• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 26th, 2017


I ask only that you would forgive me, should I ever truly go hollow, that you would not hate me for falling asunder to the insanity.

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  • 459 weeks

    So, you know the feeling where it's like you woke up with a hangover after charging headlong into a parked truck? Yeah, me either, by I'm pretty sure it's similar to what i feel like right now. Also, finally actually got around to coming back-ish, I suppose. Idk, boredom does weird things to people. thought for a bit my account was removed or something until an old bud helped me out a bit.

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  • 482 weeks

    Short, simple, sweet, to the point. About damned time I tried for that. Anyways, this is me telling anyone who doesn't think I'm dead or something that I have a story that should be up soon-ish. Time isn't reliant on writing it up(for once), but because I feel like actually spending some time cleaning it up a little. Also maybe another if things go well as far as writing, time, and such goes.

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  • 488 weeks
    Rrglblghurklbleh... What...?

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  • 518 weeks
    You have GOT to be kidding me!

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  • 518 weeks
    Another Rant

    I have been stricken by a need to release some frustration, and then shortly after by the golden opportunity to do just that. For those reading who are yet unaware: I am not Christian. Far from it. In fact, for sake of attempting brevity, we'll say I'm the polar opposite. Okay, that's said and done and whatever.

    Onto the rant!

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Another Rant · 4:02am Jun 15th, 2014

I have been stricken by a need to release some frustration, and then shortly after by the golden opportunity to do just that. For those reading who are yet unaware: I am not Christian. Far from it. In fact, for sake of attempting brevity, we'll say I'm the polar opposite. Okay, that's said and done and whatever.

Onto the rant!

So, who here has heard of Creationists? I'm going to assume none of you have. Creationists, at least, the ones I'm speaking of in particular, are those who believe the Genesis account of the origin of the universe to be absolute fact. Want to know what they believe to be Creationists more specifically? Read literally the first chapter in Genesis in any Bible and you've got it. Go on, this'll still be here when you're done. Okay, back? Good.

So, if you aren't aware, I watch debates on occasion. These will sometimes include Creationists, such as William Lane Craig. One of the arguments I just heard against evolution and the "Big Bang" theory on the origin of the universe as we know it was the "chance" argument. Now, for those unaware of it, I'll put it briefly: the "chance" of everything on Earth occurring exactly as it has, to the letter, is beyond insane, and to call it astronomical would be like calling the Pacific Ocean a small puddle; thanks to this, there is no conceivable way that things could have worked out how they did through the methods suggested by science, and thus required supernatural intervention at least.

Here's the fucking problem: that is an argument from ignorance, and a rather strong example of one.

How is it such an example of this, or even fitting in it? Well, I'll assume someone wants me to explain for whatever reason and do just that. Why wouldn't I? It's silly to call something out blankly and leave no reason.

It's an argument from ignorance because they literally ignore that those odds aren't just confined to the Earth we happened to be on. Those adds spread to the entire universe. The odds of it happening to a particular planet are, admittedly, wholly ludicrous. The odds of it happening somewhere at some point within the lifetime of the universe? Not so much. In fact, if we assume the universe has no real end, then we assume infinite possible chances, which means that, as long as the chance exists, it will eventually happen, and possibly more than once. For all we know, there could be dozens of worlds that are virtually identical to ours, possibly even at least one only minutely different, where, say, Hitler put on his left shoe first instead of his right, or farmer Joseph smiled two minutes longer at his wife during sex.

But let's address the most important part of this: probability is a tool used for making predictions, so those calculations aren't the chances of us doing what we've already done, they're the chances of it happening again anywhere else right now. If something has happened, then the probability is 100%, because it happened and can't just un-happen.

There we go. Rant over. Hope this entertained someone or something.

~Grand Panda

Report Reaps · 485 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

You know what I think? I think we're pretty damn lucky absolutely everything didn't go horribly wrong. However, I also think that perhaps everything DID go horribly wrong, and that's why we can't use The Force or have pet Godzillas.

2207823 I won't stop you from your thoughts. I might feel like telling you you're wrong and trying to figure out how, but I won't tell you you can't have them.

2207847 In an extension of what you have said yourself, yes, there would be a version of Earth somewhere in which we do have The Force and pet Godzillas. However, the fact remains that in said world, it wouldn't be us, but other people who just happen to look, sound, and act just like us. As such, the alternate world could still exist, but we still were lucky enough to end up on as good a version as we did, yet unlucky enough to not end up on a better one.

2207855 Fair enough.

So do you believe in the big bang or do you believe in creationalism? Oe neither?

2208828 I believe whatever the evidence points strongest towards. When the theory known as the Big Bang has evidence come to light that breaks it, it will be refined to a more accurate theory based on the new evidence, as science tends to do. I believe in what can be made evident, not what requires me to imagine the answer and build the evidence.

2208862 Nice and well respected answer. :3

On the subject of the universe, being a Catholic, I hold the Catholic position- theistic evolution. Basically, Evolution, Big Bang, all that happened, but God gave it the spark to get it going. Most Catholics, Orthodox, and mainstream Protestants are theistic evolutionists. Creationism is a minority, even within Christianity.

2210369 Granted, so long as you understand that, however small a minority they are, they are an annoying one.

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