• Member Since 16th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 3rd, 2023


More Blog Posts14

  • 414 weeks
    still alive

    so it is a few weeks away from being a year since i did anything, life has finally slowed to the point where i can write again, my only question is... is there anyone out there who still wants me to write?

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  • 513 weeks
    contest closing

    well at least ONE of you handed something in... congrats to Thresha8 for being the only one to give it a shot... therefore YOU WIN!

    second place goes to... goes to...... oh that's right... nobody else tried...

    maybe this'll work out better in the future


    3 comments · 314 views
  • 515 weeks
    so about my writing...

    Well in this whole off the computer a while thing i have come to discover something... i can't read my own writing... long story short i am going to be writing like crazy today trying to get it done... (computer back yay :D). i am still hoping on a Sunday deadline... (i know i have been saying that a lot...)


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    7 comments · 368 views
  • 515 weeks
    read me

    so my last post was pretty dramatic and all that. i just want to remind everyone that i am still alive and still going to be kicking around. (just not on 24/7 anymore). which really is a good thing because i get a lot less destracted that way. i know my last post sounded pretty end of world like. i had my first fight with my girlfriend and that was the solution (putting down the computer and

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    4 comments · 314 views
  • 516 weeks
    serious time

    this is it... the proverbial cliff... today i make the jump. today i choose to leave my metal and plastic prison and reenter the world. today the online persona 'flanigomik' dies. by doing this i am proving to myself i am better than a nickname behind a digital wall. i am a real person who has real feelings. i will break this addiction and i will be stronger for it. i hope to rediscover what it

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    0 comments · 341 views

write your own nightmare 1 (WYON) · 8:10am Jul 3rd, 2014

so i decided it would be fun to see you all spin your dreams from hell. so i am asking you to write your own nightmare (in context to the story). if i like what you write you get to have your nightmare in my story (may be now may be a few chapters down) i HOPE this will be something fun and kinda different (i haven't seen it before) and as for rules i am very lax. here are the requirements.

* keep cursing to a minimum (my mom is a reader and my editor)
* keep things sexual in nature to a minimum (implying but not stating is fine)
* try to keep the characters in character.
* you have to have ACTUALLY READ the story. (found here)
* have fun.

i am going to set the deadline at Saturday July 26. oh yeah. i also have rewards! i have two steam games i'll give away two the two stories i like best (they aren't the best but it is what i could afford at the moment.)

prizes are

The blackwell Legacy
cover art

Retro City Rampage
cover art

have fun and bring your friends!

Report flanigomik · 442 views · Story: In Stitches ·
Comments ( 28 )
#1 · Jul 3rd, 2014 · · ·

Wright away I noticed that your way of wrighting the word 'wrighting' isn't the wright way to wright it. :trollestia:

No gore restrictions?

I might be able to do it.

2253524 yeeeeeeah.... i hate it when a word is spelled right so spell check doesn't pick it up as wrong...

2253677 i already have mature for gore so go nuts :P

2253874 oh i see... like to see how you work that one in...



is it okay if I add an image to my entry? Like with the other nightmare chapter.

2315816 like i said, anything within the rules is free game :P (go for it)

Comment posted by Thresha8 deleted Jul 26th, 2014

2316200 thanks! that makes one :P i'll look at it in a bit.

2316200 so i have your submission now and i have to say... damn... other than a bit of grammer i'm going to leave it pretty much like that...

now two questions that i kinda need to ask

is the image yours? (because people bitch at me :facehoof: )

can you take down your link now? (prevent spoilers :rainbowwild: )

2316903 1. yes the image is mine
2. doing it now.

2316986 thanks. oh and as far as the story goes. i actually really like that... and it gave me a great way to work it in too...

2317001 also nobody else has shown up yet :F

2317016 Dun't wurry 'bout it mmkay? I actually asked someone with over a hundred followers to spread the word and he did. Proof. So don't stress too much. Hopefully more people will take notice and participate.

2317023 have i ever told you how awesome you are?

0.o suddenly 73 views...

2317026 If Fallout 3 has taught me anything, it's too always get good karma.
("Fricken' give the homeless dude your only water! I don't care. It's not like I needed it when stupid super mutants ripped off my head because I was too nice to steal the stimpacks I needed from that one clinic that already had plenty to go around! I don't care! At least I got a halo!")


I gotta stop playing that game. :facehoof:

2317042 hah... i know that feel...

2317039 Wow. That's not from us is it? :unsuresweetie:

2317054 waaaaaaaaay too much youtube/minecraft... got in a huge fight with my girlfriend over it...

2317055 Oh minecraft, what memories we shared. Like that one time I built a tree fortress and my brother thought it would be funny if he burned it down. He still tastes socks.
Oh minecraft, if only you weren't brutally murdered by my baby cousin's sticky jelly fingers.

Le sigh :ajsleepy:

2317064 well if you ever get it back perhaps we can play together :P

i got another art project for if you are interested...

2317067 yes I am
:moustache: I am always ready to draw on the battle field :moustache:

I need some sleep, it's past midnight. You can go ahead and tell me what you want but I probably won't read it till morning. G'night :ajsleepy:

2317070 was wondering if you were intrested in drawing the kids for me using my concept art...

2317085 thanks! :pinkiehappy: i'll send you my concepts... (kinda keep them hush hush if you can :P)

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