• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen April 3rd


More Blog Posts40

  • 373 weeks
    The End of an Era

    It's very difficult to say goodbye to one's childhood heroes.

    It's even harder when one of those heroes continues to be active into one's adulthood.

    After 27 years, The Undertaker, has apparently hung it up.

    For wrestling fans in general, it's a stunning moment.

    For myself in particular, it feels almost like a punch in the gut followed by a boot to the head.

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  • 377 weeks
    Happy Birthday to me, and new update!

    Well, today I turn 37. It may be my birthday, but you guys get the gift! I promised updates were coming. I know, I know. I promised two by my birthday. Things got a little crazy. But I did managed to get one up. The other is still in the works and I may be able to get it uploaded, if not published, by the end of the night. Keep your fingers crossed. If not by tonight, expect it by no later than

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  • 389 weeks
    Updates a-comin!

    Well it's been awhile since I actually did anything here, ain't it?

    That's all about to change. While I'm still writing my own original novels, I am happy to say that the holidays come bearing literary gifts.

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  • 442 weeks
    Recently Multiple Ordained. My life is weird, but true.

    Just a quick head's up to anyone who follows me,

    I am officially ordained in four online churches. Just thought people should know, in case they need someone to officiate anything. Provided you live in my state or can get transportation for me or you set up.

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  • 443 weeks
    Possible pairings

    Hey gang.
    While I have some plans in mind for this, I'm curious as to who you guys think would be good pairings between my characters from the Shogunverse, and the canon series. I'm curious to see what people think, and then I get to cackle madly and show who's right, who's wrong, and who was crackshipping. :rainbowlaugh:

    So hit me with your best guesses, peeps!

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And so ends a dream, but thankfully not the fic. · 6:15am May 18th, 2012

Well, fellow pony lovers, it is official. The Shogun Six will never be featured on Equestria Daily. Why not, you may ask? Your answer lies here, I'm afraid. In their haste to exclude things they have apparently decided they don't like— and I find their desire to exclude anthro/humanized pony stories a remarkably foolish idea, personally, and not just because I'm writing one myself, but because they have effectively locked out writers who may have great stories that would feature the ponies in anthro forms— they have effectively eliminated my story before it even has a chance to shine with them.

However, this doesn't mean the fic is going to die because of their closed-mindedness. To the contrary. The story will continue, and so will the entire saga of the Six. After all, I have plans for those boys, and I intend to see those plans through if I can help it.

Will I ever submit a story to EqD? Maybe. And I stress maybe. Their current exclusionary attitude makes me think it will be awhile, if ever, though. Don't get me wrong. A few things on that list are fine to exclude since they want to be a little more family friendly than many fanfic sites might be, but that number is excruciatingly small compared to the rest of the list. To put it simply, I'm very leery of ever even trying with them as their current attitude makes me feel like they're practically trying to get rid of fanfiction on their site altogether. I can understand being picky about what they showcase, but not to the point of basically saying 'don't even bother to try if you have an idea that lets the ponies be on less than all four legs' or the like. It just smacks of cliquishness to me. Again, being picky about the quality of a story is one thing. But nitpicking the very ideas behind what may be part of the integral part of a story's plot in such a way that it destroys any hope of people there seeing it is quite another. No, I think I'll stick to Fimfiction.net and Fanfiction.net for the time being, thanks. At least here, if a story is rejected, it's rejected for issues with the actual story, not a background part of the story that should have less bearing on it than the tale itself, regardless how integral that background part may be.

Speaking of the Six, though, chapter five is in the works. Though it's slow going due to the fact that I am still trying to get a novel I've written some literary representation, as well as writing a sequel to said novel, both of which are part of a saga as well. But I hope to have chapter five up within a few weeks. Keep an eye out, you never know when it'll go up! :twilightsmile:

Report Warwolf · 361 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

be sure to tell me if youe axtual novels ever make it to new york state. I'll definitely be looking for them. and also, im glad you're keeping six up here. i thoroughly enjoy it. thats kind of how my firdt fic starrted. with the words "samurai pony" Also I will never post to eqd because they're so pivky. people like my fics here anyway, so why bother?

121615 Ironically, I'm a New Yorker myself. :)

where from, brony? Im from binghamton, about an hour from PA


Originally Brooklyn. Currently in Saratoga Springs.

s'not bad. hit me up if you're near johnson city or binghamton.

Sorry to hear your fic was rejected. You are not alone there let me tell you, course mine was rejected on grammatical grounds but hey what can I say? Just got to do better.
Oh and thanks for the watch by the way!

Bigotry (you used the words 'closed-mindedness', but they're the same thing, more or less) is a really hefty accusation to be throwing around over a fanfic.

In a fandom that's all about friendship and tolerance, it seems a bit... well, out-of-line to take such a reactionary stance to a rule, as if it were a personal attack on you, and to launch counterattacks in kind. Shouldn't you, in the spirit of MLP, try to understand why they might have such a rule instead? It's allowed for you to understand someone's stance without agreeing with it, after all.

I don't work for EqD, so obviously this is just speculation. Their reasons may be entirely different. But here's what I'd say.

Equestria Daily is a site about MLP news and the Brony community. A site about a community centered around a show about six ponies learning lessons about friendship and being better people. Now, to that end, it stands to reason that anything they post should be about the show itself in some way, or the community surrounding it.

Fanfiction, as it stands, is already sort of out on the fringe of that. You can make a case for it being acceptable -- it's fiction about the characters from the show, made by the community -- but it's kind of pushing it, a little. Now, when you change the characters from actual ponies to anthro ponies, or humans, things get a lot murkier. They're no longer quite the same; the entire world has to be altered to suit the change, and while it's still similar, it's no longer directly about the show everyone knows and loves.

In this situation, agreeing to carry those stories dilutes the focus of the site, just a little. It might not seem like much, but it gets into a hazy area that can lead to all sorts of difficult places and unforeseen problems. And on top of that, there are already sites for just this sort of thing. FiMfiction.net, for starters. So it's ultimately healthier for EqD, in terms of what they want the site to be, to keep a tight focus and maintain certain standards.

Again, this is just my speculation. It's what my reasoning would be if I were in their position. But don't you owe it to them as fellow bronies to try and understand where they're coming from, and not treat a rule that inconveniences you as an act of bigotry?


If I meant bigotry, I would have said bigotry. You cannot be bigoted towards fiction because fiction is, itself not a person, animal, etc. And my issue was them deciding, apparently arbitrarily, to exclude stories featuring anthro ponies from their fanfiction section, which was my big issue with it. This seems to be completely arbitrary and has little reasoning behind it. If I didn't make that clear, then I apologize. But again, it seems like it was a change made out of the blue and without explanation.

You didn't say bigotry, but your reaction is treating it that way.

You also didn't address the point I made in my post. Isn't it a bit unfair, in a community about friendship and tolerance, to react that way to the change without trying to understand first?


I would agree with you on that point if it didn't seem like it was done arbitrarily, and itself flies in the face of the message of the show. You said it yourself. This is supposed to be a community about friendship and tolerance. Some of the things they excluded I had no problem with as they made sense. But the exclusion of stories featuring anthro characters seems completely arbitrary and itself flies in the face of what the community is supposed to be about. In this case, I saw no viable reason for this exclusion, so I made my feelings on the matter known after failing to find a logical reason for them to exclude fics with anthro ponies in it. Simple as that.

Well, I just gave you an example of a possible reasoning. It's only my best guess, but having been staff for a couple sites I can kind of see where they're coming from if it is the case. I wouldn't say it "flies in the face of the message of the show"; it's just a measure to keep the focus of the sight tight and narrow. Trust me when I say, a site slowly losing its focus over time can eventually kill it. And when there's other sites that do the job much better anyway... well, here we are, right?


I'm not sure how that makes sense. Even if the ponies have the ability to take on an anthromorphic form, how are they 'losing focus' when the fic is still about Ponies, regardless of whether or not they have a transformative capability?

They're not really ponies anymore. They're still the characters, certainly, but they're 'the characters as a different race'. And that's not what most people come to EqD for, and that's apparently not what EqD wants their site to be about. If people do want that, they've got plenty of tools to find it here on FiMfiction. I'd go so far as to say that coming here is a far better way to find quality fiction in general than waiting for EqD to spot it and post it, anyway.


*shrugs* I personally can't see the logic in that, but whatever.

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