• Member Since 30th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 23rd


I really like ponies. Also Discord, a whole bunch. ;P

  • EDeja Discord
    Discordโ€™s lack of empathy and a pony's sensibility has been tolerated by Celestia, but while both the princesses and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony struggle with even more dire problems, Discord is forced into a lesson of his own.
    Ckat_Myla · 99k words  ·  457  20 · 10k views

More Blog Posts182

  • 69 weeks
    *leaving this here*

    This will probably not reach a lot of people but I thought I'd post it since preorders are now available.

    Maybe you want to read this book


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  • 140 weeks
    Happy 10th anniversary aPS

    Enjoy this commemorative Tiktok I made and this amazing commission redraw of the cover by EvokStudios on Twitter.

    The Tiktok

    Perhaps next year for its 10th birthday on this site I juuuuust might post something new ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‹

    0 comments · 263 views
  • 141 weeks
    See ya'll on 9/25


    Not sure what you'll be getting but it's a special day

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  • 162 weeks
    My Other Writing Spaces

    My new writing spaces๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

    Wattpad (original and fanfic)

    AO3 (fanfic)

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    2 comments · 222 views
  • 249 weeks
    So I dropped a new fic

    Don't know if I want to continue it, especially as it's been so long since I actually wrote it and I'm not even really active in the fandoms of either things the story pertains to anymore.

    Plus it does feel a little off-brand for me. I think I'll see how it's received and then either continue or delete it after maybe a week.

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    1 comments · 270 views

Post 100! New chapter & Livestream party! · 6:54am Mar 16th, 2014

Lo, for the climax is now at hand, and the end be upon us. Cliffhangers twice over, with yet one chapter remaining. With hope there shall come yet more tales to tell from the realm of Sympathy.

...ok, that was my attempt at being all poetic and fancy, but I hope you get the gist. Sorry for another cliffhanger, but I just love them so much. :P

Here's some more scenes originally written or mapped out back in 2012 during Nano, and I specifically remember where I was when I wrote it. In the break room after my shift and I stayed far after I had clocked out just to work on it from my tiny laptop. Not all that important to anyone but me, but there we are.

There are very few times when using a completely different show than ponies as your inspiration for a fic (and not an all-out adaptation) that one should flat out copy lines of dialogue. Actually you really shouldn't do that at all, except maybe for very very special occasions. I actually sorta paraphrased and moved some words around, but a few of the lines might have come out the same for one scene here in chapter 11.

I really hope you have been and are still enjoying the story. One more chapter to go, and you probably won't get anything new from me for a bit. I hope though to have the next story up sometimes this year. If there is still an audience for it, I hope you all enjoy it when I bring it here.

But maybe some of you are curious about this episode I keep referring to, the Star Trek episode that I keep saying I've been pulling inspiration from for Deja Discord. Well, if you wanted to find it you could always try Netflix or Hulu or something, but perhaps you might want to try seeing it with a few other like-minded pony fans?

I am inviting all of my watchers, anyone who enjoys my story or stories, anyone who likes ponies, Star Trek or both, and really anyone who wants to come to join me in my official Deja Discord wrap party and celebratory Livestream viewing of Star Trek: The Next Generation episode 3x13

This Livestream event hosted by me will take place on Friday, April 18th and start at or around 9pm EST (I tried to figure out what would be the best time globally through your answers a while back), upon the release of Deja Discord's final chapter.

I figure there will be some time at the beginning for me to make sure I have everything set up right, and to give any stragglers time to get online. Then at around 9:15-30 the episode begins. We can chat during the viewing and if you feel like asking me any questions about my story you can. Either Deja Discord or aPS (maybe even the future story if you're really interested).

During the commercial breaks (or where the commercials would go) I'll be holding giveaways for a few nice Pony and/or Star Trek related items that only people in the stream will be eligible for. A few of the items so far are a commissioned piece of artwork from the talented Jadeile (drawn digitally or with markers), and a narration for a fic (or chapter of up to 5k words) by me. I'll be procuring more fun prizes as we get closer to the stream date.

I hope as many of you can attend that want to, and also look out for another Literature Pie video from me in the coming days on our Youtube page.

Happy reading and ALOFC


Report Ckat_Myla · 822 views · Story: Deja Discord ·
Comments ( 5 )

Yaaay! :rainbowkiss:

Also, here's a handy device for those of you who have trouble figuring out when the given time and date will be for you specifically: worldtimebuddy.
That is a converter where you can put in your own time zone (for me it automatically fetched my time, maybe it'll do the same for you) and then EST (Eastern Time (US)). Then you just use the slider to pick that 9 PM on the EST and see what is the equivalent in your own time zone. Remember to set the date correctly too, for it may alter the results due to daylight saving times.

No sleep for me, but hopefully it'll be worth it

Yay, I'm talented!

OK that was a great chapter! and I'm really hoping for a sequel!

Based on the stained glass windows you for covers you see the depiction of Discord floating around on the "outside" without a care/interest in Equestria or Twilight for that matter and in Deja Discord you see him picking up interest at the pony at hand so I'm assuming/expecting Discord to more grounded on the next stained glass window.

I really enjoy the pacing you have in the relationship of Discord and Twilight since it's not rushed so while it's taking time to get to "that" point in their relationship it's pretty gratifying to read their awkwards moments towards each other because they are either oblivious to what they are feeling or have not completely accepted that they feel towards each other yet.

You know, I think I've found more Q fans in MLP fandom than I have in Star Trek fandom. Weird, that.

I am not 100% sure the dialogue copies work... but this could be because I have that entire episode memorized. :-) For instance, Discord really isn't interested in trying to be a pony... in TNG, being human was Q's choice after getting kicked out of the Continuum, but the princesses essentially force being a pony on Discord, so the line about never being able to be a good pony doesn't entirely work here.

That being said, it is an excellent story overall, and the way you've done the mapping is really interesting. Most fusions of the plot of one story with the characters of another end up very closely adhering to the original plot, which ends up producing OOCness and stuff that just doesn't make sense; you struck a good balance overall between replicating the episode and writing something original.

(BTW, if you're interested, I have a story that's a different way of fusing MLP canon with "Deja Q"; The King Who Would Be Man takes the premise that Discord is Q, and the story is about his life in Equestria immediately prior to that episode, with the shadow of his impending trial in the Continuum hanging over him, and the ponies' reaction after the Q take him. It's not really canon compliant anymore, but it was intended to fit into both canons when I started writing it.)

1933345 I s'pose I can see what you mean, and I know no work is perfect, but I just had such a clear picture in my head of certain scenes that *had* to happen a certain way that I'm sure a couple instances of hammering lines might have occured. :derpytongue2:

Y'know, I didn't really know enough about Q when I watched the tNG reruns when I was little. It was the first hour-long show I watched (and I felt so sneaky staying up until 10pm to watch them). Since he didn't have a lot of episodes I didn't remember him much except for the Robin Hood ep (Qpid). I was more interested in Troi's hair and Data at the time. I remember not liking Riker very much, and only now do I think it's because he played the bad guy on Gargoyles and so his voice made him subconsciously untrustworthy to little me.

So it was when I got into MLP and Discord (and JDL's voice) that I decided to find all of his episodes again. Deja Q and Tapestry are my favorites, although I feel it would be even more difficult to use Tapestry for a FiMfic.

I also had a lot of fun with SciFiDebris reviews of the Q eps. If you feel like it you should watch them (and all his reviews).

If you wanna nerd-out some more mon amie, you can always join the Livestream the Friday before Easter.:raritywink:

Also, thank you for the compliments. It's nice to know my efforts are appreciated.

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