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Arya Stark

"Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water.”.......... I am Arya Stark. 'Nuff said. ;D

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Game of Throne/Jon Snow Theories (CONTAINS SPOILERS) · 11:42am Jul 11th, 2014

((Warning: May, and probably WILL contain spoiler, so, do not pass the ‘spoiler’ line below if you haven’t finished the series!!!))

_________________________________________________________________SPOILER SCREEN__________________________________________________________

So we have a long list compiled of who Martin kills off, and then, the THEORY list…will they die? Did they?
*Enter horror music*

Anyways, to the extent of my knowledge, here is who has died so far (in no particular order, though it should be mostly accurate as to whom died);

Joffrey Baratheon (good riddance, though I was sad to see a really good villain)
Oberyn Martell
Eddard Stark
Robb Stark (Didn’t really like him in the first place)
Drogo (Sorta sad to see him go, though all he did was ‘mount and fuck’…)
Tywin Lannister (Indifferent about his death, a minor antagonist, but still)
Renly Baratheon
Ygritte (Good. I was getting tired of her. Though I will miss her famous quote, ‘You know nothing, Jon Snow”…)
Catelyn Stark; (Poor woman needed a break anyways)
Robert Baratheon (Can’t say if I was sad to see him go or not)
Rhaegar Taragaryey
Talisa Stark
Viserys Targaryen (Good riddance, I say.)
Lady the Dire Wolf (Sob!)

(AND MANY, MANY, MANY MORE!!!!!! I just don’t care about them enough to list.)

Now, onto the best part…ARE THEY DEAD???


Jon comes as a close second, as far as my favorite character, right beside Arya Stark. (I mean, my profile name should say it all.
Anyways, it leaves off that Jon Snow may have died. Stabbed several times, what a horrible death, no? I for one, refuse to believe that he is dead.

Theories are as follows;

I do believe Ghost finally plays a larger role in this. I mean, if he didn’t play a major part, in some shape or form, Martin wouldn’t have bothered to keep him. Just like Bran/Summer; Summer plays a big role with Bran, and the rest of the Stark children’s direwolves just were sort of down played, or killed off. No big roles for them. Which is why Ghost has to be involved with Jon’s survival, otherwise, why keep him around so long?

Besides, since Ghost was a pup, he seemed to have an important role…such as when Jon found him, but I digress.

Another popular theory is Jon becomes a White Walker. All in favor?

And, to point out the nitty gritty part of stabbing, though he was stabbed 4 times, apparently he didn’t feel anything but cold by the 4th. It never states that he was stabbed in any vital organ, and though medical advancements are lack thereof, people have been known to survive like, 20 stabbings. And becoming cold…I see a future White Walker, perhaps?

Besides…whose stab wounds SMOKES after being stabbed?

I do believe Melisandre plays into this in some way too, though it was never confirmed nor denied she can resurrect people, being a powerful servant of the Red God…Besides, when she was searching the flames for a sign of Stannis being Azor Ahai, she sees Jon instead.
Significant? Has to be.
Besides, it is in my experience if that the person is not in total, conclusive dead, then they…aren’t.

My friends also seem to have similar theories;

“Oh, Jon Snow it totally still alive. He's Raegar Targarian and Lyana Stark.

Okay, well, first off, the last words of Jon are "Ghost" (I'm pretty sure) which means he most likely warged into ghost (since all Starks are actually probably wargs) so that's a possible way he survived. Also, it just doesn't make sense for George to kill him off so soon, and here's why else: (well, other than the fact that George is somewhat obviously attached to Jon Snow as a character), George had a set plan FROM THE START to kill off both Ned and Robb. It wasn't spontaneously done to get fans to freak out, it was because he wanted to make a point. According to him (I disagree, but whatever), the only way to make sure that Ned's death still meant something was to also keep Robb from taking revenge and, apparently, the only way to do this was to kill him off. Also, Jon is most likely Rhaegar and Lyana Stark's son NOT Ned's. Why? Well, because, firstly, did anyone else think it wasn't in Ned's character to have a random bastard child? Plus, all the secrecy of WHO the mother was? Second, in order for him to "return with a bastard child", he would need to know that the girl he slept with was pregnant. How would they know JUST after the fact? Answer, they wouldn't. What are the odds he'd be able to hunt down a girl nine months later to find his "son" and take him back to Winterfell? Yeah, no.

ALSO: Lyana had a secret she wanted Ned to keep, most likely her son because if anyone found out he was a Targarean (need to fix that spelling there), they'd kill him. That's why Ned wasn't going to tell anyone until AFTER Jon joined the knight's watch because then he'd be safe, just like that other Targarean guy. Ned probably figured "oh, hey, it's totally cool, I'll just wait for him to join the knight's watch and then he'll be safe and I can come clean about his origins and no one will care and my wife won't hate me anymore.”

Well put, my friend. Now, my buddy here Alliser Thorne notes;

]“I'll have to say this quick, but for the first there's a theory that all the Starks are Wargs, not just Bran, since Arya started having dreams about Nymeria too. So maybe Ghost will have the same connection with Jon.

And for the second, he is so turning into something. White Walker hopefully, because that'd be awesome, but if he's the product of ice and fire then that'd be a factor. Hey, he might end up leading the fight against Daenerys at one point.”

All fine theories, and I suppose we are doomed to wait until Martin reveals the truth, DOES HE DIE OR NOT???
..What do you think?
Cheers, all.

~Arya Stark

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