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Infinite Carnage

Just a fella looking to finish what I started

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    Chapter release tomorrow!

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    A chapter in two parts

    With the end of the month now here, I wanted to give another update on the status of the chapter. Work has been slow yet steady, its starting to really come together now, but as I feared its gonna be a very long one. For this reason, I have made the decision the chapter will be split into two parts. This is so it will be easier for everyone to read and you wont be forced to read a 10k chapter in

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    Long time no see

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    New chapter imminent

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    Time Goes too fast

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Ten things that really piss me off about Doctor Who (Mostly the fans) · 11:41pm Feb 22nd, 2014

1) Any one who says Peter Capaldi is too old to play the Doctor

Seriously, that gif above should pretty much counter the "too old" argument. Peter Capaldi will be one of the greatest actors to ever be the Doctor, the man knows far more than when Matt Smith took the role (who knew virtually nothing and he turned out fine) and seriously, he's PETER FUCKING CAPALDI! The man has talent and energy coming out of his backside. He is going to OWN that role.

2) The belief that canonically Rose Tyler is the be-all end-all of all companions in the 50+ year history of Doctor Who
Rose was created to serve a purpose. She was the audience. The clueless individual who is learning about the Doctor and the universe around her for the first time. Because of Rose, we had a reason to connect to the new Doctor and the new show, especially those who had never seen it before. Is she the greatest companion of all time though? No. Not even close. She's a weaker version of Jo Grant in reality, with both Martha Jones and Donna Nobel being far superior in characterisation. At least they were third dimensional. Billie Piper took a character that should have been a very "meh" companion and made her well liked, but comparing her to others is Rose's downfall. For the hell of it, here are some of the companions who were better than Rose:

- Susan Foreman
- Jamie McCrimmon
- Brigadier Alistair Gordon Leftbridge Sterwart
- Liz Shaw
- Jo grant
- Sarah Jane Smith
- Leela
- Tegan
- Peri Brown (and she was only hired for her tits so that says a lot... and yes that is a joke.)
- Forbisher
- Ace
- Donna Nobel
- Amelia Pond
- Rory Williams

3) People who STILL get confused about the Doctor numbering system.
People make it out that it is super complicated when it really isn't. If you are still confused, allow me to direct your eyes to the chart below for clarification.

4) People who think Moffat is ruining the show
I have my own personal gripes with him but he is certainly not ruining it. The show's tone and direction change's with every Doctor. The more child like nature the show adopted with Smith's run was going to happen even if Davies stayed on. He's made some shitty episodes (The Wedding of River Song) but he's also written some classics (The Girl in the Fireplace.) He's a mixed bag but a talented writer when he doesn't let his ego get in the way, which he occasionally does. He loves Doctor Who and deeply cares for it, that much I do know... on a personal note, every Matt Smith series finale did suck so I'll give you that.

5) People who think Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy are bad Doctor's
Fuck you. I'm sorry, but I genuinely get pissed off at this. There is actually a core of this fanbase that thinks it's cool to hate on them because their two of the least known versions of the character. They were bloody brilliant. Colin played the Doctor as he should be, an arrogant man whose saved the universe multiple times. At that point, it makes sense for the Doctor to become much more confident and pigheaded. Yet, Colin's charm and wit helped salvage what could have been a dreadful rendition of the character. Plus, he actually has some very good episodes. Check out Vengeance on Varos, Resurrection of the Dalek's and The Two Doctor's to see what I mean.
McCoy was the smallest of all of the Doctor's (in the sense of size) but one of the most clever. He was devious and calculating, willing to treat those close to him as chess pieces, but this just made him so interesting to watch. He was the traveller and the tactician. Plus, both Doctor's had two of the greatest companions in the shows history, Peri Brown and Ace. They are fantastic, simply fantastic, and they both deserve to be recognised for it.

6) The fact Paul McGann never recieved a TV series
Big finish has done a fantastic job exploring the history of the Eighth Doctor, so has the comic books and I can not thank Moffat enough for making his big finish adventures canon in the "Nigh of the Doctor." Yet, despite popular demand, McGann will never recieve a run as the Doctor on TV. That fucking sucks. Seiously, I can not be the only one who wants to see it?

7) When people say old-who sucked because it was in black and white
I am not going to dignify that with a response, you all know that is stupid.

8) When people say the Doctor can never be a woman
Let's forget about the fact that it has been established in the show that this can happen, that Time Lord's can switch their gender. The Doctor has nearly always been written as genderless, and by that, I mean he's been written in a way that his gender doesn't really matter. That's the thing, it never has! Women can be funny, interesting, charming, lovable, in the sense of writing they can be written just like a male. All those qualities can be put in most Doctor's, so really, why can't he be female at least once? Personally, I'd love to see it. In fact, an artist on deviantart called PaulHanley has drawn pictures of actresses Jamie Murray and Ruth Wilson as the Doctor. Look at these and tell me you don't see it.

(Link to Picture 1 and Picture 2)

9) The line "I never would" in the episode the Doctor's Daughter
Let's ignore the fact that episode sucked and move on. That line is so filled with bullshit that it makes me want to cry. The Doctor has destroyed entire races without blinking an eye, but shooting the guy who murdered his daughter, suddenly he never would. What a load of shit. Even if he was referring to using a gun well he's done that plenty times before. The Second all the way up to the Sixth Doctor definitely used guns. It's a poorly thought out line that makes me cringe every time I see that episode which has only ever been twice. Fuck it.

10) Anyone giving any Doctor shit (and by that I mean saying one Doctor is bad.)
No, they are not. Every single man who has played the Doctor is incredibly talented, and although you may not always like that Doctor for personal taste, he still deserves your respect.

William Hartnell is a legend in TV and without him, this show would have never made it past it's first couple of episodes.
Patrick Troughton is arguably the greatest actor to play the Doctor, and succeeded in the near impossible task of taking over from Hartnell.
Jon Pertwee led the show through massive budget cuts and the beginning of colour, and turned the character into a full fledged action star.
Tom Bake is THE Doctor. His performance has cemented his legacy that he is the greatest man top play the role.
Peter Davison used his natural abilities (e.g. cricket) to embrace the role and make it his own.
Colin Baker waged through shitty story lines with his sharp tongue and wonderful charisma.
Sylvestor McCoy returned the character the his scheming and ingenious ways and helped make sure the show would not be forgotten.
Paul McGann's ability as a voice actor and a TV actor is evident from every time he's played the character, whether that be on TV or audio book.
Jon Hurt's filmography speaks for itself.
Christopher Eccleston re-establish the character and introduced him to a new audience, one who could have easily scorned him.
David Tennant is considered the greatest Doctor of the new-who era for a reason, and his human portrayal of the Doctor have him a whole new angle to play off of.
Matt Smith's child like performance enraptured audiences and introduced Doctor Who to the world during his three year run.

(To steal a quote...)
Even if a Doctor isn’t your Doctor, respect all Doctors. Don’t hate on a Doctor just because they came after your Doctor, don’t hate on a Doctor at all, otherwise you are not a true Whovian and you are truly disrespectful.

So if you've made it all the way through this incredibly long blog, tell me, do you agree? And do you have anything that annoys you about the show of its fandom?

Comments ( 17 )

There was a April fools skit that they put on that had the doctor reincarnate as a female.
Did try finding it, but couldn't sorry.

1863664 I know, Rowan Atkinson was the Doctor. It's fantastic :rainbowlaugh:

1) News to me
2) No one is weaker than Jo "Save me" Grant
3) The Doctor numbering system IS confusing.
4) He's alright.
5) They're better in Big Finish
6) He's great in Big Finish
7) Tomb of the Cymbermen is hype shit
8) Eh
9) He's simply making a point. He's sick of war. He's not saying "I never did" but "I never would now".
10) yup

Comment posted by A Generic Carrot deleted Feb 22nd, 2014

1863672 I would fight you on the Jo thing but I'm tired.

1863681 I love it


I loved Jo.

She was perfect for the 3rd Doctor.

A klutz to massage his ego.

1863694 Funny really, that's essentially what the brigadier told the Third Doc.


pretty much the closet thing to a love interest in the classic series.

I personally enjoyed when David Tennet was the Doctor. Also I was kind of hoping that the next regen was going to be female. Mostly for the reaction. I can imagine that it would be a classic moment.

I personally have no issue with Capaldi as the new Doctor, to be honest I've never heard of him before now as I really haven't watched much British TV let alone the drama's he's know for. I am and always will look forward to the next new Doctor Who episode.

For the hating on Doctors thing? I don't and never have.

I like ALL of the Doctors.............. Just to different levels and some rank higher than others for me. Nothing against them or the fantastic actors who brought them to life, just that some Doctors I can really like and be interested in and others? Well they just don't grab me the same way.

Man, this just makes me wanna do my Doctor Who crossover series more and more. Each Doctor traveling to Equestria to solve various problems for the ponies. Man, it would be fucking sweet too, since Doc Numero Uno is my favorite. :heart:

One of these days. :ajsleepy:

1867634 Dude, I'm setting up a story just like that.

I feel number nine there is a little off... Yes, the Doctor HAS used guns before, but they were trying to paint Ten a different way. We find more about that later, when in the 50th anniversary special he is considered "the one that regrets," most likely closer to sowing that he wants to do his best to never again be violent, or at least along those lines.

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