high seven, who promptly told him that he would have to either stop his experiments and burn them to the ground, or he'd be executed.

The day before he had to choose, he was visited by the dream again. This time it told him to go north towards the continent known as Northrend.

When he finally arrived he found himself facing horrors beyond his wildest nightmares. Nightmares like what he had tried to create. Soon the voice from the dream rang clear through his ears. He was standing within a hall of power, power that he could take if only he would pledge himself to the voice.

He gladly obeyed.

The once proud wizard of The Kirin Tor, became the powerful vile and amoral necromancer that to this day is feared amongst the mortals of Azeroth.

"All those who denied me shall taste fear once more, for I have returned. I am Kel'Thuzad. Your curiosity, will be the death of you."

Many of you would rightly question why he is one of my role models, and the answer is very simple.

He isn't evil, he is loyal.

He joined the ranks of the lich king, not because he meant that the other races needed to die, but because he knew this was what he needed to do to survive. And even then he purposefully guided people, let himself be slain even, just to preserve his master.

He has been said to have undying loyalty towards the lich king, and he is the only one yet that the king of the undead has called a friend. He Is immensely powerful, but he would never use his powers to harm those he holds dear. He may be undead, but his passion towards others still beats harder in his chest than his human heart ever did.

Many a time have I seen this guy in my dreams. At first I feared him, for I knew what he was capable of. But no, the third time he visited me in my dreams he carried a small chessboard. That was our meeting thereafter, whenever he came over we would play chess until the morning light came and he would disappear along with the darkness of the night. But soon he was not only there during the night, soon his loyalty was to me as well, and he endured the painful sunlight merely to make sure I was never harmed.

Whenever I was in danger I felt his strength imbue me, whenever I was bullied I felt how his voice rang alongside my own, banishing those who would harm me to the deepest and coldest depths of Northrends waters.

Kel'Thuzad, a monster and a traitor to most, an undying and loyal friend to me.

Thank you all for listening, take care.


Report Space Wizard Novablast · 330 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

And not one of those villains that you feel sympathy towards, he's a cold blooded murderer that has taken souls of the living, flesh from the dead, and used these components to make eldritch horrors beyond the wildest imagination of any psychopath.


In all seriousness though, this was actually surprisingly poignant. I'm kind of jealous of you, though. You get to play chess with necromancers in your dreams, while the biggest achievements I have so far are having Twilight Sparkle as my mom, Rainbow Dash as my girlfriend, and teleporting my house to the top of some mountain.


Twilight Sparkle as my mom, Rainbow Dash as my girlfriend, and teleporting my house to the top of some mountain.

That's kind of big :rainbowderp:

2293670 Yeah, but it's not 'playing chess with a necromancer that most people are deathly afraid of' big.


Different strokes for different folks? :duck:

2293929 More like 'I'm Sheldon Cooper when it comes to romance', but that works too.

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