• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
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"Gold for the merchant, silver for the maid / Copper for the craftsman, cunning in his trade / 'Good', laughed the Baron, sitting in his hall / But iron - cold iron - shall be the master of them all."

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  • 91 weeks
    I've been invited to a podcast

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  • 180 weeks
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  • 298 weeks
    New DF: Extra Stuff and still doing things!

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  • 349 weeks
    Not dead yet, but not writing either

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AMA and a Request. · 4:12pm Jul 3rd, 2014

Hello, it's your friendly neighborhood psychicscubadiver.

Work has kept me busy here for a while, but despite a few setbacks I've managed to get a bit in the way of writing down. Still, nothing's quite ready for publishing and I don't like leaving y'all hanging for too long. An AMA seemed like a fun way to interact and satisfy any of the burning questions you have. Just leave a question or two in the comments and I'll answer. My answer may consist of nothing more than a Cheshire grin and 'I'm not telling you' if would spoiler Great Power, but that alone should tell you when you're onto something.

Oh, and the request is for a bit of help. I've been looking for a story image for one of the new stories I'm writing and can't seem to find what I want. I'd like a human or anthropomorphic member of the Mane six dressed in a Victorian outfit. If any of you have seen such a thing I'd love to request permission from the artist to use it as a story image.

Edit: The replies to questions are in the comment section. Also, I will continue to accept questions so long as people ask them.

Report psychicscubadiver · 1,079 views ·
Comments ( 31 )

Why Dresden and MLP? You have done a fantastic job keeping both true to their origins, but what gave you the original idea?

Is your avatar Bob-incognito?

An odd request, this is the only maybe I found with Google.

If they don't have to be human/anthro, check out nastylady they have a pretty large selection of steampunk pony.

*Gaaaasp* What about Egophiliac's Steamquestria? :pinkiehappy: (Also known as Accomplished Steampunk Scientist Twilight) Most of the Mane Six are robots, but they're Victorian robots!
Questions! 1: What comes with great power? 2: When did you start writing? 3: Who are your proofreaders and how did you come to rely on them?

*Lance racks his brain trying to come up with appropriate questions*

Well, I may as well start things out with something simple: Who are your favorite characters in The Dresden Files and Friendship is Magic?

Next... let's see... ah! What's your favorite non-Dresden, non-FiM franchise?

And because I can't resist, here's a silly question: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, just how intense would you say Twilight's crush on Harry is? :twilightblush:

While I definitely like, I don't think they're quite the right context needed, however. Props for effort, though.:ajbemused:

Worst comes to worst, diver, you could always commission someone to draw what you need – it's not like there's a shortage of talented brony artists out there...

Egophiliac has a nice one of Twilight.
You could crop out the lab coat version and other unnecessary bits.

*edit* Same thing as what 2254104 said apparently.

When are you going to write book #16? We already know you're Jim. :derpytongue2:

Slightly more seriously, is there any other crossover you've considered writing?

This guy has a lot of steampunk stuff.
Not sure if there's any big ones with the M6.

What.... is your name?
What.... is your quest?
What.... is your favorite colour?

But to be srs, what was the inspiration to start writing this series? What was the thing that kicked it all off? :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:


2253992 To build off that, when will the story be set in relation to the MLP storyline. I assume it will not be during any episodes to avoid breaking canon, but there is a lot of room work with and it would be odd to keep it in the same place for all three stories.

-Which two characters from the Dresden universe would you most like to see interact that haven't already? You're allowed to select at what point in their timeline they are from. (i.e pre-"Small Favor" Michael)

-Have you watched the TV adaptation?

-Favorite spell name?

-Who is louder? Demonreach or Luna?

Is there any cross continuity between any of your stories?

NinjaHam has been known to make pics like this:


I figured replying in the comments would be the most efficient, so let's get to the answering. First, though would like to thank everyone for the links and pictures. I am so glad to have minions readers like you.

Great Power will take place between the events of Book 8 (Proven Guilty) and Book 9 (White Night). Dresden will of course appear, but so will Murphey and Molly.

This answer might be unsatisfying but I honestly don't know. The basic idea for any of my stories tends to pop into my head without explanation. Sometimes I can puzzle out what caused them, in this case I can't. Mixing Dresden and MLP just made sense to me on some level. From there I let the idea stew and develop until the plot began to form.

Sort of yes. I went as Harry Dresden for Halloween one year and that was my Bob. After the party I relegated him to hat holding duty. Then there came a day when I needed an avatar for some website I was a member on, I don't recall which. So I snapped a picture of him and behold.

1. Great fish. 2. Fanfiction? Strange Friends was my first and I started that in Sept of 2011. Anything? The short stories I did in high school, I would suppose. 3. Well, Silentcarto and fried195 are my editors and Coandco is my proofreader. Silentcarto posted comments on the first two chapters of Strange Friends back when I first appeared on EQD. He criticized my grammar, syntax and a number of other technical details. My response was essentially, 'oh yeah? Well if you're so good then why not show me the proper way it should be done?'. He accepted and we've been friends ever since. fried195 volunteered to become an editor when I was writing 'The Brony International Guard' and Silentcarto was unavailable to edit. Coandco is relatively recent, but he sent me a list of typos or minor mistakes he found in each chapter of False Masks while reading. Eventually I offered him credit for the job since he was already doing it.

MLP: Twilight Sparkle. Dresden Files: Harry Dresden. Not terribly surprising in either case but hey it's the truth.

That's a harder one. In fact instead of choosing one I'm going to give you three in no particular order. The Legend of Zelda, Firefly and Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere.

Hmmm... assuming that one means mildest crush possible and not the opposite of a crush... she is at a four.

Work has already started on Book #16 of the Dresden Files. Whether or not I am the one working on it is up to your opinion.

Yes. Very yes. There are in fact two. One of them I'd like to begin this fall and alternate chapters between it and Great Power. The other will not be seen for a long time. Not until I have the skill to write it properly. One crosses over with Firefly and the other with The Legend of Zelda. You get to guess which is which.

Psychicscubadiver. To be the very best, like no one ever was. Emerald green.

The origin of the idea is covered above. The kick off point though really was Equestria Daily. I surfaced that shortly after joining the fandom and saw the story postings. Until this point I had avoided fanfiction like the plague, but other people here seemed to like them so I gave it a shot. I enjoyed the first story I read and the second. In one form in another I've always enjoyed making up stories and more I read, the more this seemed like a perfect outlet for all my odd ideas. So I set myself to write the prologue and first chapter then I tentatively posted it. If the response had been negative I probably would have quit, but people seemed to like it and even the harshest of my critics were merely abrasive, never mean. Thus emboldened I wrote more and more transferring some of the craziness that lives in my head onto paper (metaphorically) and sharing it with all of you.

Really, the setting in the MLP series depends on when the plot was conceived which happened to be between the first and second season for Strange Friends and False Masks. I came up with the plot for Great Power between the second and third seasons.

I'm spoilering this for people who haven't finished Skin Game yet. Shiro before Death Masks and Waldo Butters post Skin Game That would be interesting.

Yes. I even own the first (and only) season on DVD. Honestly, the series wasn't bad, but it wasn't anywhere close to as good as the books. I still think Paul Blackthorne made a great Harry Dresden even though he wasn't all that tall.

Pyrofuego. Hands down. No contest. I love that one.

At 'normal' talking levels, it would be Demonreach. But if Luna wanted to be loud? She'd win.

No. Well, sort of.

I use the same background OCs in everything I write. Iron Chef in always the Royal Baker. Sugar Leaf is always Ponyville's maple syrup maker. I'd like to use Private Cynic and Private Nancy in more stories but thus far the opportunity has only come up in the Dresden Fillies. Anyway, other then that, no.


What a very difficult place to put it master Butcher! You have my inherent respect, although.... Great Power? Does that come from a quote that has the word "with" preceding it? Because if it does I shall be forced to find you and poke you with my shaming stick. Apart from that though, thank you for the continued entertainment, which I find goes so very well with a G&T.

I've just had a thought actually. Do you know what would be funny, in the same way that Ramirez being a virgin was very funny? If Murphy were to meet the Ponies... And then Squee. Would it be so outrageous to believe she watched Gen 1/2 back when she was even more tiny than she currently is? But I should not presume to tell you your own story, it's merely the gin talking. Hope that the pictures were helpful.


2258070 That would be funny and Molly is guaranteed to be fun as well. There is a part of me that wants to see a bunch of other characters there as well, although Maggie takes the cake given what we learned about her in Skin Games. :rainbowlaugh:

How powerful are Celestia and Luna in comparison with the Faerie Queens, or Daemonreach, or Uriel? Basically how powerful are the Princesses in comparison with some of Butcher's top supernatural entities?

Your shaming stick is no match for my 'Reader Appreciation Bat'! I'm afraid such an action would be impossible for Ms. Murphey because as the crossover works 'My Little Pony' was never a work of fiction in Dresden's world. Thus she could not have seen it.

Well, seeing as Maggie would be about three years old and living somewhere in Central or South America that would be difficult.

Assuming Uriel is free to act? He's the strongest on that list no question.

If on the island of Demonreach and it has a Warden, then Demonreach is capable of beating everyone except Uriel. So long as any of the Queens or Sisters stand offshore then they can beat it. I would take a lot of time and effort but eventually they would wear it down.

The Queens of the Fae are a bit more complicated. As implied in the end of False Masks, Celestia (and Luna) can store magic. Celestia specifically mentions spending a century's worth of magic fighting He Who Walks Behind. So long as they have reserves to spend, they are equal to a Queen, but those tanks don't refill quickly.

If I were to place the Sisters somewhere on the Dresden Files power scale they would be between the Queens and the Ladies of the Fae Courts. I've actually made a rough power scale (as I see it at least) covering both universes as a personal reference. I'll send you copy, if you'd like.


2262938 Just because the show does not exist does not mean Murphy could not have had a thing for ponies as a kid. From what I understand, that is fairly common. Also, even without that the ponies are freaking adorable and more than enough to draw a squee.

As for Maggie, I know where you are coming from on that, but I still want to see the modern version meet the ponies because it would be hilarious and adorable.

The power stuff also sounds like my impression of things from the books and story (especially Skin Games), although I would still expect Mab to be hesitant to take on a princess in Equestria and both at once would probably be more than she can deal with.

2262938 I would like a copy, please:pinkiesad2:.

Well, damn. Party's over before I even knew it started. But hey, at least all the good questions got asked. Gotta say, though, I'm a tiny bit disappointed that Great Power doesn't take place post- Cold Days. If only because, now that I've thought about it, the thought of the utter confusion the Winter Mantle would go through, (As I see it, the Mantle works by supercharging someone's predatory instincts. And ponies, even just the form of one, are much more in line with being prey.) is something that I need to see brought to life.

But Great Power is gonna be... well, great anyway. You're a fantastic writer. The Dresden Fillies is one of my favorite fictions, and Order and Chaos was simply amazing.

Well if your still answering questions…

1. Is it going to be another summons like last time…or will Luna just show up at his apartment with a frown on her face since Harry never bothers to send a friendship report, or even a letter, thus embarrassing the hell out of Harry in front of whomever happens to be over at the time.

2. After his glorious victory, will Harry come home with a Oubliettes and Ogres core rulebook to share with his table top RPGing werewolf buddies? You know, the pony version of D&D? (What? He could assume they might like a game that caters to quadrupeds!)

3. If you wrote a chapter in your just for the hell of it Dresden side stories where Luna disguised herself as a human and just decided to crash at Harry’s place for a week thanks to the time difference…how much trouble would this cause our plucky young (in the case of wizards anyway) hero?

Sure. I'll keep going so long as people ask questions.

1. There will be no summons, but Dresden will remain in semi-regular contact with Equestria via letters carried by Luna's sendings.

2. Nope. Tragically Harry never heard about Oubliettes and Orges while he was there.

3. All the trouble. If that happened, there would be an extremely beautiful woman living with him and his incubus brother in a very small apartment. And he would have no way to explain where she came from. Even worse, Celestia would not be pleased with where Luna was choosing to spend her time.

As a rather shameless attempt to gain information, When might you be releasing another great work of (Fan) Fiction?


This answer! I like it!

-Smashes computer-

ANOTHER! ... Wait...

Anyway, on to ze question: What other stuff aside from MLP and Dresden do you like? Have you written any other fanfics about them?

And, for the silly question, were you to be able to end up in any fictional world, where would you like to be? And yes, you'd be able to grab whatever power the world had to offer, if you wished.


Sure. I'll keep going so long as people ask questions.

Sure. I have a question for you: What does AMA mean? Google is giving me quite a few answers, and yet I doubt even one is correct in this context.

Well, I put out another chapter of Extra Stuff today and the first half of that 'novella length' story should be done in a week. Two at most.

Everything else is up in the air.

I have not written any fanfictions outside of those two fandoms, though I have had a few ideas I haven't pursued. Anyway I enjoy a lot of stuff. Just to hit the major ones: Everything by Brandon Sanderson (especially the 'Mistborn' series), Avatar (both original and Legend of Korra), Firefly, Legend of Zelda, Full Metal Alchemist and Fables.

Which world? I'd live on one of the Core Planets in Firefly. Space age technology, and the universe isn't constantly in danger of being destroyed. I'd take security and excellent living conditions over personal powers any day.

AMA: Ask Me Anything.

Oh right! Something else I've been meaning to ask you: Remember way, way back, like, two years back, when you said you'd right a non-Dresden Crossover Story? I think people voted for option one...

Anyway, is that going to be an actual thing? Or did it get shelved to the back of your mind/tossed in the freezer next to the safe containing the Sixteenth and Seventeenth books of the Dresden Files? (:pinkiecrazy:)


My mind is more like a messy office with a thousand papers, many of them illegible or misfiled. However, in this case I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm working on it currently.

If a hypothetical sequel to Great Power was written, would it be called Great Responsibility?

If you're still answering questions: Is there any chance for more Dresden/MLP crossovers after Dresden Fillies (since I believe that one's meant to be a trilogy), and if so, will Winter Knight Dresden ever meet Princess Twilight Sparkle?
I've been hoping to see some interaction between them, though it would probably be pretty hard to write since Dresden hasn't really stabilized for the past few books. Not sure how I missed this AMA in the past, but it's great to finally have an idea of where the next story fits in the timeline and what characters are going to be in it.

I have no plans to write that. Should someone wish to take up the mantle when I am done, they must pass the Three Trials of Authorial Might, but should they survive my tasks they are fully empowered to portray such an interaction.

More seriously, I will finish with the third and with carte blanc for anyone to continue the series.

No, it would be called 'Great Expectations' and I would temporally sue Dickens for stealing my title from the past with his powers of clairvoyance.

Please, note that I answered your question with all the seriousness it deserved.

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