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Poison Cure

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    The Eternal Question...

    "Everyone thinks that light travels faster than anything else, but they're wrong. No matter how fast the light travels, you will find that the darkness has always gotten there first... and is waiting for it."

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The Eternal Question... · 7:16pm Apr 11th, 2014

"Everyone thinks that light travels faster than anything else, but they're wrong. No matter how fast the light travels, you will find that the darkness has always gotten there first... and is waiting for it."

Hello, greetings, and salutations to anyone reading this. This is Poison Cure, sometimes called Kat Pendragon in certain circles. While the chances of a person reading this are slim, I thought this was an interesting enough topic that it should be brought up, even if it's never read by anyone other than myself and one or two others. So, let's began, shall we?

The quote above us is part of this discussion as well. In fact, it's the largest part of the Eternal Question itself if will follow along with me. The question is this:

"When a we write, do we reflect the harshness of reality or do we show the kindness of life?"

This is question that has burned deep into my mind for quite some time. Why do we create what what we do? Is there a true rhyme for the reason or it all just a fantasy we create to escape our own lives? But if that's the case... which it truly the light and darkness of the literature world?

For as long as time itself, the light as been describe as "good", "truth", and "the way of the right". So, if we are to reflect the goodness in ourselves, we should write the light, correct? Actually, this is wrong. The light is truth, is it not? So, to write in the "light" it must reflect to real world... A world where people die over petty arguments, people don't get their "happy endings" at the end of the day, and "true love" doesn't always win. In fact, evil wins more often than not in real life. And let's all be honest, do we really wan to reflect that in our stories? That the corrupt can abuse their power to get away with anything, that hard work is not always rewarded and that even if you love someone, they can be taken away from you in the time it takes you to blink?

I know for me, I don't. I want to see good triumph over evil and that the "hero" saves the day so to speak. So, what does that mean? Well, I can only tell you what I think personally.

Maybe when we refer to darkness, it's not always meant to be evil. It's to be a away to hide, conceal things; to ease the pain of reality where when the light is shined upon you, you become a target for the world to belittle. (On a side not, this has nothing to do or relate to "dark comedy" or "light-grim", but the subjective terms of how humans view light and darkness as a whole)

Still, even with all this being subjective, how should we express ourselves by either definition? Do we write in the "light" or stay in the "dark"? In the end, this truly why this is an Eternal Question... There is no true right or wrong answer. It all depends on the person. Some of us can even write both, but we all have a certain bias of some kind on this.

But I find most writer's end up asking this question at one point. "Should I reflect how the world really is or give hope for a happy ending?" I, myself, will choose to stay in my own path of the "darkness", giving a ease to the harsh "light" of truth in our painful world.

But I'll ask anyone who reads this a question: What about you? Do you the harsh light of truth or the darkness of a happy, fictional world? What's your definition of "light" and "darkness" if you have one? What's your reasoning if had any at all?

Ah, but this is all just ramblings now. I hope that if read this, you at least found it interesting enough to think about and if not, I do apologize for wasting your time. In the mean time, I'm going back to my dark little corner to write about happy endings and wonderful life.

Peace and love to all.

(Side note: I know my definitions are odd for light and darkness, but bare with me This is meant to be a thinking exercise for myself and anyone who might want to think about this)

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Hello, greetings, and salutations to anyone reading this. This is Poison Cure, sometimes called Kat Pendragon in certain circles. While the chances of a person reading this are slim, I thought this was an interesting enough topic that it should be brought up, even if it's never read by anyone other than myself and one or two others.

You have just been read. xD

Talk to you later friend.

It is interesting to wonder about what others and ourselves think about light and darkness. Since I don't really have a direct answer for that last question, I'll kind of elaborate on what you said.

When I write, I try to balance it out. Yes, I do prefer happy endings but I do my best to not disappear entirely from reality. That is why I prefer bittersweet the most. Darkness doesn't always bring comfort and light doesn't always bring happiness. In my opinion, it's not good to stay 100% in one of those "areas"

Um, before I answer, let me scrape the bits of my brain you exploded off of my walls...
Now, to me, Light and Darkness are just plot points in a story I may create, but literally? Well, I see Light as... the good things. Smiles. Nature. Optimist Prime, if you may. Darkness is all the bad stuff. dropping an ice cream, drowning, and bleeding from every pore in your body to name a few. Nega-tron. Now I think of the two forces, Optimist/Nega-tron clashing in not only our little stories, but in real life. Nega-tron wins more battles, but I think Optimist will win the war.

(provided any of that made sense...)
I'm not sure how to word my response...

Can I just sat that I really do love your perspective of the big question. Most people just go with the straight forward way of thinking, light is good dark is bad nothing more. I'm one of the more greyier people who try to lean more towards the light, but only in the right occasion. Falls on the dark path more than a few times.

Well my friend you asked so I will answer...with a long answer. Darkness and light are paths to a unknown place, doesn't matter which you choose because you'll have a change in mind of the paths to take on occasions from where you left off. Even destination couldn't matter because it could be rewarding or an unexpected turn of events.

Darkness is the elevator and light is the ladder leading to the top. Now most people would pick the elevator without second thought, and why wouldn't they?, it's the easiest way. It's easier to take than give, it's easier to not get involved than to get involved, things like that. Still the elevator may look attractive, but that doesn't mean everything will be fine automatically, sure you can get to the top no bother, but what if the elevator broke and couldn't be repaired?. you'd be stuck and panic.

The ladder is harder to pick, but it's chances of taking you to the top are as great or as slim as the elevator's.

Both paths have their advantages and disadvantages, but the elevator looks more promising, therefore we think that the dark path will brings us what we want, we never think about the problems until they happen. The ladder looks less attractive and and needs more work from you, so we think of it as more of a primitive tool that causes stress and worry rather than simply another option to go up.

If the ladder fails, you have the choice to be brave and continue or succumb to fear and jump on the elevator

If elevator fails, you have the choice to be scared and hope someone will fix the elevator for you or will you be brave and jump on the ladder.

Is there a right or wrong answer to these. Yes, but like the elevator and ladder they're unpredictable. You'll never know when the path you choose will lead to your death or bring you to your goal. So you see the light and dark paths are really a big confusing mess of answers that will mess with you head or help you.

Now about writing a story about someone going to the top and how that character will react and accomplish or fail?.

For me I like to have the character triumph in the end and I want make that memorable and worthwhile. So maybe he could take the light path for truth and then really struggle on the path, because he's no badass. He's someone that's humble and is very scared but can be couragous when he really has to. The dark path is very tempting with it's attractiveness and easy way, so he could be attracted and tempted by reality of his situation to take the dark path, but remember that there's a much bigger reward for the right path. Still he could fail on that path to the light.

Well, I think I ended up rambling the same way you did Cure, anyways hope you're satisfied with my comment.

P.S sorry for not taking the time to talk to you these past months


That, I can see. XD

Hope this at least gave you some "food for thought" so to speak, my friend.


I have to agree with you. A good balance is important when we writ a story as it creates a more realistic state for the plot to take place in. Plus, in order to move most stories forward, there has to be a conflict of some kind taking place, even if it is a minor one.

Still, I would have to say all writers of the My Little Pony franchise write, in my own definition of the word, on the darker side since we're writing about talking, mythical pony in a world with dragons, griffins, and many other creatures. :twilightsheepish:


You missed some of your brain, friend. *points at ceiling covered in brain matter*

But yes, I follow your explanation and it does make sense. However, if I may add to this, these two forces not only clash within stories and real life, but withing all of us. The truly frightening thing is, Nega-tron is not always standing as "dark." Evil, just as good, has two faces. And truly, nothing is more evil than those who hide in the light. Worse is that this make it hard to tell who really is right or wrong... especially if both are wrong. (huh, just like with the US presidential elections XD)

And don't worry. It was just a thought exercise. The important thing is you thought.


Thank you, my friend. I do attend to have an odd way of looking at things and it does put some people off was my entire thought line can be, and sometimes is, based of personal thought/conjecture.

As for you answer, it's very well thought out. I wish to point out though, in my opinion, to the question of the elevator vs the ladder, there is actually no correct answer, but more of answer of one's true self and outer self. Now, I could go on, and on, and on about this for eons, but I think I'll save that for a larger scale debate on a later date.

To make it short, but options take up where you want, but the out come of the detestation is only fully known by the one who takes the ladder, which is harder to use. Where as with the elevator, you place your fate and being taken there by something else rather than yourself.

Now, I'll be the first to admit I use a very unique writing style in the fact that when I create a plot, I don't know the ending myself. In fact, I more or less allow the characters to tell the story and solve the problems, so even I don't know if the "hero" will fail or raise to the challenge by the of it, but I like that. As then, even I'm in shock by the end of it.

Any road, the idealism of both light and dark as always intrigued me and I love writing the "darkness" as the good guy at times. It shows you can't always assume you judge a person by the look of them. Following Christian scripture will tell you that Lucifer, the devil and Lord of Sin, doesn't look like a monster, as he was (and still is) the most beautiful being God ever created. he lures you in with a angel like appearance, a kind smile, and friendly tone. His name even means "the morning star" which is the sun! To anyone, he would like like the light; good. But that's the thing, you can never really be sure of what you're looking at...

And I rambled more. :rainbowlaugh: Anyway, that's my take on things.

And don't apologize, I've been busy too. I'll let you have my new Skype for future needs in a note if so wish it.

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