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  • 145 weeks
    Where To Find Me

    Greetings fillies and gentle colts of Ye Olde Fimfiction!

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  • 356 weeks

    I forgot I never finished publishing my stories even though Committee is all written... I'll do that for y'all sorry (I don't even remember a lot of what happens in this story it's been so long but shruggie I hope you guys enjoy it)

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    FAQ of questions nobody asked

    If I'm back I might as well reintroduce myself with random questions nobody cares for but I still feel like answering
    Q: best pony?
    A: still Twilight, nothing's changed

    Q:... Who are you?

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    Possibly to be more active??

    I didn't intend for this to happen
    I kinda forgot how fun the site was so I might be coming back sorta. Not gonna be mega active but I'm always up for an excuse to ignore school. Writing is fun and I feel bad leaving everyone on a cliffhanger for like a year so I owe you all that

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    This place is gathering dust eh?
    Sorry bout that
    Not sure the status on me getting fics done. As in idk if or when they'll be finished. Technically Committee *is* finished and it has been for a really long time but im too lazy to upload. Oopsie.

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If You'll Allow Me to Rant · 1:10am Jun 1st, 2014

If you don't wanna read my story justification drama, then go back to reading that clopfic you have up in another tab. I won't judge.
Now I doubt any of you are unfamiliar with the goings on in the comments of The Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee (and now other people's pages, since I had to do some blocking). I doubt that any of you still care about it. I've ranted about this a lot, but I still gotta say a few things.
I may also heavily hint at spoilers for upcoming chapters, so, uh, sorry.

The first matter I would like to address is Emerald Joy's behavior and overall character throughout the story. She comes across as a normal unicorn who's very well-read in her subject of choice and has a lot of messed up morals. She also is the type that puts her whole hand out in the open for all to see, but keeps her best cards under the table, so you only think you know what her strategy is. She's heavily like the Kill la Kill character Harime Nui, and is based off of quite a few characters with similar attributes, but for our convenience let's just compare her to Nui (KLK spoilers if you care).

Now when Nui is first introduced she appears to just be a cutesy girl with a sort of dark aura about her that looks like she could be easily taken out with a kick to the gut. She should've been easily beaten, since we've seen just how powerful the Goku uniforms and Kamui are. And yet, for some reason, she's hardly fazed when she's stabbed all the way through. Well, she pretends to be fazed. For a good part of the show you just simply have to accept her ability, since there's really no explanation for it at that point. I'm sure there were some people who thought it was just a way to give Ryuko someone she couldn't beat (easily) and it was lazy writing. Well, you've seen the kinds of things Ryuko can do, so it just doesn't make sense that she can't even scratch this little lolita girl!

But that's the thing, it is eventually explained that the Life Fibers Nui's made of make her essentially invincible and crazy powerful. Now obviously Emerald Joy isn't made of Life Fibers, but the same rules apply. Just because you've seen the Mane 6 take out all these things doesn't mean there isn't something capable of being more powerful. Do we even know anything about Emerald besides what the Mane 6 have seen and the story she told Rarity about her origin? Nothing comes to mind, so it's very possible that Emerald Joy is more than meets the eye.

That was the main point I wanted to get out of the way. Lemme tell you what other gripes you may have that are wrong/are explained:
- Gripes about the Mane 6:
-"They are generally OOC" (Applejack wouldn't "abandon" Applebloom, they don't act like friends, etc)
-"They're not that dumb"
-"They don't die that easy"
-"They're stronger than that"
- Gripes about Emerald Joy
-"She can't be that powerful"
-"She's hypocritical"
-"She should have died off a long time ago"
- Gripes about the story in general:
-"They're just killed off to fuel drama"
-"It could have easily ended many chapters ago" (going back to Emerald being killed off)
- Gripes about the Princesses
-"They couldn't have been tricked"
-"They could have gotten rid of the brainwashing"
-"They couldn't have been defeated"
- Gripes about me (direct quotes this time)(why is this so long ;w;):

it was not emerald that killed her, its flanchan slitting her throat like a pig for the slaguther because she could not give a fuck about these characters. she has no idea of any drama, and thinks killing equals drama


she made her a fucking retard


she just wants to spit on everything that makes the show and characters, then piss on it, and say 'look I am doing betters' when she is FAR from doing anything.


flan has absolutely NO grasp on the character she is using


if i could strangle this story i would........... dear lord, does she even watch the show?


flanchan angers me because she has violently insulted the show with her story.


it is the fault of a writer who lacks the creativity to work through the true strengths of the mane six and thus reduces them to selfish, souless shells of who they actuall are just so she can do whatever she wants with them. this entire story hinges on her mischaracterization of these characters......... and that is just lazy.


flanchan has absolutely no understanding of these character. at all. and she has all but insulted the bonds they allowed them to defeat chaos beasts and fallen angels, but having them so easily broken, along with their friendship

Alright, that should be enough. I didn't even post the ones that were on the story; all those comments were from my friends' user pages and the deviantart page for the cover art.
I don't mean this to attack anyone, but... seriously? Do you not understand what mystery and plot twists are?

Anyway, it appears that Matryoshka was posted while I was writing this. I'm gonna go make a proper blog for that now. Please go enjoy it my friends, and sorry if I dampened your mood with this... ^_^;

Comments ( 7 )
Arzoo #2 · Jun 1st, 2014 · · 1 ·

The complaints are cruel, but I am forced to agree. You are not very good at writing believable characters. They do not feel like real individuals, and people aren't complaining that they're too dumb just because they're unhappy with bad things happen to characters they like, they're complaining because they ARE acting ludicrously stupid. It does not feel like they're making poor decisions, it feels like every few chapters or so a random lot is drawn and the character whose name comes up is struck by a sudden compulsion to do something extraordinarily stupid without much of anything motivating the bad decision.

*points to Gripes about the Mane 6*


Yes. That's what I was responding to. If you want me to just be blunt: you're wrong. The complaints are not because Emerald is winning, they are because the story has given readers no reason whatsoever to expect that Emerald should be winning; it doesn't matter how many of the cast she kills if readers think that they're getting killed because they're just slitting their own throats out of sheer stupidity. You also mentioned mystery. If you're trying to imply that all the strange actions by the characters is actually explained by something, then you have absolutely failed to hint at it. There's a difference between leaving something unexplained, and having the actions of 90% of the cast appear completely inexplicable unless you make the leap of logic that something is twisting their thoughts; you can't expect them to jump to a conclusion like that without any evidence at all except the out of character behavior, because this is fanfiction, and no one is going to give you the benefit of the doubt that Out of Character behavior was written with the understanding that it was intentionally out of character because the default assumption is that Out of Character behavior is caused by poor writing.

It's sad that this is the exact response I was expecting, but when I actually reveal stuff. Does this mean that a story is bad if things aren't hand fed to everyone reading?
If this wasn't a fanfic, then I would indeed need to explain that the characters were acting strange, but since you know the characters you should be able to pick up on that yourself. But it appears that asking the readers to think a bit is too much to ask...
Sorry, that sounded snarky. But from what I gather, there *are* people who have picked up on it and didn't assume it was bad writing, so I can't be completely at fault for that decision.
I understand the story has flaws, as with any story, but it's really difficult trying to explain things that are "flaws" without spoiling anything...
It's fine if you don't understand, since you don't seem to be going out of your way to be mean or anything.

2164494 .....You do realize that is enormously pretentious to presume that anyone criticizing your story isn't smart enough to understand it?

Not even going to bother giving my full two bits on this one, not when those other guys pretty well detailed all of its primary flaws. I cannot think of a single thing this story does right.The only good thing about it is that picture. All the characters, all of the deaths by retardation, it is all bad! Best i can see is that people like it for those random anime references throughout it rather than it having anything substantial in the narrative.

Also comparing Nui to your villain is an insult to Nui. Nui comes off as off the moment we see her and display inhuman power very, very early on, from destroying a goku uniform in an instant to an out of control kamui. Put simply it is far to late to suddenly give her some unusual quality, or at least have it that Twilight would notice that or something and make her act like her own character even for a damn moment.
Also no one can just take that hit. Not discord, tirek, chryslias, the regal sisters, or even maud pie. They could survive it but they would be hurt and hurt bad. In other words she has an ability that does not even fit in with the world of equestria. Nui fit into her world because her body had the characteristics that the goku uniforms had.

Or maybe i am too ignorant to see it, as you seem to say whenever someone criticizes you. Or that they are the same guy from what i have read. Whether they were or not, they all covered all the problems of your story themselves, and all i could add is that your villain is not Nui, not even a tenth as well executed as that lolita psychopath.

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