• Member Since 12th Jan, 2013
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Immortan Joe

Follow me and I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla. Where you'll ride eternal, shiny and chrome!

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  • 24 weeks
    Moving Onto Royal Road

    To all my old followers and viewers, I come to you with a heavy heart to say that I'm completely moving on from Fimfiction and starting new somewhere else. The reason being that I simply moved on from the MLP community; I have not stopped writing, so those of you who enjoyed my work for what it is and would like to see what else I make can follow me at Royal Road.

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  • 29 weeks
    How long has it been?

    I don't even recall the last time I dusted off this profile. It's been a while. I came on today after cleaning out my email to see if I was still getting notifications from this site. To see that they're still people who are reading my work is heartwarming.

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  • 272 weeks
    Gone a Year and Back on Front Page Okay....I dun get it

    Been a year, I've been in hibernation. Yet when I come out I slam dunk back on...I dun get it. Why. I'm so happy, thanks everyone! You're the friggin super duper best!

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    I Hath Updatedth!

    I bring to you, a chapter long in the waiting. Hope you all enjoy it.

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  • 273 weeks
    Progress Being Made! (Lazarus)

    It's happening! Slowly, but surely!

    It's hard, having been away from MLP for so long. I have to refresh myself on all the show characters :twilightblush:

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The Balllots are in and the decision has been made! · 1:51am May 29th, 2014

For those of you who had seen my last blog post and decided to participate, I thank you for your assistance.

Counting up the results this is what I got out of it.

Out manned/gunned: 17

Out manned/teched/gunned: 11

Out manned and gunned it is!

(The questions below if you don't feel like explaining just choose between, Diplomacy, Defensive, or Offensive. That's if you care.)

Now that your enemy out numbers you, and has such higher fire power, what is your strategy?

Would you try to negotiate with them? (Diplomacy)

Blitzkrieg them? (A.K.A Going on the offensive with an unexpected sneak attack.)

Or what if they made the first move, how would you set up your defenses? (Defensive)

(The choices are yours! And yours alone!)

Report Immortan Joe · 324 views · Story: Lazarus: The Rise of Man ·
Comments ( 23 )

Blitzkrieg. Run around and fire willy nilly.:pinkiecrazy:

I have incredibly good technology. I assume this includes autotargeting laser turrets which incinerate everything they hit.


I'd set up a defensive choke position in a narrow hall and mow them down as they tried to come down.

It'd, hopefully, be small enough that they would have to move in a single file line.

Be diplomatically defensive.

Talk with the enemy, check to make sure they are your enemy. If they are, inquire their motives. If not, resume regular alertness.

Meanwhile your comrades are moving to (more) defensible positions discreetly. If enemy is truly enemy, then they'll cover you as you also get to the (more) defensible position. If enemy is not actual enemy, laugh off the silly behavior of the paranoid sillies.

Blitzkrieg, no contest:pinkiecrazy:

Defensive diplomacy.

Only Hitler and Gengis Khan kill at random. Also, as a society, you advance faster if you make friends with a lot of people rather than sticking to your self. That's why diplomacy is always good.

However, if they do attack, I'd make sure to have every possible defense up, because I don't want my comrades or citizens getting hurt. If they say something like: "A true ally wouldn't be so defensive, what do you have to hide?", and want us to take our defenses down, I'd refuse. If they force the issue by attacking, destroy the attackers and bring the ones that surrender into your force. (Even if you're in a small mobile army, I'm sure many people in the other side would prefer living and betraying their side to starving to death or getting killed, especially if they've been drafted.)

I would be defensive.

With a overwhelming tech advantage, you could turn a battle into slaughter as the enemy attempts to attack, taking far more casualties, making any advantage they could get from taking your position not even worth the losses.

Assuming we are the humans defending, any pony offensive would be stomped into mulch, because we would have more offensive capabilities then magic could ever have.

Meanwhile, being outnumbered, before battle the enemy could have a very confident feeling, thinking that numbers will win the battle when it is tactics that win battles. And better tech gives best tactics.

Offensive diplomacy; Try to cause enough damage to force a surrender.
(Like when nukes were used in world war 2, it caused so much damage that it forced a surrender.)

Defense. Since I'm only outmanned and outgunned, I could use my superior technology to know where they are coming from and set an ambush with gauss cannons, Anti-Armor/Air soldiers and land mines.


If offensive: All out blitzkrieg, everything goes for my troops. When You are out manned, and they have a lot more guns than you, catching them off balance is key to victory. Everything else is either too weak to work, or makes you look weak, and no one will help you. Fuck up ALL their industrial might, and cripple their economy with arsonists with-in their own cities.

Defensive... Nuke mine-fields. NO ONE IS CRAZY ENOUGH TO DO THAT, NOT EVEN HITLER.

Or just a line of plasma turrets with anti- arty defenses.

Out tech will always win, because Spanish invasion of mid-america.

Comment posted by Crude Dude deleted May 29th, 2014

Defensive is so much fun, you get to plan out little surprise parties!

i would create an untouchable bunker riddled with: automated turrets, land mines, space lasers, normal lazers, chemical warfare, cyber warfare, and flamethrower traps. and me in a narrow(one way) hall way; with laser beams, and me with a mini gun that shoots shurikens and lightning! wearing armour that could stop a tank round!

Diplomacy first and if that fails, defense because better tech make it best offense.

And wow some people have the imagination of an unrealistic twelve year old. I praise those who have at least some semblance of realism for defensive maneuvers.

Outmanned and Outgunned, i go for a Bunker/Shield system, locking down my base and having all personnel move to their designated primary defensive positions, using the shields to bear the brunt of the initial assault before they return fire, once the shielding fails, have the personnel set charges in the forward bunkers and retreat to secondary defensive locations. Once the enemy is within the perimeter and swarming over the forward bunkers, detonate the charges. Wash and repeat until the enemy halts their advance or all personnel are at the final bunker line, then deploy what little armored support to block the entrances into the command center and armory once personnel have retreated inside, where our last ditch efforts will be planned. If all else fails, destabilize the reactor core of the command center. If you can't live to fight another day, bring as many of the bastards with you as you can.

Atleast, that is how I would handle it. This is all assuming completely overwhelming odds and an enemy with the resolve to continue hurling bodies at you, no matter how high the body-count may climb. (i.e. A true Zerg Rush.)


Diplomatical Defensive (and optionally blitzkrieg)
Try to ally them but if they start to think you're a threat (well isn't supposed that our species was nearly driven to extincion? that would be a great cover-up for our defensive diplomacy)
and they decide to attack, maintain the defense (like some of the other comments) until their forces are much less efective and then go fully Blitzkrieg...,.. let them made their move and then we make ours with combat drones, biological weaponry, nuclear weaponry (go TSAR!),Depleted Uranium Ammo, DIME Explosives (Dense Inert Metal Explosives), Smart Carpet Bombs (They exist! but i don't recall their names), Metal Storm Weapons and whatever we invented to that date


Us Brits know a thing or two about defending

Diplomacy. The tech advantage would make combat very risky for my opponent, and that makes a very good bargaining chip. If that didn't work, and I was for some reason against orbital bombardment (the 'I Win' button), I would go defensive. Force them to pay exorbitantly for every bit of progress in the hopes of breaking their will. Or maybe they all die. Either one works.

As an added bonus, it's tough for a leader to justify such losses against an otherwise non-hostile target. Have fun with that public rating.

Fast moving defences (Think 40k Space Marines in defensive roles)

Defensive guerilla warfare. Even if I have a .22, I'll take plenty of em with me. Move light, find effective positions to protect from bombardment. Highjack whatever you can from the enemy. Hopefully, get to the point where you can call in your help to obliterate everything. And most of all, shatter the Geneva convention if you want to survive. Booby traps designed to kill medics, hostages, exploding children. Whatever works.

Hey guys, you do realize it doesn't say you out tech them. It only says they don't out tech you. You could both very well have the same tech.

'Tis called the "pull an 10 foot thick steel slab from the void in front of yourself until the enemy gives up, then throw it at them and launch a massive counterattack which stalling out gave you time to prepare". I call it the PATFTSSFTVIFOYUTEGUTTIATALAMCWSOGYTTP.

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