• Member Since 7th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 4th, 2018


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More Blog Posts87

  • 492 weeks
    Happy New Year Everybody

    Hey everyone. What's up. Just here to wish you all a very happy new year.

    Yes, I'm not dead (as I'm sure some of you might have suspected). I am very much still around, and I am still writing. So yeah.

    Now to answer the question I'm sure all (or at least most of you) are asking.

    Are you going to keep working on Wake up. See this. What do?



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    7 comments · 638 views
  • 519 weeks
    Dead Space 3 Abridged episode 1 (Daedaltheus and I are in this)

    What's up everyone. Hey, remember what seems like a long time ago now that DaedaltheusXIV and I had that dramatic reading channel, but we stopped doing it because we both graduated from college and were no longer living in the same state? Well um.... we're not returning, but we have been lending our vocal talents to something entirely new.

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    0 comments · 464 views
  • 519 weeks

    I am going to figure out a way to incorporate this into WUSTWD... somehow...

    2 comments · 452 views
  • 521 weeks

    There are very few things in life that I consider perfect, or at least as close to perfect as possible since we all know that true perfection is impossible, but yes, there are very few things in life that I consider so good that they might as well be perfect.

    This though.............

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    1 comments · 454 views
  • 523 weeks
    I think I found our theme song

    For the duo that is DaedaltheusXIV and I, I think I found our theme song. Why is this our theme song? Just cause okay, you don't need to look too deeply into it. Otherwise you might start bleeding out and that isn't fun for anybody.


    Oh and before any of you ask.

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    3 comments · 498 views

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ - Ambition/New WUSTWD Update Schedule/I Can't Keep Doing This/I'm Sorry · 4:09am Jan 10th, 2014

Hey guys, what's up. RazortheAwesome here again.

Hey um, look, I just wanna say in advance that for everything that I am going to say, I'm sorry. I really, truly am. You guys are the only reason I keep going, and this is the last thing I want to do to you guys but.... I'm sorry....

To get right to the point, I'm going to be reducing the number of weekly updates for Wake up. See this. What Do? from three times a week to only once a week. So, instead of updating on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I'm just going to be updating on Mondays from now on.

Why am I doing this? Well, for many, MANY reasons actually.

The main reason I am doing this is that well.... like is kind of not being good to me right now. Don't worry I'm not manically depressed again or anything like that, but... Look, I'm just at that weird point in my life right now where I'm just out of college and don't have a job, so yeah....

You see, writing the chapters for WUSTWD takes more time than you might think, and it's only taking more time the more I go on with this. Time, which could be better spent, looking to find a job. A job that hopefully lies in a creative field. Yeah..... really, I don't think I need to explain that anymore.

Updates might return to three times a week if and when I get a stable job and my own place sometime in the near future, but don't hold your breath on that. Those things down come automatically. These are things, however, that I NEED (and I can't emphasize enough how much I need) if I want to get on with my life, and writing WUSTWD, as fun as it is, is a distraction from this. So I am going to have to tone it down for a little while until I can get these things and get back into a stable routine again, something I don't have at all right now.

Another reason for this is that, well.... I'm sure you all saw that "Ambition" part in the title and are thinking to yourselves "What the f*ck is that about, ambition?" Now you might be thinking that it's just career ambition. That I want to get an amazing career and do whatever I can to get it. That is partially, correct. Yes, I do have ambitions for an amazing career in a creative field, but that's not that ambition I am talking about as far as right here, right now.

You see, Wake up. See this. What do? isn't the only thing I write. I don't mean fanfictions either. I have many, MANY ideas that I have said I would only write down after I got out of college, and well... I'm out of college now, and not a one of those ideas have seen the light of day. In fact, the only reason I started WUSTWD in the first place was to get myself used to hammering out several thousand words a day for when I start writing those ideas.

But yes. I have ambitions, I have dreams. I want to become a professional writher/author someday. I do want great things for myself and my ideas, and WUSTWD unfortunately, is becoming a distraction from that too. I have no time at all to write any of these ideas because I spend so much time on WUSTWD. At the very least, I want to get ONE book done and hopefully out by the years end (I've looked into self publishing so yeah), and I want some time to work on that now. So yeah.... I've been working towards this my whole life.... and I want to start on it now.

The third reason why I have to do this is because well..... I can't keep this up anymore.

It was easy back when it was only simple, 1000 word or at most 4000 word chapters and I could get it done in an hour, maybe an hour and a half depending on what I needed and I didn't care that much, but now..... Now I do care about this story. I do care a lot and want to make it go places and make it good. Because of all that's happening, and because I always hold myself to a very high standard when writing which makes me always push for quality, chapters on average are now in the 8000 to 10000 words in length, and because of my high standards of quality to give you guys something that you will both love and enjoy, I have to spend longer and longer on each chapter regardless of how long it gets.

This is especially true because I have such an AWESOME story planned out for the rest of WUSTWD and I want to deliver the best for you guys, and I have to make all plot ends meet somehow. I want to give you guys the best, and that, does take time. Time that could be spent doing other things.

But at the length these chapters are getting at and the quality that is being demanded both of by me and by you guys.... I can't keep doing this three times a week.... I'm sorry.

There are other factors going into this as well, like the fact that I still haven't seen a single episode of Season 4 yet because I spend all my time on writing this series, but yeah..... They're not as important and those, so they aren't worth mentioning.

So yeah.... I am going to have to cut down on updates for WUSTWD from three times a week to once a week.... Mondays only... I'm sorry.

Don't worry, I'm not going to stop writing Wake up. See this. What do? entirely, far from that. Hell, the only way I would ever stop writing it is if I had died, but that's not happening, not soon anyway. Like I said, I do care about this story, I care about it a lot, and I REALLY want to see it continue, but I just can't keep going at it three times a week.

It's a conundrum I know. I want to keep doing this, but at the same time.... yeah.......

Don't worry, it's now all doom and gloom though. There are several benefits to this.

1.) Less delays.
I will be less inclined to skip days or miss entirely if I only have to do this once as opposed to several times a week. So yeah, there won't be as many delays to this story if we go this way, regardless of whatever happens in real life.

2.) Improved quality.
Because I'll only be updating once a week as opposed to three, I'll have more time to look over the chapters and make sure they are up to what they should be before I put them out. This also gives me an opportunity to say, if I have time on extra days, spend three, maybe four days of the week writing one chapter as opposed to just one day like I usually do. So quality will improve, and if it doesn't, well, 10,000 plus word chapters might be possible from this. So yeah... things will happen. Look forward to it.

3.) More time to comment
This one is pretty self explanatory. So yeah...

4.) I will always deliver.
Yeah... now I have even more of a reason to deliver new chapters than I did before. So there will be updates on mondays.

5.) The show will go on.
Kind of the same thing as the last one. This may seem slower at first, but when you realize that updates aren't stopping and there are less and less delays happening because of my daily life, you'll see how this makes up to you in the end.

6.) This won't feel like work for me.
This was always fun, but now it's becoming work for me.... and I want it to be fun again otherwise it's not worth it. So yeah.... I'll write more and I'll enjoy it more.

So yeah....

Again, I am truly, TRULY sorry for doing this, but it is something that I have to do.

Sorry.... I will make it up to you. WUSTWD is not stopping, and what I've planned for the future of this story I can tell you with 100% certainty, is going to literally blow you out of your seat. So yeah.... look forward to it. I will keep writing if you keep giving me a reason to.

So yeah...

I'm sorry.....

Thank you all....

Comments ( 13 )

Honestly, I'm fine with this. You turn out good work, and I'm more than willing to wait a week between updates. I wait longer on some of the webcomics I read.

You gotta do what ya gotta do. Don't worry, I get it.
Life comes first, then ponies. I wish you the best of luck! :pinkiehappy:
I look forward to your future updates.

Dude, as a writer, I completely understand. These things take time and dedication to be great works and such. I'm not worried about this.

Hey I'm kewl with that, for a second there I thought you were done. Gave me a heart attack xD

Oh please, it's gonna take a lot more than this to get me to stop. :pinkiehappy:

You are the all powerful writer god of justice. What you want and what you need is the least of what you deserve. That you have kept up with this for so long is good. What I am wondering about is what are some of your ideas. I am good at conceptualizing, but I don't have the attention span to write a full novel unless I know I can collect money for it. (Which, because of this incapability I probably never will). I have some really good ideas for plot lines etc, but can't get them down as full size novels. Pm me at some point and we can bounce some things around.

No worries. I was falling behind anyway.

Compared to waiting for chapters from other stories, this is nothing. I'm far too loyal to abandon those "update per 6 month" stories, and I'm damned too fucking loyal to feel upset about the schedule change on this story. Heck, another plus side is that the sidestory can have more time to brainstorm more ideas.

By all means, drink all the homicidal-maniac-making cola, and get the best employers all you want.

And stop saying sorry!

Dude, that's fine. It's just a story and anything else can easily take higher priority than that so take all the time you need, life and getting a job is much more important than the story, good luck getting a job.:twilightsmile:

All is good, mighty Writer God of Justice. I'm sure everyone's fine with one chapter per week. Heck, it's still updating way faster than most fics.

Your life and well being come before any story, for anyone to think different would be truly shocking and saddening. Take care of yourself, follow your dreams, and get in a place where you feel happy with how things are going. If writing the story ceases to be fun for you, it will destroy all you started by making this story. 
To be honest, I'm grateful with one update a week and am glad you will keep writing. 
Best of luck finding a job out there, we support you.

Take your time. You aren't selling this, so I personally feel that noone has a right to be annoyed over this :twilightsheepish:

I see that this story means as much to you as it does us (even though this is my 1st comment, so i don't feel as included but thats not the point). You give people chapters to read every week, thus ALSO giving them something to look forward to. I say that is an upside all by itself. If you need time to find a job and establish a schedule, go for it, its not like there's anyone whos gonna stop you. Good luck and keep writing. May the force be with you- oops, wrong story. :)

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