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Road Map for 2014 · 10:50pm Jan 18th, 2014

Okay, because my prereaders...well, one prereader, in any case...feels that I need to mention this, so I will.

2014 is going to be an interesting year. Yeah, I'm going to try the KS again. I'll give you all plenty of notice, so if you want to join in there will be that. Looking forward to getting that work finally out.

But, you probably want to know more about the AAGverse. So with further ado:

- Polarity: still chugging along. Considering my earlier post about it (plus, what you may have read in KHC), you'll know why. Still, I want to finish it this year, so hell or highwater, things will be wrapped up soon.
- Sidestories: a bunch of you have given me good ideas (how Gilda's doing on HE), some not workable ideas (sorry, no ponies adopting humans; one of the peripheral problems in the story is that ponies have a hard time adopting their own, much less other species), some that have been neutered by canon to the point that I don't want to change it (sorry, there went my Snowflake-oriented homage to The Emperor's Club and other scholastic dramas) and some are just never going to pass (as I mentioned before, Doctor Whooves in this story is just Derpy's cousin Time Turner, not The Doctor).
- We'll be moving onto the second act of AAG, which means we get to run into the Purehooves and their plot - and someone/pony/dragon/being is going to die. Yup, a chess piece or two is going to be removed from the board. You have been warned.
- You might find out who Nightmare Moon is this year...if I get through the Purehooves arc.
- Lastly, I'm considering creating a group for the AAGverse, and maybe inviting another author to run around the playground for a BH sidestory or two. Thoughts?

Any questions?

Report Shinzakura · 241 views · Story: All-American Girl ·
Comments ( 10 )

Well as always, I look forward to more from your stories here. And if you make a group for AAGverse I will be on that shit faster than a metaphor I can't think of right now.

Also, don't let the show's canon keep you from writing any of your ideas. The fact that Twilight Sparkle isn't a princess in AAG pretty much makes it AU by this point.

Whatever you do, I'm sure it'll be awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:


Well, I slapped the AU label on the story back when I first started, so no issue there. I'm just referring to gross changes in ponies' personalities (with some possible exceptions :raritywink:) that would prevent me from doing it.

And if enough people agree with the group, I can do that.

Twilight being a princess doesn't really change anything really. Season 4 hasn't done anything with it so why should you?

The idea for the group sounds promising. :pinkiehappy:

I'm genuinely surprised there isn't a group for AAG.


Make a group and I will join it.

and maybe inviting another author to run around the playground for a BH sidestory or two

Is this going to be a specific author, or can anyone volunteer?

Looks like there's some strong interest in it.

As to other authors playing in the universe, I'd love to hear the idea so it doesn't conflict with what's written, but yeah, the plan was for any author to do it.

Yay Roadmap!

An AAG group can't hurt, then we can use the forum to discuss thoughts, ideas, and ponies. :twilightsheepish:

I love the stories, but beyond the work woes and financial flutters that will keep me away for months (at least), I've just the wrong mindset for the AAGverse.

Nightmare Moon tossed away the stallion with all rhe contempt of somepony dropping an old fruit peel in the trash, ignoring the whimper as it landed on a freshly-broken leg. "Does anypony else feel like being a hero tonight?" she asked. She thought it was a rhetorical question, and a quick glance at the crowd would have agreed with her. But as she opened her mouth to add a little more scorn, she felt something smash into it and shatter. Poison? Obviously, but what kind? First to neutralize it, then to find those responsible and... Use rhem to entertain the crowd.. She could identify two of the flavors right off: a tuft of cloud and a rainbow's brightness. The third... pegasus feather?

A mustachioed unicorn in a ridiculous strawboater hat stepped forward and drank from a slender vial. Her horn flared with dark magic as she prepared to burn him to the ground, this impertinent, terminally stupid, adorable, splendid example of a stallion. "Honey woney!"

"Mon petite cheval du nocturne," he replied.

His brother pulled back from the corner he'd been spying from, and smiled at the the princess of Day. "Well?"

Celestia shook her head as the words "cutesy," "wutesy," and other things "-utesy" rang through the night. "This is almost worse. But yes, 20,000 bits and five years exclusive access to the Canterlot apple market.". As another "Sweetie-Pie" assaulted her ears, she winced. "And may Faust have mercy on our souls."

I'm sure other authors could do great things there, though.

- We'll be moving onto the second act of AAG, which means we get to run into the Purehooves and their plot - and someone/pony/dragon/being is going to die. Yup, a chess piece or two is going to be removed from the board. You have been warned.

Well, it sucks to hear so, but I guess that so many last second rescues just aren't believable. Mike should have died on the fields underneath Cloudsdale, if not from the impact, then from the impact with Celestia's arms. It also felt somewhat flimsy how he was saved by DJ.

- Lastly, I'm considering creating a group for the AAGverse, and maybe inviting another author to run around the playground for a BH sidestory or two. Thoughts?

I think you have needed it for quite a while. Just make sure that your four stories are in a locked folder named 'original', so there's a clear line between your work and the AAG fanfics that you'll be receiving.

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