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Chaotic Note


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Well I learned a pretty cool BBCode trick from somebody today. - Left Insert Right Insert · 10:39pm Jul 11th, 2014

You can thank Super Trampoline and his certain story for teaching me this.

[ right_insert ] [ /right_insert ] and [ left_insert ] [ /left_insert ]

Left insert allows me to put stuff in a box to the left.

While still being able to have words typed to the right, outside of the box. The formatting will take some getting used to as the you'd have to deal with your text outside of the code being forced to the right. Once you write enough, however, your text will just simply go back to fill the space once it overextends the bottom of the Insert text.

This stuff can be useful for when you want a cool way to include maybe photos of a certain character you wanna introduce, without having it impede the story so much. If you look on the right, you can see a picture of Princess Luna. However there are a few problems to this if not used properly. If you're not careful and you try to insert a picture at the bottom and you didn't write enough, the picture will extend to the bottom like so.

But yeah, when using this code properly, you can enhance the reading experience for the viewer. Pretty cool, eh?

For a reference, this is what the blog looks like in Editing Mode. Look at it carefully so you know how to utilize it.

If you look at the highlighted parts, you can see that I placed the "Insert Boxes" in front. That's how you get the look above, with the words forced to the sides. If you Insert something at the End, the Insert Box will be forced under the text before it. So do be extra careful please. We don't want any weird anomalies in the text.

Report Chaotic Note · 1,553 views ·
Comments ( 40 )

That's pretty awesome I gotta try that sometime! :rainbowkiss:

I already knew it, but I haven't used it that much. I used it in some comments, but never in a story. That could be interesting.

Comment posted by Super Trampoline deleted Jul 11th, 2014

The cool thing is,






Lol. Not sure if I wanna try that though.

holy shit that's cool...

I've actually first saw Knighty do this sort of thing on his user page and blogs before. I've been trying to ask him how he did it, but I got no response whatsoever.

Hes a busy owner.

Im going to figure that image thing out later.

Oh that? You just simply insert the image inside the Insert codes. Without the spaces in the BBCode, the Luna picture above looks like this.
[ right_insert ][ img ]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/318/0/2/princess_luna__protector_of_ponyland__by_terraerminasraven-d5kytyw.png[ /img ][ /right_insert ]

Well, you could have asked me. I'm sure that I did it once in one of your blogs, I think...

2275240 Nest you can them too?

Hey, I realized that you can use it as another Author's Notes. You just have to let some spaces after it so it doesn't extend to the bottom.

How the fuck my story have 8 views if I haven't publish it? My views count? :rainbowhuh:

Well, I already knew that my own views count in the blogs, but I didn't knew that it happens in stories also.

What the fUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS BLOG-POST!!!!!!!!!!!

((this is a cool trick, gotta remember this))


omg that looks so confusing. I'll just stare at is for a while until it makes sense.

Or until you explain that.

At the same time i'll just play with the inserts

I will use this more than any person has ever used them before... :pinkiegasp:


Side note: if you break formatting by abusing insert tags like this, I've been obligated to break you.

So please use responsibly.

2275629 insert Disordish counter-quip here

2275629 So if i were to use it in a fashion that would contribute to the comment in a constructive and worthwhile manner, then it would be ok?

How about when it is meant to convey humor due to silliness?

I want to be able to use the inserts in the future but I am scared of being broken. Just trying to figure out the bounds of "Responsibly".

Speaking of, the most recent comments on this page are really messed up and I don't know what the deal is.

2275629 I wasn't doing anything wrong, I was just wondering why he said "nest you can them too".


If something you want to post looks kinda like SuperTrampoline's comment, vis a vis breaking site formatting in half, it's probably not responsible usage of the power to insert. :V

2276023 alright. i'll avoid that. Hopefully in the future there will be warnings if I am overstepping lines but i doubt that i'll make a reason for the subject to be brought up again.

How about the example I did with Pinkie Pie?


Iiiin general it's probably not a good idea to use the insert tags to create content that goes outside of Fimfiction's normal designated areas for where anything in a post should go. Knighty/Xaquseg are aware of the issue, but until a technical fix can be implemented, we'd appreciate using the power responsibly.

Alright. I was using Pinkie Pie as an example though on how not to do it. So it's cool for now, right?

Surely it can't be particularly difficult to add a "clearfix" CSS class to all blocks that contain user-generated text allowing floats?

I believe the current state of the art is:

.clearfix:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;
.clearfix {
zoom: 1; /* IE 6/7 support */

Slap that class on the "blog_post_content" and "comment_data" divs and you're golden.

I agree with this guy [2347534]

Ok, how do I add journals to my faves/bookshelves? Because, fucking WOW, man.

Edit: Also Pinkie's still breaking the layout here.

If you use the Fimfiction Advanced script, won't be a problem.

Advanced is still broken from the update, I believe.

Edit: Aha, managed to track down and update to 3.1.1 (from 3.0) and it is indeed fixed.

2275240 Not anymore, I guess.

3772370 man, THE MARE ruins all the fun.

4761627 GOD DANGIT I B*CKED IT UP! :flutterrage::twilightangry2:

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