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More Blog Posts78

  • 2 weeks
    Friendship Souls on Wednesday

    Hello folks, just giving you all a heads up that due to a bit of a personal issue that's cropped up this past week I'm going to need a few extra days to finish up the next chapter. Nothing super serious, just unexpected happenings in real life demanding my attention, so no worries, just need a bit longer to complete this chapter. Anyhow, hope you folks have a good weekend and as always thank you

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  • 11 weeks
    Friendship Souls chapter next week.

    Hello folks. Unfortunately my work schedule the past couple of weeks has slowed down my writing a fair amount. With luck, the work burden will ease in the coming weeks, and I can play a bit of catch up. As such, the current chapter is about halfway done, but should be done by next Saturday. As always I appreciate you folks' patience.

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  • 17 weeks
    Tentative Delay to Monday

    Hello folks, just giving you all the heads up that I'm taking another couple of days on this chapter of Friendship Souls. It's, like, 90% done, and I want to cook this one for a bit longer. Pinkie Pie fights are always a little wonky to write. I thank you all for your patience and hope you folks have a good weekend.

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  • 22 weeks
    Friendship Souls Holiday Delay

    Just a heads up for you folks, while I've been working on the chapter, the holidays have cut into my time enough that I figure it's necessary to take an extra week on this one. I do hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and has a great New Year, and I promise Friendship Souls shall return for the first Saturday of 2024.

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  • 31 weeks
    Taking an extra week on next FS chapter

    As just a heads up for everyone, this past week my family and I went on a trip, and while it was quite fun, it was also exceedingly draining between the constant running around and the jet lag from going coast to coast. As a result, I'm well behind on chapter progress, and while I'm mostly recovered from the jet lag and general trip exhaustion, it'll probably take me an extra week to get the next

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I Jabber Story Progress, and Other Semi-Related Things! · 2:19am Feb 7th, 2014

Man, I don't do blog posts often, do I? Oh well, got some things to talk about to the fine folk out there who may be interested.

First off, something I've wanted to do for a little while is find some videos that might help my Trigger to Tomorrow readers get a better feel for the Wild Arms half of my FoE crossover. Despite searching the depths of YouTube I've never found a full-on retrospective video that'd actually give a good overview of these games, and I didn't want to just link you guys Let's Plays, because, really, I don't suspect anyone's got that kind of time to sit and watch a full Let's Play of a game, and it shouldn't be needed to understand Trigger anyway. But, I did find a couple of game reviews that do an alright job of covering the first two games, and perhaps can help show a bit of what it was about these games that hooked me when I was a kid, and remain so strong in my memory to this day.

Oddly, I couldn't seem to find any detailed reviews of Wild Arms 3-5, or the PSP tactical spin-off XF. Oh well.

Now, on some of my current story progress!

The Crossfire side story's next chapter is all but done. Its mainly just a matter of polish and final error checking, then it'll be posted up. Should be able to expect that one soon.

The next chapter of Trigger to Tomorrow itself is roughly 20% done. Kind of slow progress as I've been working on other things, but with the Crossfire side story chapter near done I'll be able to direct more focus on the TtT chapter properly.

For those of you out there who read the Lunaverse, I'm about halfway done with the next Fate/Lunaverse chapter, and roughly the same distance towards getting my Season 2 story, Contest of Champions, through its prologue. I'm debating just how much I should put into the prologue for Contest, as I don't want it to be too large for a simple prologue chapter, but I wanted to sort of introduce most of the main characters I'll be bringing in for this one as well, so that means a lot of different scenes happening before we even get to the traditional Lunaverse title sequence. Hoping to get this one ready before too much longer though.

Lunaverse X Shadowrun is kind of stalled at the moment due to my work on the above stories. I've started the chapter, and know more or less where I'm going with it, just can't focus on it too much until I get the other story chapters done.

And, finally, I feel the need to both made the usual excuse of my distractions from writing due to gaming, and at the same time do a little shameless plugging for the games that have been distracting me. I love my rpgs, and recently discovered a company that makes very solid quality old-school style western rpgs for computer. The company is called Spiderweb Software, and while its been around for quite some time, I only just learned of it and its games about a month ago; and since then have been tearing through the games it has to offer. I'm particularly fond of their Geneforge series, but Avernum and Avadon have also been providing quite the time sink for me. I promise I'll wrestle my self control into line and keep working on my stories, but sometimes its good to engage in the kind of games that have both storytelling and world building that remind me of why I like to write in the first place. For any of you out there who like rpgs and don't mind the old style graphics and gameplay I can't give Spiderweb's games any higher a recommendation.

Now, a final thing I'd like to share before I sign off and get back to typing on one story or another. Doomande was kind enough to commission some more great TtT artwork. Arcaidia is quite the adorable filly, you'd never imagine she could turn you into a popscicle. I really like the artstyle cutencreatures uses, reminds me of the art Yoshitaka Amano does for the Final Fantasy series.

Well, that's all I got folks, for now. Take it easy.

Report thatguyvex · 456 views ·
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I didn't want to just link you guys Let's Plays, because, really, I don't suspect anyone's got that kind of time to sit and watch a full Let's Play of a game

Dude that's a vast majority of my life. Also the completionist thing's in my watch later list. But despite that all the only way you can really learn any game is first hand experience. That's why they work so good. The LP is but a taste that makes you want more!

I've said it in the past if it weren't for Chuggaa's Okami LP I'd have never gotten it or been interested in Okamiden.

HCBaily made me get Desgia (the DS one because that's my main system). I enjoyed it until I tried for HOURS to get glasses. I hate the senate. You can't get anything done with them.

But I'm off topic (am or do I just use that expression to much?) the point is LP's are great sources for getting you interested in something you may never have known even exists otherwise.

I wish I could say I had a copy (ANY of them (Code: F, 3, 4, or 5 since I only have a PS2 to play them on) but like so many other things (like Rouge Galaxy) whenever I'm on a quest to find a game I just can't. Trust me I've had some great goose chases in the past (like getting all the Battlenetworks ah good times), but in recent years I've been unable to find anything while on a quest to do so. Just been random happenstance (like Nocturne, Chip Challenge, Demi-Kids, Castlevainia 64, and Superman 64 (why I wanted it I will never know)). Probably be easier if I knew where the non gamestop stores were near my house. But I'll worry about that some other time after all there's already a game I've had my eyes on for a while that I won't miss out on.

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