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Admiral Biscuit

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It's Friday! · 2:39am Mar 22nd, 2014

So, who wants to see a one-shot with Lyra and Bon Bon?

(not the image I wanted to use, but site rules....)

Well, prepare yourselves. It's coming.
It will feature Lyra and Bon Bon.
And Welsh.

I've had this idea running through my head for a while now, and right now I'm drunk enough in a mood to write it.

In other news, I am still pressing ahead with another chapter of OPP, as well as my upcoming Derpy story. I have a one-shot with Rainbow half-edited that's been in the queue for over a year, so you might see that soon, and I'm also considering a sequel to Derpy Accidentally a Portal Gun, 'cause that Barrett's just begging to be used.

To those people who were expecting a quicker reply to comments on OPP 11 and/or the blog--my internet was mostly down Sunday-Tuesday, and on top of that I had to work all day Sunday, and had a class after work on Monday, so I still haven't replied to everyone. I will, eventually. Probably. Maybe. Random 502 errors are one thing; having to reset my internet connection before posting each comment was nearly intolerable, so I gave up.

ALSO! Shameless self-promotion!
To those of you who've seen my art (OPP Side Stories), you know I'm not much at drawing. Photography's more my thing.
So, maybe you should check out my DeviantArt Page? If it's not too much trouble, that is.

Report Admiral Biscuit · 532 views ·
Comments ( 21 )

Will read but OPP is the one that is the must read.



I guess my readers will be the judge of that.:derpytongue2: We'll have to wait and see. If Mr. Daniels wasn't telling me to do it, I might have second thoughts . . . but he makes a compelling case.


Will read but OPP is the one that is the must read.

Well, that will be forthcoming. Probably in two more weeks.

While the CSI 'verse (did you ever decide on a name for it, by the way?) stories are the ones I'm most eagerly awaiting, those others sound promising too. I suppose I could bequeath unto you permission to visit your authorial aptitude upon them, even at the possible expense of the... Foxverse? Biscuitverse?

...You know what? Before working on those, you should really publicize a final name for that series. Otherwise things are going to get rather annoying in cases like this.


those others sound promising too. I suppose I could bequeath unto you permission to visit your authorial aptitude upon them, even at the possible expense of the... Foxverse? Biscuitverse?

The thing I've discovered about authors (and artists in general) is that they're all pretty much nuts and do what they want, when they want. Especially when (and I'm not admitting that this is the case) they've had an idea in their head all day long and then fortified themselves with half a fifth of Jack Daniels.

You should really publicize a final name for that series.

Internally, I've always just used CSI/OPP. It's quick to type and takes no thought on my part. It's problematic when I'm referring to other fics that fall into the same 'verse, though (do I say High Flight, part of the CSI/OPP continuity). There's just nothing compelling that is memorable and is a good summary of the overarching story arc . . . so, I just don't know. "Pidginverse" is the best suggestion I've gotten so far, but I'm still open to ideas. I expect when someone suggests the name--or I come up with it on my own [unlikely], I'll know. Everyone will nod their heads at the inevitability of it....

Random preview of Lyra and Bon Bon visit Morfa Dyffryn! I regret nothing!

“‘Cause she’s gotta do some kind of . . . princess stuff. Plus, she knew I might be interested. You know, because of. . . .”

“Yes, your strange obsession with humans. I know, I know.”

“It’s not like that,” Lyra said. “Well, okay, it is like that. But Twilight already visited one human world, and it turns out that there’s dozens—maybe hundreds—more. Why shouldn’t I get to visit one? Why shouldn’t everypony visit one?”

“First, becuase I’d rather spend Sunday at home,” Bon Bon muttered. “Doing the same thing I do every Sunday. I like a routine.” She began scrubbing the dregs of a chocolate fondue out of a pot. “If I wanted impulsive, I’d’ve moved in with Pinkie Pie.”

“Who was the impulsive one last Sunday?”

Bon Bon’s face colored. “That was different! That was—” She turned to face Lyra. “—well, okay. That was pretty impulsive. I bet you didn’t know you could bend that way.”

“So, come on! Say you’ll do this for me.”

Bon Bon sighed. “Are you making puppy-dog eyes at me?”


Having shamefully fallen for your shameless self-promotion, I investigated your deviantART page and shame-facedly enjoyed the shames pictures therein. And then I saw your masterfully-drawn masterpieces of master drawing interspersed among the lowly photographs, and was reminded what true masterwork truly looks like. The bathos was sufficiently bathly to suffice at bathing away my sins, and I was reborn to reality in a resounding sounding that bore no resemblance to snickering whatsoever, adequately anointed with wondrous wisdom and alluring alliteration and ready to resume reading after announcing my tale of trail of tribulation to an absorbent, awestruck audience.

So far so good! :pinkiesmile: It seems I was right to give you permission after all.

What? What do you mean you were going to do it anyway? That would imply that my command of authors is just complete coincidence. That can't possibly be true, right? ...Right?

:rainbowderp: :twilightoops: :raritydespair: *worldview shattered*

Excuse me for a minute - I need to go glue that back together, once I'm done sobbing in the corner over there.

Right right really cool looking forward to it all sorry gtg just saw a how to basic/mlp crossover on the front page bbl for proper comment kthxbye

Okay, I'm back. Man, that was somethin'! But let me just say...

Derpy with a .50? Badass. With a capital 'B'. Seriously, WRITE THAT SHIT! WOOOO!!! I THINK I'M GETTING A LITTLE TOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!

Okay, okay, I'm calm... wait, is that a Lyra/Bon Bon story?!?! YYYEEEAAAAA--

NO! Calm, calm... oh fuck it. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO--


Ahem, sorry about him. Who's 'him'? My other half, of course! What, you didn't know? Well, now you do. Good day (or night, if you prefer).

for me it's saturday 22th, March, cuz time works different here :ajbemused:.

That's a lot of alliteration and assonance. Truly, it boggles the mind.

While I do know what my readers want, I've found that when i've got an idea in my head, it's best to get it out and move on, or else it just stays there and I don't make any progress on the other thing. I assure you, this project won't cause any delay to OPP; I'm still on schedule with that.


I don't even know what to say.:pinkiehappy:

If all goes well, the Lyra/Bon Bon story will be published Sunday or Monday night.

If all goes really well, the tentative sequel to Derpy Accidentally a Portal Gun will follow shortly after.

Along with another chapter of OPP. Pre-readers are going to be busy!


That's why I took the batteries out of all my clocks and don't change the pages on my calendar. I stopped time.

(That's how it works, right?)

Being briefly serious (very briefly... it burns!) I do in fact understand and appreciate that, and I don't mind in any sense that I can honestly purport is even remotely legitimate. We the readers hardly have any real claim to what you actually do, except what you choose to voluntarily accept, so I'm just grateful all these wonderful authors are willing to devote their time and energy to pleasing us. :pinkiesmile:

Of course, that these stories shouldn't interfere with the CSI/OPP setting certainly doesn't hurt their cause. :raritywink:

All right, seriousness over - back to your my regularly-scheduled state of "humor". :pinkiecrazy:

It's always worked for me!

Cast your mind back to my 'Science' blog (linked on my user page).

Note what's behind the ponies on the stovetop.

The nearest source is 20 miles from my house, so it really wasn't an option last night, not unless I wanted to drive deer-infested roads in the dark, anyway. Jack's available at the local grocery store, so that's what I went with.

It was a joke, people on this site tend to be shocked to find out that our beloved pony is named after apple brandy. You can buy liqueur at the grocery store?

I had a look at your photographs, they're good but a bit unimaginative. It looks like they were all taken from a tripod set at the same height each time. You could get some more interesting pictures by varying your perspective, such as climbing on top of a rock, or getting down on the ground, you know, shake up the angles a bit.


We the readers hardly have any real claim to what you actually do

THANK YOU! I've seen other people on the site griping about what an author 'owes' them, and I can't understand how those people have such a sense of entitlement to something they're getting for free, courtesy of someone who's spending his or her time on what can be a thankless (and certainly profitless) pursuit.

As an author, though, I feel I owe my readers completion on in-progress projects, so there's that. That's one reason I have such a backlog of stories which haven't been published (I think over 10 one-shots at this point); I only get to them when OPP is done, not before.


You can buy liqueur at the grocery store?

In Michigan, you can even buy it at a gas station.

I had a look at your photographs, they're good but a bit unimaginative. It looks like they were all taken from a tripod set at the same height each time.

They essentially were; all those photos were taken with my HTC Evo, which is a damn good camera for being a phone. However, it lacks some of the functionality of a real camera, and the touch-screen interface makes composing shots a little more difficult. My two formerly good SLR cameras are now more-or-less useless, since they're both film cameras. If I had a darkroom, I'd still play with them, but I don't.

One of these days, I'm gonna get a digital SLR and a few good lenses . . . .


How is it that I've left you speechless not once, but twice? And how is it that I've left you speechless not once, but twice? I think there's something wrong with you... or me. Can't decide.

Or maybe I'm just so off-putting that people just can't figure out what, if anything, they're supposed to say in a situation like that. Maybe I should get a job where I do nothing but put people in awkward situations and tell them to find a way out without insulting, alienating, or physically fighting anyone. Hmmmmmm.... nah. I mean, imagine a job like that! I'd basically be a professional asshole! While that sounds like an interesting--and possibly even fun--job, I'd probably make people very angry while I worked with them, which could lead to some pretty tense and awkward situations of my own, which would be a good learning tool I guess, but I'm not all that great in awkward situations. Mostly, I just stand there and wait for something to happen. This paragraph is getting rather long.

What was I doing again? I've forgotten. Um... hmm... ah... nope. Can't remember.



Well, uh, looking forward to your new stuff! I'm gonna... go... and stuff... yeah... bye! :twilightsheepish:

Talking about time makes me want to read a Doctor Whooves story... *sigh* when will Loyal2Luna update?:pinkiesad2:

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