• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2015


More Blog Posts50

  • 518 weeks
    Chapter 6 is ready

    I have finished chapter 6 of Strange Discovery and I have one thing to say about it. "More progress in 3000 words than in 20000!" Really, I feel like I've gotten more done in this chapter than in the rest of the story as a whole.

    I am going to publish it tomorrow, but I would like some opinions before hand, mainly on the ending.

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    2 comments · 455 views
  • 520 weeks
    Chapter 5 is up!

    I have finally posted chapter five. I had two prereaders this go around were, Game Master and Norris The Pony. These two are great! Thank you.

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  • 521 weeks
    Thoughts on writing.

    This is just some random thoughts I've come up with on why my stories aren't that good, and some of the things I want to work on to make them better.

    I just recently got back into actually reading fanfiction, and not just the bad ones too. I'm once again looking at other styles of writing through new stories. Actually I have over 600 unread chapters in my favorites list.

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  • 521 weeks
    Well then.

    This was going to be a blog on Pinkie's pride, but apparently I x'ed out the unfinished blog. I'm sad, and too lazy to rewrite it. Sorry, but all I did was talk about how I feel Pinkie relates to me more than Twilight becouse of this episode. That and the songs were great (some better than others) and how Weird Al was portrayed well with his songs not even being written by him.
    Nothing more

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  • 522 weeks
    Chapter 4 is UP!!

    Just as I promised, chapter 4 of Strange discovery is up and running. Although I would have liked a few more people prereading, but there's nothing I can do about that now.

    Chapter 5 is about half way done so expect to see it being ready for prereading in the next couple of days.

    Thank you all very much.

    5 comments · 324 views

S4 Episode 22 Trade Ya Review · 12:28am Apr 21st, 2014

This episode exhibits one of my greatest fears, but not in the way it did back in "Twilight Time". In this episode my fear was coupled with other nuances, and compared to the other episodes I didn't like it.
But that doesn't mean it was a bad episode. This episode had a lot to offer, and some of it was pretty memorable, but it fell short becouse of the week of hype it got. I was getting excited about the Rainbow Falls trading circuit, possibily seeing griffins and other races, but it all fell flat.

There are three general plots in this, and Shippers unite becouse our little ponies were broken up into groups of two! TwiPie, Flutterdash and RaraJack were on display, and out of the three TwiPie was my least favorite.

22 episodes after Magical Mystery Cure, Princess Twilight is finally being adressed, and it was an interesting interaction. With Princess Celestia the ponies would bow in respect, with Luna they would have fun (Online and off) and Cadence is the same as Celestia, but when it's Twilight's turn with the spotlights ponies freak out like they were seeing a celeberty, not a ruler that needs to be respected. I thought it was quite funny, but tell me what you think.

Pinkie PIe... oh geese where do I begin? I am going to take each plot in its own paragraph, but Pinkie Pie's actions demand their own. Twilight and Pinkie Pie are watching Twilight's stand for the TwiPie plot and while Twilight just wants to get rid of the books that were taking up a lot of space, but when Pinkie stops her from trading all of them for a broken quill, she takes the whole operation over. Twilight was fine with the deal, the filly (Or colt I can't really remember other than the way she wagged her tail. (I'll get to that later)) got reading material and Twilight got a quill plus some more room in her libary and the thought that her books were going to good use. Pinkie just had to stop the "Fair Trade" and get in the middle of Twilight's business, and she just "Happened" to not bring anything for trade... arge, Pinkie you are making me like you less and less, but don't worry, it gets worse.
Pinkie grabs a podium, puts a hat on and a mustache and auctions the books off without Twilight's premission, and to make matters worse, she takes advantage of Twilight's princesshood, something Twilight didn't want, to get better deals, and by deals I mean a 500 karrot diamond. She's being ridiculous!

Okay, now that that's out of my system "Pinkie, you need to calm the H down or everyone will lose respect for you." I even cringed a couple of times.

Next up is FlutterDash. This is where the moral is, and it's learned by none other than Rainbow, and about the moral, it's a real problem people face, putting material objects like money or gold before friends, and that is my fear, to lose a friend over something so trivial. Friends are 10 times more important than anything the earth has to offer, and I never want to treat friends like Rainbow almost did Fluttershy. I don't take my watchers for granted, I will try my best to make sure they are happy, even if that means taking time out of my day to help them. The 42 or 43 I can't remember which watchers I have mean a lot to me and are more than a number and if anyone needs help with their stuff, I'll be more than willing to help, but you need to respect my time though. I won't take advantage of you, but I expect you to do the same in return.
Don't know how that came to be, but I saw a lot of similarity in myself with what Fluttershy did this episode, letting herself be dragged around by Rainbow in search of the one item to break the trading chain, and I won't question the items themselves becouse they are awesome, but what did Rainbow think she'd get with her rusty horse shoe? Wait is that a reference to sleepless in ponyville? I'll get to the references later. Like Fluttershy I'd follow a friend and make sure they get what they wanted before I got what I wanted, and I found it sweet how much Flutters cares about Rainbow. Enough to sacrifice the whole reason she came in order to see Rainbow smile. And the ending where Flutters got her bird whistle was very satisfying.

Now to my favorite ship RaraJack. These two had the same kind of interactions as they did in "Sleepless in Ponyville" "Simple ways" and some other ones I am forgetting, in that they always compete over who's better, be it whatever, and just hearing the two say "No, I don't want you to let me get what I want, you get yours" and fight over who's going to sacrifice more is too funny. There isn't much more to say on the matter than I really liked it. It was cute and got a laugh.

Now other than Pinkie Pie, the crazy councidences, I mean how would a crystal challice breaking at one touch, this was a good episode, but it is an easily forgetable one like "Call of the cutie" Who remembers that? I don't really.

Overall I give this episode a 5 out of 10, not good yet not bad, but it could have been done a lot better. Also who wrote this? I can't remember... give me a second. Scott Sonneborn, I shouldn't have expected much more from you since your only other work is "Somepony to watch over me" which had a twisted moral and paranoid Applejack, but it is a better episode in comparasion so you are improving.

Now, references! One was from "Spike at your service" When Twilight learns that hording is a good thing.
The rusty horseshoe I went over.
I think there's one more, but I can't for the life of me remember it. Sorry

Now, the little filly that shook her tail when she saw Twilight. This plays into my headcannon that ponies are like dogs, they shake their tail when they are happy and enjoy a good belly rub. I mean just look at this fan Picture and this one , wait, don't look at that one it's too weird.
Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that ponies react exactly like dogs when given the right stimuli, and that's why Eclipse flocked to Bane in my story. Yep, that's it.

Okay, Update time.
I have chapter 3 of Strange discovery ready, but I need people who want to read it and tell me what they think before I post it. That and I just recently finished part of chapter four and realized I needed the dark tag.
PM me if you want to preread and have a good day
Thank you

Report epreeses1 · 189 views · Story: Strange Discovery ·
Comments ( 10 )

I want to read the chapter and tell my opinion of it.

i sent the chapter to you. If anyone else wants it let me know

Luna they would have fun (Online and off)


2048404 I dont understand what you are talking about

2053745 I don't get what you mean with

Luna they would have fun (Online and off)

2053894 Oh, that was a reference to gamer Luna if memory serves

2053901 But she's not a gamer:applejackconfused: Or at least, I haven't seen her playing games on the show

2054040 Have you heard of Molestia and Gamer Luna?

2054239 Molestia, unfortunately yes (Glad she's gone). Hm, I think I've heard abut Gamer Luna. Never interested me, though

2055334 everyone has their preferences. I think Gamer Luna is a cool side persona for Luna, but not everyone does.

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