• Member Since 28th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 11th, 2023


My heart will sing no other name! Jesus! Jesus!

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  • 338 weeks

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  • 454 weeks

    I suppose this is as good a time as any.

    For any who actually care, back in April (I believe it was April at least...) I said I was leaving eventually for various reasons.

    That time is now. This is my official statement. I denounce being a Brony.

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  • 469 weeks
    Started an Abridged Series!

    So I started an Abrigded Series!

    Check it out!

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  • 476 weeks
    Tanks for the Memories thoughts.

    (Warning: Rant Ahead)

    I generally don't do this. I simply just don't usually find the need to post my thoughts on any given episode, as they're generally most likely mirrored (sometimes even word for word) elsewhere.

    But I hated this episode. It's probably the one I hate most of all, beyond even that of the Trenderhoof episode (which, to this day, I have not nor will ever finish).

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  • 477 weeks


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Something People Requested That I Should Do · 8:01am Feb 19th, 2014

So, I doodled these pictures below and some people thought I should write a story based off of them.

Well, good news for you peeps! I have decided to do that! Here's the scene that happens directly after the picture. (well the early stages at least)

"You okay now, Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow slowly nodded her head as she wiped the last remaining tears away with her free hoof. "Yeah... I think so..." A smirk broke across her face as she gently lowered her alicorn friend to the ground. "Actually, I'm better than okay! In fact..."

She smashed her front hooves together as the smirk spread further, "I'm pumped! I feel like I could do anything!"

Fluttershy flew off of Dash's muzzle, landing next to Twilight, the two exchanging happy smiles. The former looked back up to her cyan friend. "Good for you! I'm glad to see you're back to normal! Well, your personality, at least!"

"Aw yeah!" Dash boasted, "Rainbow Dash is back and better than ever, baby! I'm so pumped that I just wanna shout!"

The two mares on the ground nodded to each and plugged their ears. Twilight replied, "Go for it!"

Dash inhaled deep. This caused Twilight's face to drop in fear as she whispered last minute, "...This was a mistake..."

Before anyone could stop it, Rainbow bellowed a shout that shook the entire foundation of Ponyville. "My name is Rainbow Dash and I'M FINE!!!

Rainbow Dash stood up on her hind legs, bouncing in a fighting position and throwing punches at the air while still being careful not to crush the buildings and such. "Aw yeah! Now, I'm REALLY pumped! So, what are we up against? Discord? Changelings? Giant robot things?"

"Actually," Twilight replied, still trying to undizzy herself from the shout, "we need to go to Cantorlot..."

The Towering Mare's smirk deepened, "That's all?"

"...But we don't exactly have a way to get there..." Twi concluded, shaking her head to rid it of the remaining dizzyness.

"Psh! Please!" The Megasus smashed her hooves together again. "I'll have us there in ten seconds flat!"

"Wait, you're going to run us there?" The alicorn scowled. "Are you su-"

"Ally-Oop!" Dash grasped her friends and threw them on her back as she ran at top speed out of town, crossing the town line almost immediately (again, avoiding buildings and such).

"Gah!" Twilight shouted. "Could you please warn me the next time you do something like that? You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Dash snickered. "Sorry." Then, she exclaimed, "Haha! I'm so pumped, I feel like I could run to Cantorlot and back at least ten times"

"Good for you!" Twi smiled.

"Just, um, could you guys not tell the others I cried? I've got an image to keep, y'know!"

Twilight chuckled, "Pinkie Promise." As she finished the motions required to make the promise, she asked, "But I have one question."

Dash nodded. "Fire away!"

"You said that your house was destroyed. Wanna talk about it?"

For the first time since singing 'Lead Me to the Cross', Dash fell silent.

"Oh..." Twilight realized, "I didn't-"

"...Fine." Rainbow deadpanned.


"It's fine. I'll tell you what happened."

I had just placed the last piece of furniture in my new house on the outskirts of town. Since I lost my wings, I had to move from Cloudsdale since there was no way I'd be able to live there without them...

Anyway, the furniture was a picture of Dad and me. We took it just after we moved to the Cloudsdale... It's the last thing I have of my Dad... He died shortly after we moved...

I placed it in the hallway I'd use to go to my new room, so I'd always be able to see him. "Hey Dad! It's been a while! How's it goin'?" I closed my eyes and started crying. "I miss you so much, Daddy..."

Then, Pinkie's last words echoed in my head, "Don't cry because the good times are over, Dashie! Smile because they happened!"

I started crying even harder as a strange feeling tingled in my chest... The only things that remained of both Dad and my Cloudsdale house were my memories and momentoes... But I was also smiling. Everything Dad and I did together... I wouldn't change a thing. "It may not be Cloudsdale... but it's home."

I finally opened my eyes and rubbed my tears away, only to notice that the picture had gotten farther away. Like, a LOT farther. Confused, I looked around my room, only to notice everything was smaller, and was shrinking. It finally hit me as to what was happening...

"NO..." I cried. "No! Not now!" I scrambled to find the nearest exit. "How did this ha-" I cut off my own thought. I knew of only one pony in Ponyville who could do something like this. Rage began building as I growled, "Twilight..."

I knew the perameters of the situation... If I didn't get out in time... If I outgrew my home... I'd lose all my momentoes of Cloudsdale! I'd lose Dad... And I was NOT about to let that happen!

But fate can be cruel sometimes...

To my despair, when I had finally reached the door, I had already gotten to big to fit through. "NO!" I cried as I hung my head and placed my hooves on the wall above the door.

...It wasn't long before my head hit the ceiling. As my hind legs pushed against the far end wall, I curled into a fetal position, hoping for a miracle.

But, as I continued to grow, the room began to squeeze me and I realized that the miracle would never come. As my face pushed against the ceiling, it was getting harder to breathe.

I lied there, paralytic, inside that house. "SOMEONE!! ANYONE!!! P-PLEASE!! HELP!!!!" I screamed 'til my throat was numb.

I was about to break out... I needed a way out. "I don't believe that it's gotta be this way!" The worst was the waiting... "I'm gonna suffocate in this room!"

I felt air filling up my lungs with oxygen. I took it in... I thought I had died...

I had soon realized that my head had finally broken through the wood, splintering it to sinders. I took another deep breath. Before realizing it, my chest was above my house now as well.

When my flank and back separated the remainder of the roof from the house, I realized I had to get out of the soon-to-be rubble. Stepping over the front side to the best of my ability, I started running towards your tree library. Then, I heard a sickening crash as I heard my house collapse.

I couldn't look back... I just wanted to puke...

With tears welling in my eyes, I just kept running. I passed two ponies on the road. "Get outta my way!" I shouted. Only when I looked back at them from about a mile away did I realized that the two ponies were Applejack and Rarity... And they had high-tailed it in the complete opposite direction from me...

Hurt by fate and friends, I finally found you.

Rainbow Dash finished, emotionless. "There you go. That's the story."

Twilight gasped, "Rainbow! I'm so sorry! I had no idea!"

Dash shook her head, "Don't worry about it. Just... Just drop it."

"You don't understand!" Twilight began tearing up. "You growing and your house being destroyed... It's all my fau-"

Rainbow Dash stopped suddenly and let out a booming growl as she turned her head and glared at Twilight, "I said DROP IT."

As Rainbow started running again, Twilight, taken aback by her friend's sudden harsh tone, started trembling. Why am I trembling? ...A-Am I afraid? But I'm one of Rainbow's last friends who isn't afraid! If I start fearing her now, then who's left?

"U-Um, Twilight?" Fluttershy broke Twi's thought process. "I sense much discord in Rainbow Dash's emotions. I can hear her heart crying out for help..."

And that's enough for one night. Oi.... Two Hours of typing on my Wii U.... Not fun.

At any rate, this is what I came up with for you guys who wanted it.

Report AkemiTheSunbro · 448 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Arghhhh!!! Why can't I fave and like a blog post????
Anyways, I loved it! A few grammar/spelling errors, but considering you were typing on a Wii U, I'm amazed there were so few! You must continue it!

Please? :fluttershysad:

1852103 Dang, and I thought I read fast!

But, yeah, it'll definitly continue. Eventually.

Dude, nice use of Phoenix Wright Music! :pinkiehappy:

1857231 :pinkiehappy:

I've only recently been introduced to the series through Dual Destinies (and Phoenix Wright Turnabout Storm :yay:) and I love it already! ESPECIALLY the music!

And then there's this.

I just wanna lay in a corner and cry. :fluttercry:

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