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Lord Of Dorkness

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So apparently, Jimmy The Grape did the most mature and non-rash thing he could think off... · 3:27pm Jul 4th, 2014

...and deleted the whole League of Humans Acting Villainous.

A moment of silence for what despite a serious case of warts was one of my all-time favorite groups.


However! The King is dead, long live the King!


The League lives once more! Spread the word, my minnons!

Jokes about 'That is not dead' and 'with stranger eons' aside, hopefully this will mean a management that takes problems more serious than 'kill it all with fire.' Make sure to go join the new version if you feel like it.

Sorry for my followers and those of my readers that follow both my LoHaV fics for slight spammage, but since both Horse Feathers and My Life As My Ironically Bad OC is effected by this, I'm re-posting this blog so it will reach the readers of both.

Comments ( 3 )

So how do I put this nicely?
I don't care. Do I really need to get a League of whatever group update because I clicked favorite on a story that is technically part of that trope? I know you are trying to cast a wide net to recruit for the new group, but I really don't want to see updates about the League of blah blah. I don't like most of those stories, I in fact have managed to avoid most of those stories, but this little update lands in my feed.

Is this even what story tagging in blog posts is for? It's not really about 'My Life As My Ironically Bad OC', it's about a group. Please don't make me have to start un-faving stories because they are being used to advertise.


Sorry if this post irritated you, but without the League Ironic simply wouldn't exist.

Since the League was such a big inspiration for Ironic, I simply took for granted the wast majority of its readers would like to know this recent development.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep it in mind in-case any more group related news pops-up.

Ironic was pointed out as an example of a good League story. And it is in fact a good story, with or without the League concept.

Afterwords, I sought out several other stories in the trope and hated them all. So I don't read League stories, I don't downvote them, I don't leave nasty comments, I just avoid them.

It was kind of a rude shock when I woke up this morning to see a League related update in my feed. Sorry if I came across as nasty, its just one of those things that has started to wear on me, authors abusing the Tag Story feature to give me random news. This particular case was probably set me off because I activity dislike the League, rather than being apathetic towards it.

Anyway, sorry for the rant.

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