• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2015


More Blog Posts50

  • 518 weeks
    Chapter 6 is ready

    I have finished chapter 6 of Strange Discovery and I have one thing to say about it. "More progress in 3000 words than in 20000!" Really, I feel like I've gotten more done in this chapter than in the rest of the story as a whole.

    I am going to publish it tomorrow, but I would like some opinions before hand, mainly on the ending.

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  • 520 weeks
    Chapter 5 is up!

    I have finally posted chapter five. I had two prereaders this go around were, Game Master and Norris The Pony. These two are great! Thank you.

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  • 521 weeks
    Thoughts on writing.

    This is just some random thoughts I've come up with on why my stories aren't that good, and some of the things I want to work on to make them better.

    I just recently got back into actually reading fanfiction, and not just the bad ones too. I'm once again looking at other styles of writing through new stories. Actually I have over 600 unread chapters in my favorites list.

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  • 521 weeks
    Well then.

    This was going to be a blog on Pinkie's pride, but apparently I x'ed out the unfinished blog. I'm sad, and too lazy to rewrite it. Sorry, but all I did was talk about how I feel Pinkie relates to me more than Twilight becouse of this episode. That and the songs were great (some better than others) and how Weird Al was portrayed well with his songs not even being written by him.
    Nothing more

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  • 522 weeks
    Chapter 4 is UP!!

    Just as I promised, chapter 4 of Strange discovery is up and running. Although I would have liked a few more people prereading, but there's nothing I can do about that now.

    Chapter 5 is about half way done so expect to see it being ready for prereading in the next couple of days.

    Thank you all very much.

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S4 Episode 23 Inspiration Manifestation Review · 1:48am Apr 28th, 2014

Most of you only read this for my writing schedule update, so, instead of making you wait I'll tell it upfront.
Like I said last week,I have finished the 3rd chapter in "Strange Discovery" , but I am still waiting for people to preread, and if you want to preread just ask, but even though I more than likely won't get what I want I'll post the chapter this Wednesday. I think it'll be a good idea to have a time period after I finish writing a chapter where people can preread before I post the chapter. Okay, I'll do that.
And the reason I haven't been too active on this site is one becouse not many of you talk to me and two, I had a heck of a week. School sucks and homework sucks even more, but there is nothing I can do about this.
Chapter four is about 40 percent complete, and I will do my best to finish it as fast as I can, you have my word on that.

Now, for those who wanted my review on the latest episode here you go.

Cruella Deville, we all remember her right? The villain from 101 dalmatians? Well Rarity is her perfect counterpart.
In "Bats" during the song, we heard Rarity's 'evil' voice, and to me it was quite convincing. I thought she was going to kill Fluttershy, but we all know that could never happen. Even her element is evil. Generosity. Like in "Rarity takes Manehatten" Rarity sung a song about how generous she was, giving her stuff away like it was nothing. Well, politicians do that to show how powerful they are, to show how wealthy and 'generous' they are. Rarity is evil, but she chooses to control her evil urges and keep them from hurting others.

In this episode she loses that control and it was incredible.

Unlike in "Trade Ya" we are shown the scenario our ponies find themselves in, it's not just spat at us. Cory Powell and Megan McCarthy know what they were doing.
Rarity loses her "innovation" and feels like she hit a brick wall at full force. I find it almost satire to see Rarity chugging, what was it "Vanilla oat swirl" ice cream? Oh I was laughing my butt off, Rarity, the pony of class and appearence stooping so low as to eat her sorrows away with, what was it? 20 gallons? Oh I loved this, what? Can ponies eat enough ice cream to make a baby dragon sick? Too good, too good.

After Rarity's... 'state' for lack of a better word Spike gives her... I just realized something... Spike gave Rarity the same power as "Radience" from "Power Ponies"! Think about it, Radience's power was to think up of things and use them in battle, well, inspiration Manifestation made it possible to make anything appear with mere thought! Rarity is now most overpowered pony, or is that the spell? I don't know, but I do know I want that spell book.

"What? I know it's not real? Dark magic you say?... grrr, you have a point"

Sorry about that, my assistant just crushed my dreams, but she does give a good point. Dark magic is an interesting subject, it's always painted with a dark light, as something we should never touch but always do. And the staircase falling under Spike's feet as he retrieved the book with actual spikes prutruding from it (I had to take a second watch of the episode to find that out) should have told me that it was dark magic, but I was too entertained by Owlowiscious freaking out over his little brother Spike.

Owlowiscious is another topic I'd wish to cover. He was acting like Spike's concious, allowing Spike to see what Rarity's become and not be blinded by her... shall I say "Radence" and in turn letting us see that what Rarity did was bad. The bird cage is a good example of this. If Spike hadn't looked at the bird hitting his head and trapping himself in a shoe closet, we could have thought "he'll get used to it" and moved on, but he does and we begin to enjoy the suspense being built over Rarity's actions. Also, that bird was stupid. If you noticed that he flew across Fluttershy's view, and if Fluttershy can see him than he can see Fluttershy, AND if Fluttershy is on the outside he could go outside too!

Moving on I'd like to talk about Rarity. Remember when I said she was like Cruella Deville? Well I do, and while the gold streets reminds me of "The wizard of oz" with the yellow brick road and what not, it shows that Rarity's gotten out of control, turning everything into crystal and gold, and not caring if she traps innocent bystandards in a giant crystal gazebo. That is what Cruella Deville wanted to do to the puppies, skin them alive so she could get a few more coats, not caring about the consequences of her own actions. I am a firm believer that Rarity (put in the right context) is evil, but this is just a side note.

The final point I want to make is with the resolution. Sometimes it's really hard to tell your friend the truth, and you will feel guilt for a while, but it needs to be done. In Spikes case, telling the truth broke the spell and brought Rarity back to normal, and that hug at the end was adorable.

I lied, this is my last point. Twilight got screwed, having to clean up Spike's mess and beg for Luna's and Cadence's help and it felt good that Spike was going to be punished for taking a book that didn't belong to him. This is something Cory Powell and Megan McCarthy fixed from "Somepony to watch over me" where consequences were given. Applebloom seemed to get away with nearly killing herself, but Spike didn't get away with giving Rarity a spell that almost destroyed the town.

Over all I give this episode a 9 out of 10. It's not "Pinkie Pride" quality, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and I hope you did too.

Thank you

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