• Member Since 6th May, 2014
  • offline last seen May 24th


Good authors too, who once knew better words, Now only use four-letter words writing prose. Anything goes. :raritywink:

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  • 189 weeks
    Act 1 is done.

    Act 2 might take a couple of weeks, but for now, new Chapter.

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  • 190 weeks
    New chapter is out!

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  • 190 weeks
    Sorry about the lack of chapter this week!

    I've written up through chapter 7, but I haven't edited. Been a busy week. Next chapter next Sunday!

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  • 192 weeks
    New Chapter out!

    And this one is dedicated to tha people who taught me that shipping could be an absolute blast! Down Beat made it, yall!

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  • 193 weeks
    Next Chapter is out. Meet Pumpkin Cake!

    Yep! Pumpkin Cake shows up and introduces herself this chapter! And moreover, the creeping feeling continues to crawl up the spines of our heroes.

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Light of Triumph's Top 10 Most Hated Episodes of MLP · 6:50pm May 16th, 2014

So! I have writer's block..... Kinda.

I know where I'm going next in my story, but my brain has been infected with laziness. So I need to do something that's going to get me pumped up! And there is only one thing that can get me to do that! Seething hatred.

So to give myself the endorphin high I need, I'm counting down my top ten most DESPISED episodes of MLP. Know this however, this is my list. If I've actually put your favorite episode on here, I'm sorry. Remember I'm just a guy with his opinion's Though I don't think I'll be breaking any hearts with a lot of these picks.

So what are we waiting for, let's get started!

10) Magical Mystery Cure

Cool down people, I don't hate this episode, really. It just frustrates me.

Season 3 was only a half season, and I don't think the writers expected that. The pacing in this episode was just off.

The main problem with this episode was (and the reason it's so low on this list) is that it needed to be a two parter.

I saw Alicorn Twilight coming. Anyone with a brain stem should have seen Alicorn Twilight coming. But it felt like a surprise to me, due to the rushed nature of the episode.

Like I said however, I don't hate this episode. The songs are amazing, the story is fun, and it has some visually amazing moments. But I don't think I've seen a more rushed major event in the history of MLP.


9) Keep Calm and Flutter On

As I lose the follows of Fluttercord shippers everywhere.

This episode I CAN say I hate, and once again, it's because of poor pacing.

BOOM! I need Discord to be performed for... reasons so I'm giving him to you guys! BOOM! I'm Discord and the reason I'm not mind controlling Fluttershy, thus rendering the elements useless and making another bid for the throne is... why, again? BOOM We're just watching discord turn our friends life into a living hell, obviously manipulating her every move, not stepping in with the elements because... the writer was huffing paint! BOOM! Fluttershy is mad at Discord and that makes him sad.... because. So he decides to be a good guy now, "most of the time." BOOM! End of episode

This episode was like a busted rollercoaster. Far too fast and leading toward oblivion. It was the most heinous waste of John de Lancie I've ever seen!


8) Three's a Crowd

Oh bitch..... You are SO lucky you turned out to be foreshadowing!

Yes, Twilight's Kingdom was so unbelievably awesome, it made this episode suck less. Knocking it back a good five spots on this list.

The season 4 finale confirmed that what I thought was a major flaw in this episode the writers were actually doing on purpose. Namely, Discord's "reformation."

It confirmed that Discord was only really getting to like Fluttershy, and the rest could go hang as far as he was concerned. So I can no longer fault this episode for making Discord seem like a villain.

It still doesn't change the fact that the Element of Loyalty bamfs out in the first ten minutes, leaving her friends alone with the elder god of Chaos, who they only kinda trust.

It doesn't excuse leaving the Star Swirl exhibit in the background, which would have made a much more interesting premise for the episode.

It doesn't excuse the Graboid. GOD that design was ridiculous.

And finally, It doesn't excuse Cadence. "I'm happy we were almost eaten by tentacle hentai! At least it's not boring!"

With a moral that was told better in Best Night Ever, Discord's foreshadowing behavior shown better in Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Cadence being shown as more likable LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE, there is just no reason for this episode to exist. And with the Flash Sentry cameo you were just trying to piss me off!

I've been too controversial, isn't there a bandwagon I could jump on?

7) Mysterious Mare-Do-Well

There we go....

Honestly, what more do I need to say about this episode. It's all already been said. You've got most of the mane six being complete bitches to Dash. Manipulating her at every turn. And what was her crime! *GASP* Bragging!

......... Okay. Fluttershy, you've been best friends with this pony for, what, MOST of your life? You should be used to it by now!

And so what if she's getting a swelled head! She's still helping! Would you have preferred the baby to be DEAD as long as Dash didn't show boat?

But I'm just Parroting other people's objections now. And, hell at least the moral was decent, even if it was told ineptly.

Which is more than I can say for number six.

6) One Bad Apple


It never has and it never will. It only makes the situation even worse, if they bother to listen to you at all, or don't just flat out deny that it's happening.

Bullying is a serious problem, and you can't screw around with it. You have to make sure that kids get the right massage, and this wasn't it.

Avoiding them will work.

Shrugging them off will work.

Most importantly (no one else is going to tell you this) FIGHTING BACK WILL WORK.

Whether with wit or with fist, they can only bully you if you let them. So don't. Let them know that not only are you smarter than they are, but you have a limit.

But that's not all, with the pointless introduction of one of the most irritating characters in the show (I mean it's not like the CMC already had a bully that they dealt with on a regular basi- OH WAIT.) An earworm song that you end up singing on elevators and get people giving you funny looks, (okay the song was fine...) and the ever-popular "Veggie Salad" joke (whaaaaaat?) this is probably the worst episode of season 3!

........ WELL....

5) Spike at Your Service.

Hey guys! What happens when you take an overused formula, throw in a character I don't give two shits about, and mix it up with one of the most hit and miss writers on staff?

You get a miss so utterly embarrassing that if he were an Air Force pilot, Polsky would have hit Cleavland whilst aiming for Moscow.

From beginning to end, this episode is pure pain. Just cringeworthy cliched over the top pain. The jokes don't work. The dialogue is horrendous. The timberwolves make no sense.

There are very few episodes that annoy me more than this one.

Very few, not none

4) A Friend in Deed

I'd have snapped Pinkie's adorable neck.

As someone who enjoys getting loud and annoying more than anyone else I know, I'd have killed the little twerp.

Smile Song aside, Pinkie STALKS the poor dude, not giving him his peace ever. Culminating in destroying the man's treasured photo albums. Hey Pinks, maybe he's smile if you BACKED THE F$&K OFF.

People yelled at Pinkie's behavior in Filli Vanilli, but at least that was in the background. Here Pinkie's abrasiveness is put front and center. And there's no escape from it.

And I know that was the point, but it was still hard to sit through.

Alright, what's number three? Oh it's that epis-*thud* ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

3) Look Before You Sleep

How old would you say the mane six are? Early to mid twenties? I'd say the youngest was Pinkie, at about 19.

So why would they have Twilight, (who I would place at about 22) act like an eight year old? And why would Rarity and Applejack, who both own there own small businesses, go along with it?

I would get it if Pinkie Pie did this, but Twilight?

But that aside, This episode's cardinal sin is that it's DULL.

Dull dull dull. My god it's dull! Just so incredibly dull, and tedious and stuffy and boring and DESPERATELY dull.

This has to be one of the single most boring episodes in the series. And I skip it every time I do a watch through. Which I don't do for any of the other episodes ranked before it on this list.

As for the top 2........

2) Owl's Well That Ends Well

Okay, Twi? Your surrogate son is having a panic attack to the point where he thinks you don't love him anymore? He thinks that in your heart he has been replaced by a pet. Please notice.

Or.... you know, prove him right at every turn. That's cool too.

Sweet Christmas, Twilight acts like an utter shallow bitch in this episode! She ignores Spike at every turn, reams him out for an accident, and showers all of her affection on an owl she met YESTERDAY.

This was my most hated episode for a VERY long time....


1) Power Ponies

This episode is pure evil.

This episode bruises fruit.

This episode makes KFC taste like lima beans.

This episode killed my dog.

So, let's see if I've got this right. You have Spike purchase a Comic book that is enchanted for.... no reason, you have six characters who, let's face it, ar ALREADY superheroes get sucked into it. You confuse the lore of this show by showing a very modern looking fictional city (again prompting me to ask what the f$&k the tech level is in Equestria anyway). You nerf all of the main six by giving them the same powers they already had, but somehow lamer. You hype the crap out of it for a whole summer, wrap it in poor dialogue and a clunky moral and hand it to us.

Yeah, yeah that seems about right.


Flutterhulk ("You've been hurting my friends, trying to kill them for over an hour now, but now hat you've almost killed a fly by accident, NOW I'm pissed!)

Someone seriously needs to shut down that f&$king comic shop before someone ends up dead.

Maniac (She's just a Luna reskin, am I the only one who notices this?)

Why is Time Turner one of the minions? That's just weird.

It had THREE SEPERATE WRITERS. (There's a saying that's escaping me, something about cooks and broth?)

It is my most hated episode of season 4, my most hated episode of the SERIES, and just an utter waste of time from beginning to end.

Well. I'm pumped up to finish chapter five now! So I should get cracking.

Like my list? Feel like I left an episode out? Feel like I didn't give a fair shake to what is, in your opinion, a good episode?

Please feel free to tell me in the comments. I'm the Light of Triumph and remember, Keep Calm, and Brony On.

Report LightOfTriumph · 363 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Yeah...I've gotten REALLY tired of the "You saved me from (insert contrived threat here) so I'm your slave for all eternity except if I do the same thing to you" plot that people put in TV shows all the damn time...

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