• Member Since 9th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 13th, 2020

A Dark Reminder

"Good and evil are utterly meaningless terms that vary from society to society." ~Yahtzee Croshaw

More Blog Posts173

  • 407 weeks
    Nearly 2 Years Since Last Chapter

    Fuck, it's been a while since I posted a blog.

    Longer since you posted a chapter.

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    3 comments · 443 views
  • 445 weeks
    Here's Why

    The Adventures of Fragment hasn't updated in almost a year now, and I sure there's someone out there who'd like to know why.

    Well, allow me to explain.

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    4 comments · 477 views
  • 462 weeks
    Readings Related Question

    The question is simpler than the answer.

    Should a story's amount of likes matter if it's never been in the Featured Box?

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    0 comments · 263 views
  • 463 weeks
    Reading: Ace in the Hoof: Chapter 1 (SO IT BEGINS)

    Fun fact: the outro song I used I used just because the main character's name is Dirge.

    0 comments · 252 views
  • 465 weeks
    Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw On Being Deliberately Offensive

    Hatred is a game that is deliberately trying to be offensive. Forgive me if that's obvious to you, but it apparently slipped by some people, who never seemed to grow tired of pointing out that it was offensive, and therefore shouldn't be allowed. You know me, I'm a pretty liberally-minded guy, but I confess to having difficulty following the logic here. Something set out to be

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    0 comments · 284 views

Happy Birthday, Fragment! :D (Plus Chapter 31 Preview) · 11:28pm May 5th, 2014

Fist off I would like to thank ZhaoZoharEX for making that drawing for my birthday. :heart:

I still find it hard to believe that I'm actually above sucking at writing. Seriously, when I first started I thought this would just run its coruse and mostly go unnoticed. Fuck me and my wrongness. The Adventures of Fragment's a year old and has some decent attention with great people supporting it.

I'm not going to get all sappy about this 'cause I lost my sappiness in World War Didn't Happen, so instead I'm just going to lean back, stare at the likes, and say "wow."

. . .

Wow. . .

Alright, moving on.

I'd bet the most of you are reading for that preview of the next chapter, so I won't delay it much longer. I'm going to say that I've almost finished editing chapter 3 and once that's done I'm going to get my story Terror in the Skies started before going back to editing then to writing new T.A.F. Now then, to feed your hunger for more Fragment.

Chapter 31: Aftermath

My heart pounded in my chest as I flew above the buildings trying to reach the hospital as fast as I could. Once I could clearly see the Canterlot Hospital sign I focused my magic and teleported next to it. The ponies around were startled by my sudden appearance. There were gasps from some of the ponies at the sight of the injured stallion. I didn't hesitate to start running for the hospital's doors while the ponies stood in confusion and shock. I bust through the doors with the stallion in tow.

"This stallion needs medical attention!" I shouted. A few nurses and two doctors scrambled to get the proper supplies while others in the room watched with mixed expressions. Two nurses quickly brought over a gurney over which I place the stallion on. Once my magic's aura faded they began moving down a hallway on the right while I took a moment to catch my breath and examine my own wounds. My head was pounding painfully, blood ran down my face and I had plenty of of cuts from Cyclone Shade's damn knives. Just as I was about to sit in one of the chairs a unicorn nurse came up to me. She had a typical nurse's uniform, maroon fur and a concerned facial expression.

"Uh, Sir, you should get some medical attention yourself."

"I'll be fine, I just need―"

"If you knew what was good for you you'd take the lady's suggestion." I looked to my left and saw a tan elderly unicorn sitting in a chair.

"Really, I'll be. . ." My head began feel light while I began to lose some balance. The nurse quickly went to my side and gave me support.

"Still think you'll be fine? Go get some bandages before you keel over." Without further argument from me, the nurse began leading me to one of the nearby rooms. The nurse helped me onto one of the beds then walked back into the hallway, calling a doctor over. The nurse went over to a medical cabinet while the doctor examined my injuries.

"What was the cause of these slashes?" he asked.

"Knives and some kind of hoof blade."

"And your head injuries?"

"Punches and being slammed into the pavement." The nurse came back over to the bed with a tray that carried gauze, peroxide, cotton swabs and a towel-like cloth.

"What kind of fight did you get into?"

"The kind that involves a professional assassin." Both ponies gave me confused looks. "It's a long story."

"I'm going to apply some peroxide to your cuts. It'll sting a bit," the nurse warned as she poured a little peroxide onto one of the cotton swabs.

"I think I can deal with a little peroxide," I remarked. When that cotton swab made contact with one of the cuts on my foreleg, I made a high pitched yelp of pain while the nurse just rolled her eyes.

Thank you all for your support.

~A Dark Reminder

Comments ( 8 )

Told you from the start that it'd be good.
And it's getting bigger and more famous with every day that passes by.
You earned it well my friend.and the ways you can go that are just waiting for your mind to smack them in between the line of your story, so it's not a straight line but an adventure in itself.
I congratulate you to that.
May your path be bright as day.


Thank you, oh wise and noble dragon. :raritywink:

No need to thank us oh wizard of words.
We are but mere spectators of the pages of the writing gods. Seeking a bit of the glory like they emit.
We feel honored to be the one that saw you on your way to praise and glory and we do hope to reach those holy halls of creation thy feet are wandering now.
May the night be with you my friend.


We shall praise thee until thine face blushes for an entire day of labor and beyond oh master of the mind! Warrior of words! God of fanfiction goodness!
Thy name shall be written in the books of history of this planet! Nay! Of this universe!


Well well... progress on the story..
quite the :twistnerd: for you, isn't it?

Doesn't mean I don't appreciate it though :twilightsmile:

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